PROJECT: “YOUth DREAMs becoming sustainable projects”


Project details

The objective of this strategic partnership is to provide tools and skills to youth leaders and youth to facilitate the collaborative creation of sustainable projects that promote entrepreneurship and social inclusion in youth communities.
3PA, Permacultura Cantabria and Associazione Agrado identified the obstacles encountered when creating a new project such as the lack of trust, tools and methodologies for example. Dragon Dreaming brings together in a single methodology a wide range of tools that can fill this gap and that is its strength.
The organisations involved have also identified their strengths, as well as their successful actions and initiatives in recent years. During this strategic partnership, they will exchange best practices on these strengths and combine them with this methodology. This will have a greater impact on the results.
Each organization noted the importance of involving youth leaders and young people in the decisionmaking process and the creation of new initiatives, in addition to designing, implementing and evaluating their own activities. It builds confidence and self-esteem, increases motivation and participation, and develops practical professional and personal skills that can be used later.

Share best practices in inclusion, motivation and entrepreneurship and combine them in the Dragon Dreaming methodology.
Provide Dragon Dreaming training to youth workers and youth in our communities.
Transmit the Dragon Dreaming Methodology to European countries through an effective dissemination campaign.

Two transnational meetings, to review the work plan and assess the current status of the project.
Two youth workers coordinators from each organization will participate.
Two participatory visits that will last 3 days:
• France where 3PA will share our strategic partnership best practices and tools in inclusion.
• Italy where Associazione Agrado will share initiatives and programmes for motivation and entrepreneurship among young people.
2 youth leaders coordinators, 4 youth leaders, 1 youth leader and 3 young participants from each entity will participate in a 10-day training course in Spain. This training combines a theoretical part and teamwork. It offers the keys to enable its participants to reflect on the implementation of sustainable projects. They will learn and experiment with a participatory, inclusive and creative project design and entrepreneurship technique called «Dragon Dreaming». After the training, internal workshops will be organized by participants from each organization to share the skills and knowledge acquired with other youth and youth leaders in their community. New projects will be initiated with the use of this methodology in the interest of young people and our society.
A strong campaign to disseminate the project’s activities, methodology, results, video and successes will be conducted by each organization to maximize the exploitation of the results.

-Objective: Transfer the best practices and techniques for inclusion in the field of youth carried out by 3PA through a participatory visit.
Associazione Agrado and Permacultura Cantabria will make a 3-day participatory visit to 3PA in France.



– Welcome by the president of 3PA.
– Meeting with the work team.
– Site visit and presentation of the 3-day program as well as logistical issues.
– Interfaith games to promote the meeting and exchanges at the beginning of the seminar.
– Exchange of good practices part 1: Inclusive initiatives of 3PA in France, round table.
– Exchange of good practices part 1: Inclusive initiatives of 3PA in France and visit of 3PA and premises. Presentation of the projects and the stakes of the structure. Meeting and exchanges with young people accompanied in the framework of the association 3PA. Intervention of the project coordinator School of the Ecological Transition with the definition of the stakes and the modalities of accompaniment and inclusion this school (the various devices and the current projects)


-Participants: (Pending)

-Objective: To transmit the best practices in the area of youth motivation and entrepreneurship carried out by Associazione Agrado through a participatory visit.



– Welcome by President Laris Guerri
– Meeting with the team – time to get to know each other and cooperation exercises.

Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
KA205 – Strategic Partnerships for youth
KA205-D8CD6414 Deadline (Brussels Time) 12 Feb 2019 12:00:00

EN 93/135
– Motivation and work with young people (sharing and exchange of techniques and motivation methods used by Associazione Agrado in previous projects)
– Visit of FACTO, an artistic workspace created by young artists – meeting with these young people and exchange on how this space was set up and how it could help to
to motivate other young people.
– Visit to ARCI Empolese-Vadelsa- ARCI CIVIL SERVIZIO for a meeting with the managers of ARCI SERVIZIO CIVILE and the volunteers to explain the value of entrepreneurship and skills development during 1 year in SERVIZIO CIVILE.
-Table Round with Facto and Arci: The challenges of motivation and entrepreneurship among our young people
– Networking activity.
– Visit to ORME RADIO, youth radio web project – Meeting with the director, sharing best practices in entrepreneurship – live interview.
– Visit and meeting with ORTOLANI CORAGGIOSI – Entrepreneurship and Disability: an organic farming project for people with autism and disabilities. Roundtable: The importance of encouraging entrepreneurship among youth with special needs
-Team work, exchange of good practices in -Team work, exchange of good practices in entrepreneurship carried by Agrado.
Tasks and upcoming activities
Final evaluation
Certificate delivery
Final conclusions


-Participants: (Pending)

-Objective: To convey the Dragon Dreaming Methodology combined with best practices in youth motivation, entrepreneurship and inclusion to youth leaders and youth in our strategic partnership.



1: Arrival and welcome
2: Presentation dynamics
3: Visit our facilities
4: Presentation of the program
Daily evaluation
1: History, culture and tools Dragon Dreaming
2: Deep listening and charismatic communication
3: The 4 phases of the Dragon Dreaming wheel
4: The Dragon Dreaming Wheel in 12 steps and its force fields.
Daily evaluation
1: Self-organized groups
2: What is a group? Group formation
3: Get to know us better
4: Curve and motivation of the project. Team development
Intermediate evaluation
1: What are we doing?
2: Our strengths
3: Our weaknesses
4: What do we need?
Daily evaluation
1 Knowledge of Dragon Dreaming
2 Dream Circles
3 Set goals
4 Project Meta-Objective
Daily evaluation
1 Work Planning karabirt 1
2 Work Planning karabirt 2
3 Creating the budget
4 Regenerative economy and fundraising
Intermediate evaluation
1 The Pacific Warrior: 7 things we can do to change the world.
2 Theory of action and supervision
3 Roles and participative leadership
4 Celebration
Daily evaluation
1 Facilitation, conflict resolution.
2 Team workspace
3 Group process
4 Collect learning processes and feedback work (Youthpass)
Daily evaluation
DAY 9: Organization of the 21st century
1 Check-in – check out
2 Innovation in people and organizations
3 Innovation and sustainability planning
4 Systemic organizations
Daily evaluation
1 Flexible Methodologies and Design for a Smart Action View
2 Funding possibilities: Erasmus +. An open space for new proposals for
between members of this project in the near future.
4 Future projects
5 Final evaluation
6 Channels of communication and celebration



Youth Facilitator Project Coordinator: Frederick MATHIS
Coordinator of the dissemination campaign of youth leaders: Petra MIRAJOVA
4 animators, 3 youths and facilitators: To be selected according to the selection process indicated in the
section «Participants».
Associazione Agrado:
Youth Facilitator Project Coordinator: Laris Guerri
Coordinator of the Youth Leaders Dissemination Campaign: Marco Politano
4 animators, 3 youths and facilitators: To be selected according to the selection process indicated in the
section «Participants».
Permacultura Cantabria:
Youth Facilitator Project Coordinator: Oscar Argumosa
Coordinator of the Youth Leaders Dissemination Campaign: Carmen Solla
2 Trainers: Julia Ramos and Beatriz Gallego
Translation and support: Silvia Abascal
4 animators, 3 youths and facilitators: To be selected according to the selection process indicated in the
section «Participants».

Local Level:

At a local level, it is expected that the youth workers’ and young participants’ skills, to engage young people in the design of their own activities and projects, are strengthened. These participants will improve their academic performance, problem-solving and decision-making abilities, leadership and public speaking capacities and, entrepreneurship and project management knowledge. They will acquire all the Dragon Dreaming tools and skills mentioned in Annex Project Details. This will ease their communication with others and their psychosocial well-being, confidence and empowerment.  

Regional and National Levels:

In regional and national levels, the outcomes of the project will, particularly, affect the youth community of the participating organisations, youth workers, young people and entities with whom they interact. The participants who attended the course in Spain will transfer the tools and skills acquired through internal workshops, empowering other young people to develop sustainable projects. In these workshops participants and young people will define and implement sustainable projects that will have a positive impact and benefit the youth and our society. The improvement of their competences the acquisition of the Dragon Dreaming tools and the development and implementation of a new project will become clear, in their daily interaction in their society, enhancing their inspiration and their social psychological development.

The young participants from the course in Spain and internal workshops will increase their awareness about social exclusion and non-discrimination. They will have tools to integrate into exclusion situations, bringing new solutions to face these problems, reducing the risk of marginalisation.  

In a national level, young participants, in the context of being in a course abroad, act in certain ways as ambassadors of their own countries, improving the perception that the other participants will have about the culture of each country.

The organisations involved will be able to create safe spaces and teach the young people around them to foster entrepreneurship and social inclusion with sustainable projects. World Net will include entrepreneurship through Dragon Dreaming as part of their cornerstones offering more services to help young people to be part of the society. Youth Services Coordinator will create new initiatives, programmes and projects in collaboration with young people from their communities. 

European and International level:

It is expected that through the transnational activities carried on during the whole project, the participants acquire an international perspective. This means, that the projects will not only have a local, regional or national focus, but an international vision. It is also expected to enhance an intersectoral cooperation between young people and other entities around Europe such as companies, educational and youth centers, etc. In this way, some of the projects will be able to be submitted to the Horizon 2020 open calls. 

On the other hand, our project contributes to the Erasmus + community, as we will share our results within the Erasmus + network, so that other centers and organisations can be inspired by the project. In addition, at a European and international level, the fact that a  project like this is carried out, gathering participants from different nationalities and using Erasmus+ programme funds, demonstrates, in our opinion, that there is an interest, at an international level, to develop such activities, reinforcing the European initiatives along  this line. We hope that this may encourage European Union institutions to keep on allocating resources to these kinds of activities. Furthermore, the European Commision and our National Agency, will have feedback and other valuable information at hand, to continue promoting and monitoring these kinds of projects, by means of the interim and final report.

At a national, European and international level, through the dissemination of the project results in the social networks we expect to inform and persuade other youth and entrepreneurship entities to train their communities on the topics of the project. 

As for transferability, the project can be easily transferable. Since these type of projects can be applied to the improvement of entrepreneurial competencies in numerous fields. In addition, it can be replicated in different countries and with different types of institutions (NGO’s, schools, companies, public institutions, etc).

In order to comply with the third objective of the project “To transfer to European countries the Dragon Dreaming Methodology through an effective dissemination campaign”, maximize the impact of the project and raise awareness of the importance of the development of new sustainable projects in the youth and entrepreneurship communities, the entities have divided the dissemination and exploitation of the project into the following stages:

Dissemination before the course

Objective: To disseminate the project objectives, course in Spain, expected outcomes, through all the dissemination media.

We will carry out all the tasks needed in order to develop the following intellectual outputs:




Website and Blog: will be used in all the project’s phases

They will be tailored to different audiences will be prepared which will include the project summary, objectives, expected outcomes, Best Practices transferred, Participatory Visits results,  etc. Their dissemination will be through the media described in the sections below.

Other activities:

Round tables: We will invite other organisations with similar synergies to be involved in the project (Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Chamber of commerce, Employment center, Basilicata Development, Lino Spiteri Foundation of Malta, Santa Marta Day Centre, ARKA foundation, Sannat Special Unit). We will carry out round tables in the 2 participatory visits which they will be able to know the project, as well as contribute with their best practices. (more information regarding these activities are mentioned in section “Learning/Teaching/Training Activities”). We will also look for more organisations and invite them to participate.  This activity also includes the dissemination of the future participatory visits and creating an invitation to participate. 

Meetings: will have meetings with important stakeholders from the target audiences to talk about the project, the importance of the Dragon Dreaming Methodology and invite their youth workers to participate in internal workshops.

Dissemination during the course

Objective: To disseminate the Dragon Dreaming experience, as well as the importance of having a training abroad and knowing other cultures


We will carry out all the tasks needed in order to develop the following intellectual outputs:

Creation of video: The Youth worker dissemination campaign coordinators will encourage the participants to take pictures for the creation of a video that will be posted in Youtube and social networks.

Facebook site of the project: We will have a new profile of the project in Facebook disseminating this site among other Facebook organisations users, as well as groups involved with Erasmus+, entrepreneurship and inclusion. 

Other activities:

Dissemination of experiences and knowledge highlights: The Youth worker dissemination campaign coordinators will encourage participants to have an active participation in social media by posting pictures, important things learned, etc. These coordinators will also be constantly posting information in their social networks including, LinkedIn groups.

Dissemination after the course

Objective: To transfer the Dragon Dreaming Methodology and project outcomes in local, regional, national, European and international levels.


We will carry out all the tasks needed in order to develop the following intellectual outputs:

Success Stories: Participants will share their success stories regarding their experience in a mobility activity, the importance of Dragon Dreaming and how the project has changed their own lives. These stories will be published in all the dissemination media described in the section below.



We will create these outputs regarding the workshops, project results, etc and will disseminate it in the media described in the sections below.

Other activities:

Dragon Dreaming Dissemination: We will create promotion material regarding the Dragon Dreaming Methodology acquired and will disseminate it in social networks, websites, emailing and Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

Meetings with Stakeholders and Board of Directors: Each organisation will contact and hold meetings with important stakeholders from the target audience (i.e.development agencies, local institutions) to ask them to disseminate our project to their contacts; provide us new contacts to visit and disseminate the project; and develop future partnerships.

Internal Workshops: After the course in Spain, each organisation will carry out internal workshops to transfer the learning acquired to other young people and youth workers from their communities. We will invite organisations to participate such as (Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Chamber of commerce, Employment center, Basilicata Development, Lino Spiteri Foundation of Malta, Santa Marta Day Centre, ARKA foundation, Sannat Special Unit, Cantabria University, Youth Service Agency, Agency for the promotion of the Pasiegan Valleys).

Development of activities



Summary video of the Training course in Spain


Participant entities