The 4 pillars for sustainable entrepreneurship



Entrepreneurship has a big role in the Economic Development of a country. The EU Commission and governments are investing in programs to foster entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship (I.e. The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan by the EC).

Spain, Italy, Chile and Colombia need to improve their efforts, as there is a long path to be done to have a higher position in the GEM. The Missing Entrepreneurs 2017 demonstrates entrepreneurship skills is one of the most frequently cited barriers to successful business creation.

Our consortium carried out a Context Analysis (Attached) of the entrepreneurship situation in our countries. After a deep analysis in recent studies from OCDE, EUROSTAT, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, etc., as well as Focus Groups carried by each organisation, we determined the obstacles to start a new project and reasons of entrepreneurship failure.

Through this analysis we identified the main reasons of non-success:

  • Lack of confidence and poor interpersonal skills
  • Lack of motivation
  • Financing: do not know how to create a sustainable project, as well as calculating and managing its budget
  • Unsustainability: Lack of tools, projection and effective participatory methodologies often lead to the development of poorly designed projects with short-term and unviable visions.
  • Lack Decision-making competences
  • Team Building: troubles to listen, motivate and help the rest of the team to solve conflicts.
  • Weak Management competencies: Do not know tools to manage a project (i.e.defining objectives, distribution of tasks, etc)
  • Social Entrepreneurship: Most of young people are focused on business than creating projects for the society and earth’s welfare

These obstacles have been in the path of our young people, causing:

  • Refuse to start a new project
  • Project abortion in one of the phases of the project
  • No success: Not having a sustainable project
  • Fear

On the other hand, our consortium identified that our youth workers would like to enhance their capacities in providing youngsters tools in entrepreneurship. They are also interested in acquiring an international vision and collaborate with people from different countries and expertise. We are interested in carrying out the project because it will help us to face those obstacles, as well as to cover the needs stated in Annex “Project Details”.


In this project we will create the PEAS Methodology composed of different tools that will make young people create sustainable projects. We consider, young entrepreneurs not should focus only in profitability but have a high commitment and respect with the Earth, Society and themselves. For this reason, the peas Methodology will be composed of 4 pillars with different tools:

P: Prevention of Climate Change
E: Entrepreneurship and project design
A: Awareness
S: Social Activism

The main aim of the project is to empower youth workers and young people with tools for the creation of sustainable projects being respectful with our planet, with our society and with themselves.

Our young people do not have all the necessary skills to entrepreneur and our youth workers would like to enhance their abilities in providing tools and methodologies to their youngsters (especially with fewer opportunities) helping them to foster their inclusion and autonomy.


Transportation tickets: Each organisation will decide if they or their participants will book the tickets. Permacultura Cantabria will refund the travel expenses.

Insurance: will issue a travel insurance for each participant and will ask European participants to issue the European Health Insurance Cards

Linguistic Preparation: will support the participants to issue the Europass Language Passport to analyse their English level. Each organisation will be responsible to provide English Classes or/and tools for those who require to increase their level before their travel.

Pedagogical Preparation: We will send an infopacks that includes a project summary and course programme to each participant. Meetings will be held to explain the participants all the details regarding the project and mobility activities.

Preparatory Meetings: All the necessary meetings with the participants will be held in order to prepare all the tasks of the project.


Supporting: will provide the participants infopacks (Project, Transportation, Expenses Justification, Country’s Information, etc.). They will answer all the participants’ questions and will support them in everything for arriving to the venue place (Colombia, Spain).

Arrange participants’ accommodation: will look and book the accommodation. This place must have installations that facilitate the mobility of people with special needs.

Kitchen Service: will be in charge of organizing breakfast, lunch and dinner. Before the participants’ arrival, they will ask their special needs (vegetarian, vegan, etc.) and food allergies.

Safety and Protection Measures: will establish them to avoid any accidents.

Ask participants before their arrival to provide information regarding their healthy issues, allergies and their contact person’s details in case of emergency.

Transportation Management: will provide an Infopack with best options to arrive to the venue place before their departure.

Participants Selection: We will prepare a call of participants in which each organisation will select the final group of participants. Each entity will carry out the following tasks:

  • Participants Selection
  • Preparation and dissemination of a Call of Participants
  • Call of Participants Assistance
  • Selection of Participants
  • Results Notification

At a local level, it is expected that PEAS will have empowered the youth workers and young participants to create sustainable projects being respectful with the Earth, Society and themselves. They will have strengthened youth cooperation as they will have engaged youngsters in the design of their own activities and projects. They will have improved their problem-solving and decision-making abilities, leadership and public speaking capacities and, entrepreneurship and project management knowledge.

On a regional and national levels, the outcomes of the project will affect the youth community of the participating organisations, youth workers, young people and other entities with whom they interact. The participants who attend the mobilities in Colombia and Spain will have transferred the tools and skills acquired through internal workshops, empowering other young people to develop sustainable projects. In these workshops participants and young people will have defined and implement sustainable projects that will have a positive impact and benefit the youth, society and environment. The improvement of their competences, the acquisition of the PEAS tools and the creation of new projects will become clear, in their daily interaction in their society, enhancing their inspiration and their social psychological development.

The participants will have increased their awareness about, entrepreneurship, social inclusion and non-discrimination. They will have tools to integrate conflicts into inclusion situations. We will have been able to create safe spaces and teach the youngsters around them to foster entrepreneurship and social inclusion with projects that consider the society, Earth and themselves. The consortium will be pioneers and will include the PEAS as part of their cornerstones in which their youth workers will help young people to be part of the society. Oriel, Bibliotec and Terram will create new initiatives, programmes and projects in collaboration with young people from their communities.

On an international level, the participants, in the context of being in a course abroad, act as ambassadors of their own countries, improving the perception about the culture of each country. It is expected that through the transnational activities, the participants acquire an international perspective. Also, to enhance an intersectoral cooperation between young people and other entities around Europe and LATAM such as public bodies, educational and youth centers, etc.
Our project contributes to the Erasmus + community, as we will share our results within the Erasmus + network, so that other centers and organisations can be inspired by the project.


Objective: To transfer the PEAS Methodology and project outcomes in local, regional, national, European and international levels.


Create dissemination materials:

  • Success Stories: Participants will share their success stories regarding their experience in a mobility activity, the importance of PEAS and how the project has changed their own lives.
  • Newsletters
  • Information pills

We will create these materials regarding the internal workshops, project results, etc. and will disseminate it in social networks, websites, emailing and Erasmus+ Platforms.

Internal Workshops: After the youth exchange in Spain, each organisation will carry out internal workshops to transfer the learning acquired to other young people and youth workers from their communities. We will invite organisations to participate such as (Inside, Fundación Colombina, Cantabria University, Agency for the promotion of the Pasiegan Valleys, Amnesty International, Ronda della Caritá, etc) described in Annex “Dissemination Campaign”.

Dissemination Events: We will carry out a conference in each country (Italy, Spain, Chile and Colombia) to disseminate the Peas Methodology, Teaching manual and Project Results. We will invite 30 participants that play a multiplier role. Programme in Annex Timetable Meetings with Stakeholders and Board of Directors from the target audience: We will ask them to disseminate our project and teaching manual to their contacts; provide us new contacts to visit and disseminate the project; and develop future partnerships.

Workshops: After the project, the organisations will continue providing PEAS workshops in local, regional, national, European and international levels, to foster social inclusion, entrepreneurship considering the society and environment. We will also transfer the methodology to our users (Number of youth users per year: PC 800, Oriel 200, Terram 500 and Bibliotec 1000). The organisation of these workshops also include their dissemination to find participants letting young communities be aware of the importance of PEAS as an innovative tool.

Future Partnerships: We will use the new methodology for the creation of new projects in collaboration with other organisations around Europe and LATAM.













  • Perma
  • terram
  • oriel
  • biblitec