Internal migrations, from one country to another one, from a continent to another one have always existed. In the last century,for example, 40m Europeans spread all over the world.
Nowadays, just to speak about Europe, all countries are facing mass migrants from other continents or less consistent internal movements. In recent times this phenomenon is more and more associated to a reawakening nationalism often linked to xenophobia, whose causes are in people’s disillusion about globalization, loss of economical power and fear of terroristic attacks.
Fear of diversity, racist behaviors are becoming more and more common, no consideration of the reasons that make people to leave their homes: wars, negation of human rights, persecutions and also hunger and poverty. In such a critical situation there’s one more aspect to take into account. Our society provides a large access to information, offers platforms for debate and the I-tech industry supplies devices more and more in the use of anyone. Yet there are important negative implications.
Problems of safety, hate speech against a person or a group on the basis of religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. The problem of fakes is serious too. Many can’t distinguish facts from fakes, also because they are victims of false popularity of news generated by media for influencing opinions, spurring political polarization, compromising social cohesion, inclusion and peace. In such a context the needs are: urgency of construction of a cohesive community based on mutual respect, collaboration, dialogue; urgency of history education, critical thinking, understanding of the value of cultural diversity.
Objectives and related actions:
1.To develop critical thinking, creative thinking and new patterns of behavior combating intolerance, discrimination, racism
2.To practice creative methods in the adult education and develop educators’ awareness of their importance in building intercultural dialogue
Actions planned: through The Arrival, a graphic novel on the topic of migration we’ll make learners aware that migrations have always characterized humanity and its development. Skills for distinguishing truth-based facts and fakes will be developed. Activity steps:
Knowledge: the graphic novel panels- watching/analyzing/narrating
Investigation: narration, photographs, images, films, letters, historical documents
Elaboration: creative laboratories, experiential activities to facilitate communication on dividing topics and transformation of participants’ understanding by active involvement into the learning/training process
3. To promote a long lasting interaction between the local communities and people and groups of different origins whose decisive aspects are equal dignity of cultures, mutual acceptance, equal exchange and open dialogue
Actions planned: the participants will be involved in a number of activities (language support,
intercultural mediation support, sociality support) with the net built with the stakeholders by each partner that will plan the organization of the activities, the assignment of the tasks, the methodology of the interventions. The net will settle the basis for starting a future structured partnership in the shape of a Memorandum of Understanding offering migrants a info helpdesk, social services, job shadowing
We expect tangible and intangible results. The tangible ones are:
A. The outputs produced in the long lasting laboratories planned around the graphic novel “The Arrival” and in the blended mobilities: visual arts, artistic crafts, performing arts products
B. These results will produce some more outputs such as exhibitions, concerts, theatre and dance performances.
C. Other products will be generated by the activities supporting the long lasting learning pathway such as languages support, digital and multimedial skills support. They include:
1. “Immigrants integration models in Europe” a digital storytelling created with Tour Builder, a webbased tool. Learners will integrate text, photos and videos in Google Maps to create a journey in the partner countries showing successful practices of integration, so standing up to hate and xenophobia. The product will be made public for anyone to see
2. Videos uploaded to Youtube
3. Live streaming of performing arts collaborative practices made with the Twitter app Periscope
4. A handbook of the project good practices
5. The project webpage and each partner webpage
6. Facebook page
7. EPALE Collaborative space, Forum
8. The project track on Padlet. «Padlet» is a web application where video resources, photos, audio, text or web links will be uploaded on an interactive «wall» that gives access to different documents tracing the participants’ learning pathway across history, geography, society, personal artworks. All outputs will be embedded in the project website and partners’ ones. Padlet will be in English so that the most of people can watch and understand them more easily
9. The Quality Plan containing the Action Plans and a toolkit containing timesheets, different types of format and reports, project templates, factsheets, presentations, newsletters and press releases formats, conceived and created by the coordinator and the responsible of Dissemination in order to be used by the project partners for internal and external dissemination of the project.
10. Music compositions produced during improvised music sessions directed to the entire group of learners and an original one created by the musicians in an online cooperative work by using webbased tools such as Notefligh and Soundtrap
11. A workshop and a conference open to the territory during the last mobility
On the project completion we envisage intangible results: skills gained by the staff in using more attractive and efficient methods in the adult education and in participating to the program Erasmus+; increased awareness and prospects of international action, knowledge of issues affecting refugees and migrants, promotion of social inclusion and intercultural exchange among the other target groups they work with and input to the beginning of new projects.
Specifically for learners, we expect they can develop a strong input to working towards new goals and better integration as well to exercise individual and collective rights. Staff and learners will develop values and behaviors conductive to dialogue, non violence, appreciation of diversity.
At the end of the project we also hope to obtain a tangible result. We want to pave the way, at least in the shape of a Memorandum of Understanding, for the creation of a structured partnership among local stakeholders offering migrants a helpdesk, social services, job shadowing.
Social inclusion:
It is the principal priority of the project. In our societies the need of an inter-cultural dialogue is urgent.
Since the world becomes increasingly multi-ethnic, the necessity of dialogue is becoming more and more important to private and public life. Migration is a fact all over the world. In an increasing number people are emigrating from their countries and bring with them their culture and religion into a new one where the encounter of different identities that interact is the main challenge. According to the Recommendations of the Road map for arts education ( the world conference on arts education Lisbon 2006), it’s necessary to recognize “ the role of the arts in …developing cognitive and social skills, promoting innovative thinking and creativity, and encouraging behaviors and values which underline social tolerance and the celebration of diversity” and “ build solidarity by ensuring people feel included, their voices are heard, and by emphasizing shared values and common goals”
The “ learning in the arts/culture” approach contributes to engender understanding of the importance of cultural diversity and reinforce behavior patterns paving the way to social cohesion. Learners, migrants and authoctons, will be involved in a number of different arts and/or crafts-based- activities that will be the medium to express feelings, communicate and interact each other. Reciprocal knowledge and knowledge of the facts will permit to refuse fakes and prejudices in favour of respect and appreciation. Other activities will support their process of integration (language support, intercultural mediation support, sociality support) also with the collaboration of the community through a net each partner will build with some stakeholders active in the social field.
Extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners
Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of lowskilled or low-qualified adults.
The project is addressed to a target group of max 30 people each country. Our main target group is made up of migrants coming from outside Europe or internal to European countries.
This main target group will be integrated by the partners’ musicians, the students of Art Schools, of Adult Education Centres Adult Education Centres, other adults identified in collaboration with Municipalities social services and local associations representing a different social group but that neverthless may be in a situation of cultural disadvantage because today many at all social levels are involved in misinformation and in need of improving critical thinking, communication, flexibility, teamwork, responsibility, positive attitude interpersonal soft skills.
Through the volunteering associations, the local social services, the reception centres for
refugees/asylum seekers we’ll select our first level target group: migrants. The Arts Schools, the Adult Education centers, local associations and social services will report vulnerable young and adults that together with partner organizations’ musicians will be learners and at the same time tutors of migrants. The Spanish partner will involve also some adults with disabilities. The construction of such mixed groups responds the project objective of promoting a cohesive community that implies all the community members’ participation in order that everyone will benefit of the project actions to develop values, attitudes and behaviors conductive to dialogue, non violence, appreciation of diversity.
Actually, communication with the partners on the activities to be undertaken has already had an important part during the planning phase. In the phase just after the approval of the project, the coordinator, in collaboration with the partners, will prepare a Project Work Plan and will share it with them in order to prepare the International Project meeting to hold within one month. It will contain:
1. Basic information (project data, partners, project description)
2. A Project Implementation Schedule. The first column of the chart will display: Objectives, Expected results, Activities.
The second column will provide the necessary information for each of the titles in the first column.
Concerning the Activities, the description will be made after grouping them into specific categories: long lasting labs, blended mobilities, dissemination, exploitation, management, monitoring, with stakeholders, evaluation.
The third column will display the Indicators, qualitative or quantitative variable that show results relative to the planned objectives and activities. They will guide the collection and analysis of monitoring data.
In the fourth column the Responsible Person(s) will be listed according to what already agreed in the planning phase concerning the distribution of tasks ( Communication Plan, Dissemination Plan and so on) and according to the choices made by the partners who in this preparation phase will be asked to confirm/select the persons or coaches that will carry out the major activities of the project.
3. The timeline of the project activities and outputs (the one annexed to the submitted project)
4. The Blended Mobilities Chart
These last two documents will be checked by partners for possible changes that, of course, will be discussed and agreed during the first International Project Meeting.
The administrative arrangements deal with the management of the project in order to run it efficiently, providing guidance on how to handle the methods of project monitoring, the dissemination and exploitation of the project’s results/products. These actions are in the Project Plan Schedule. I think, instead, that the secretariat and administration tasks concerning the budget have to deserve a particular section in the Project Work Plan we’ll title “Financial Rules”.
5. the “Financial Rules” document will contain:
a.“Rules for Eligible Expenditure” and “Eligible costs and non eligible costs” to clarify matters arising from the Grant agreement and its annexes to be included in the Assessment of Risk Analysis
b. The Financial Summary Table reporting for each partner the total grant and the budget allocated to each project activity ( Transnational project meetings, Management and Implementation and so on)
c. A Payment Chart reporting the individual grants and how and when they will be allocated
d. The list of the templates, described in short, to be prepared by the coordinator and to be used both for long lasting activities and for mobilities/staff meeting (Staff costs reports, Travel and subsistence costs report, General Administration/ Project management Costs report, Other Costs Report Sheet”) and the final «Expenditures accounting book» format each partner will produce and sent in copy to the coordinator at the end of the project)
e. Rules for expenditures documentation
As far as stakeholders, partners have already had contacts with them during the planning phase when they were informed about the project and asked to participate. The most general aspects of the collaboration were given them, so now a dedicated strategy is needed for their efficient involvement.
Just after the approval of the project each partner will informally communicate it to the stakeholders by an e-mail. Soon after they will invite them to a meeting to ask for feedback and set a framework for key decisions on the basis of what planned in the project. These fundamental elements will be assured:
working together with them will be in a permanent ‘steering group’ democratic, participatory decisions will be made throughout the planning process constant communication through formal and/or informal meetings or briefings will be held visibility to their involvement will be given through dissemination
6. A Stakeholders Work Plan on the basis of the actions planned in the project will be prepared by each partner containing activities, milestones, tools, timing and coordination.
In the preparation stage to be in the mood of the project is important too. Partners will learn about each other just from the beginning. So communication is crucial and will start immediately, through a Facebook private page containing photos, videos, descriptions, narrations concerning each partner.
Messages through e-mails, whatsapp will be encouraged too. We all will share the awareness that a good communication strengthens and expands the cooperation within the partnership and helps in the team development and in the success of the project.
The model at the basis of our methodology is the community arts approach. Making art in community contexts is a social activity: it involves sharing, collaborating and building relationships with others.
Learners will be involved in a number of community-based arts activities linked to the graphic novel «The Arrival» we’ll use as the core of the long lasting activities and of the blended mobilities. Some other activities (language support, intercultural mediation support, sociality support) will be implemented in collaboration with a number of stakeholders. The net each partner will build with them (NGO, cultural associations working in the social field, artists, artisans) will plan the organization of the activities, the assignment of the tasks, the methodology of the interventions. The novel will be divided into two parts. In the first year we’ll analyze 3 topics “the departure, the journey, the new country”. In the second year we’ll analyze 3 more topics “the old country memories, the welcoming dinner guest, the many”.
Each topic will be the object of a laboratory organized in three steps too. In the knowledge step the expert will facilitate the analysis of the panel through questions in order to stimulate learners’ participation and basic communication. In the second step– creative elaborationmigrants and refugees, guided by the expert artists, will be encouraged to use arts or crafts to «communicate» fragments of their own story. Both Art students and musicians will support them in a peer tutoring approach. The works of art will vary from performing arts, such as music, theatre, dance to visual arts such as drawings, painting, images and photo collages, artistic crafts. The objective is to help migrants overcome the trauma of their “journey”, the isolation of their condition in the new country, the stress of the impact with a different reality, the difficulty of being accepted because different through the therapeutic use of arts. A second objective directed to everyone is to promote dialogue, mutual understanding, intercultural education, changing of mentality thanks to the cooperative, collaborative method of working.
In the third step – critical elaboration -the migrants and refugees, who thanks to the previous steps have gained a sense of belonging, self esteem, will be encouraged to «speak» of their personal experience, each time narrating one fragment of it according to the part of the novel they are analyzing. Other stories will be added to their narrations by the other participants, stories of relatives or people they know or heard of, who left their country also in the past centuries. Interviews, photos, letters, music, songs, films, researches and other documents will help in the construction of the narrations. Different stories, different individuals and countries of different times will intersect with the objectives, especially directed to authochtonous participants who will investigate the reasons why people leave their home country, so going beyond any false information spread by the media. They will be aware that migrations have happened everywhere at any time, will identify themselves with the physical and psychological sufferings of those forced to leave. Migrants and refugees , by their part,
will reinforce their identity construction, self esteem and sense of belonging. Starting from the theme of the step of the novel addressed during the virtual mobility, each partner will organize the activities of the physical mobility. All the learners will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will participate in one of the three workshops that will be organized: one of music, one of visual arts, one of performing arts. Also in these activities the «community arts approach” will be used. It will create interaction, dialogue, mutual help, each other’s knowledge, so strenghtening the objectives of the project.
The first step in project risk management is to identify the risks that may happen during the project before they occur. The most common project risks are:
1. Use of budget risk. It may happen if the budget is no used in a correct way. Non eligible
expenditures, too high costs, not documented expenditure are the most common risks of this type
2. Schedule risk. The risk is that activities will take longer than expected. Possible slippages in all the scheduled activities may compromise the completion of the project
3. Performance risk. The risk is that the project fails to produce results consistent with project
4. Strategic risks result from errors in choosing methodologies or tools that can’t be made to work
5. Governance risk relates to the relationship dynamics in the partnership or to ethic problems
6. Risk associated with external hazards, including storms, floods, and earthquakes; vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism; labor strikes; and civil unrest. This type of risks arise from outside the organization but may affect the ultimate value to be derived from the project successfully completing each stage of the project
A Plan for handling risks will be drawn in the early stage of the project, but we can already identify the most probable ones from now on the basis of most partners’ experience in projects participation and above all in project management.
We think that the most probable risks may occur are n. 2 and n. 3. Risks 1 and 5 have a lower
All these risks generally occur especially at the beginning of the activities when partners, especially those with little or no experience, are not enough “inside” the project and in the team.
Risk 5. Concerning the relationship dynamics, the causes of conflict can be related to differences in values, attitudes, needs, expectations, perceptions, resources and personalities. The coordinator will first understand the dynamics of the conflict and then manage properly to resolve it. The coordinator willdefine the problem, open communication and confrontation with and between the persons involved, look for a compromise, an agreement that satisfies the concerns of both parties.
A confronting style reduces stress and conflict and in the case conflicts happen it allows the ones involved to concentrate on the real causes that provoked the disagreement rather than only discussing the effects of the conflicting situation. Listening to each other allows the conflict to take its natural course by giving individuals the opportunity to disagree, express strong opinions, and show passion for ideas. A respect for individual differences is demonstrated and an environment of understanding is fostered.
Risks 2 and 3. As far as schedule risks and performance risks, the coordinator first of all has made a careful choice of partners and has informed them on the conditions needed for participating. She will do all the best to prevent them: to assign responsibilities according to the partners’ choice and on the basis of the declared skills; to plan the activities in detail and to support everyone in carrying out them, to make strategic scheduling, being aware of potential delays. Yet delays or insufficient performances and results may occur. The cause may be different, skills declared and skills at work are not aligned, lack of experience or also unexpected delays due to external events. In these cases the coordinator will look for a solution that can prevent the facts from happening again. As far as specific tasks they can be appointed the coordinator or another partner or distributed. As far as the activities with learners, the organization of mobilities, the coordinator will spend energies and time in
explaining errors and in supporting the succeeding actions’ implementation.
Risk 1 Continuous monitoring and control will be the coordinator’ action for handling possible
improper use of the budget by partners. In this case prevention is the only possible method to avoid serious consequences.
That’s why from the approval of the project to the first International Project Meeting, the coordinator will get ready to make everyone aware of what we are going to do but especially how we have to do that. The coordinator will prepare the Project Plan containing the main points everyone must take in account in the implementation of the project. Concerning the use of the budget, the presentation of some documents and templates everyone must know and use will have a large part in the First International Project meeting:
a.“Rules for Eligible Expenditure” and “Eligible costs and non eligible costs”
b. The Financial Summary Table
c. A Payment Chart reporting the individual grants and how and when they will be allocated
d. Templates: Staff costs reports, Travel and subsistence costs report, General Administration/
Project management Costs report, Other Costs Report Sheet”, the final «Expenditures accounting book»
e. Rules for expenditures documentation
C1: The departure
The activity is organized in three steps:
First step: the group will watch the first panel (THE DEPARTURE) of the graphic novel. The expert will facilitate the analysis of the panel through a set of questions stimulating the participants’ attention to the details and to the meaning of the symbols used by the author with the aim of making learners to think about, understand, make own opinions
Second step: migrants and refugees, guided by the expert artists and with the tutoring of the Art students and musicians will create artworks or craftworks. Objectives: to express their own feelings, thoughts, mood through non verbal languages. To help migrants overcome the trauma of their personal story
Third step: the migrants, who thanks to the previous steps have gained a sense of belonging and self esteem, will be encouraged to tell their own experience. The others will be asked to tell stories of relatives or people they know who left their country also in the past century. Different stories, different individuals and countries of the world will intersect.
Objectives: to stimulate the use of the local language, to promote dialogue and mutual understanding thanks to the cooperative method of working, to help migrants overcome the trauma of their personal story, to promote critical thinking by learning to go beyond any false information spread by the media and to look for the truth of facts.
C2 The journey
Some activities on the theme of THE JOURNEY will be started in the shape of VIRTUAL MOBILITY to be completed and performed during the physical mobility:
a. a piece of music will be composed or arranged collaboratively among partner countries’ learners through one of the existing web applications for making music cooperatively (i.e. NoteFlight)
b. live streaming through the Twitter app Periscope will be used to share videos with the group to give instructions on the collaborative performing art product “DANCE” planned by the partner hosting the physical mobility. It will be completed and performed during the physical mobility. The language of communication is English, yet some basic words and useful sentences of the hosting partner language will be learnt in the learning environment of the activity in non formal approach.
C3 The new country
Some activities on the theme of THE NEW COUNTRY will be started in the shape of VIRTUAL MOBILITY to be completed and performed during the physical mobility:
a. a piece of music will be composed or arranged collaboratively among partner countries’ learners through one of the existing web applications for making music cooperatively (i.e. NoteFlight)
b. live streaming through the Twitter app Periscope will be used to share videos with the group to give instructions on the collaborative performing art product “THEATRE” planned by the partner hosting the physical mobility. It will be completed and performed during the physical mobility. The language of communication is English, yet some basic words and useful sentences of the hosting partner language will be learnt in the learning environment of the activity in non formal approach.
C4 The old country memories
Some activities on the theme of THE OLD COUNTRY MEMORIES will be started in the shape of VIRTUAL MOBILITY to be completed and performed during the physical mobility:
a. a piece of music will be composed or arranged collaboratively among partner countries’ learners through one of the existing web applications for making music cooperatively (i.e. NoteFlight)
b. live streaming through the Twitter app Periscope will be used to share videos with the group to give instructions on the collaborative performing art product “CHOIR” planned by the partner hosting the physical mobility. It will be completed and performed during the physical mobility. The language of communication is English, yet some basic words and useful sentences of the hosting partner language will be learnt in the learning environment of the activity in non formal approach.
C5 The welcoming dinner guest
Some activities on the theme of THE WELCOMING DINNER GUEST will be started in the shape of VIRTUAL MOBILITY to be completed and performed during the physical mobility:
a. a piece of music will be composed or arranged collaboratively among partner countries’ learners through one of the existing web applications for making music cooperatively (i.e. NoteFlight)
b. live streaming through the Twitter app Periscope will be used to share videos with the group to give instructions on the collaborative performing art product “CHOIR” planned by the partner hosting the physical mobility. It will be completed and performed during the physical mobility. The language of communication is English, yet some basic words and useful sentences of the hosting partner language will be learnt in the learning environment of the activity in non formal approach.
C6 The many
Some activities on the theme of THE MANY will be started in the shape of VIRTUAL MOBILITY to be completed and performed during the physical mobility:
a. a piece of music will be composed or arranged collaboratively among partner countries’ learners through one of the existing web applications for making music cooperatively (i.e. NoteFlight)
b. live streaming through the Twitter app Periscope will be used to share videos with the group to give instructions on the collaborative performing art product “PUPPET SHOW” planned by the partner hosting the physical mobility. It will be completed and performed during the physical mobility.
The language of communication is English, yet some basic words and useful sentences of the
hosting partner language will be learnt in the learning environment of the activity in non formal
C7 «Arts build inclusive communities» Workshop and Conference
Learners prepare the material tracking the best practices of the project: narrations, photos,
videos…to be uploaded to Padlet Learners prepare the material for the storytelling “Immigrants integration models in Europe” to be created with Tourbuilder
A multi-medial presentation (choosing among video, PPT, Prezi, Canva, PowToon..) of one best practice is made by each partner
The impacts we expect are professional, cultural and societal. Cultural impacts will involve changes to individuals’ norms, values and beliefs that guide and rationalise their view of themselves and society. Societal impacts will modify/change the ways in which participants relate to one another, in general, cope as members of society. Impacts depend on the extent of the results achieved. Our project has many chances to produce cultural and social impacts, since it is an art project.
Participation in the arts, in fact, helps people question and think critically about their and others experiences.
The outcomes planned for all participants are stopping hate language, discriminatory attitudes, marginalisation of diverse and, in contrast, developement of values and behaviors conductive to interaction, open dialogue, equal dignity of cultures.
The accomplishement of these results and the degree of accomplishment by all the participants are strategically important in producing longer effects and the benefits we expect.
Specifically for each type of target groups:
for migrants we expect they have a strong input in the exercise of individual and collective rights and in working towards new goals.
For autochthonous learners we expect they go on exercising critical thinking, continue to believe in the values acquired through the project, behave according to them
Concerning participating organizations we expect we will be impacted in our professionality because knowledge of different learning environments combined with new skills and competencies acquired both in learning and management will change our behaviour/practice.
Knowledge will be shared with others to benefit the overall system by adopting the arts-based approach in other contents and also for different target groups, promoting processes of social inclusion and intercultural exchange with the other target groups we work with; taking further actions in working for the promotion of social interaction and intercultural exchange. As far as creative capacity we expect to increase our ability to conceptualize and present programs and products of good quality able to engage participants in culturally valuable, impactful experiences. We expect partners who have never prepared a project can get acquaintance with European programs so that they decide to write a project.
As far as stakeholders, schools and adult education centres, longer effects are widespreading in the entire organizations the learning model experienced during the project activities and the cultural and values values and behaviors conductive to interaction, open dialogue, equal dignity of cultures.
Impact will be also on the development of artists, on innovation, on the relevance to the community.
We also expect they increase and enlarge personal and professional skills, to gain invaluable
intercultural experiences and awareness and higher levels of motivation and ambition.
The project can represent for the other stakeholders, artists, artisans, other cultural associations, an input to a better knowledge of the issues affecting refugees and migrants, to take action in the promotion of social inclusion and intercultural exchange, to foresight future actions and plans also considering the possible application, re-use and adaptation of the project
A project will impact at the local level only if it meets local expectations and needs, if importance (for the partnership) and interest (for the community) meet. At a LOCAL level schools and associations will have an immediate impact thanks the opportunity of offering their learners a variety of activities they wouldn’t have been able to afford without our project resources.
Municipalities will get a strong impact since they’ll gain the community consensus in giving their activities a European dimension, in offering a range of different public events in which their engagement and work are recognized in a formal way through the dissemination of the results of cooperation. The same impact through the same activities can be reached at a REGIONAL level.
The project will achieve impact in each partner’s broader region within the areas that share a degree of geographical proximity by multiplying the planned events in cooperation with municipalities and cultural associations. In particular Municipalities and regional entities are expected to improve their ongoing activity effectiveness. They could find new ways to address the challenges they face and develop new approaches to providing integration politics. They also will get an input in their esteem or re-esteem of the human rights respect as the only warranty of democracy as peaceful welfare and opportunities for everyone.
In particular the Town Councils and other supra-municipal public bodies the project will be an input for locally and non-locally policies in the sector of migrants reception and integration based on a shared citizenship model.
At a NATIONAL and EUROPEAN level we hope that dissemination to precise targets can produce some impact, a greater awareness of human rights respect and of the urgency of adopting renewed integration politics. We think we can hope to help:
-influencing in a positive way those in Europe deal with migration politics in adopting renewed
integration politics
-producing and positively influencing in people’s perceptions the idea of identity in terms of
supranational values to share and work for affirming this concept
The impacts just above mentioned need a long time to occurr. Over time, the extended impact of multiple cultural experiences, like the ones all the partners have been doing for a long time, may yield long-term outcomes such as an enlarged sense of community, an expanded worldview identity.
When tese impacts occurr they are very important because cultural experiences have a social, and even an economic value. Several studies have examined the relationship between participation in arts and culture and social outcomes such as increased educational attainment, reduced crime rates, health and overall well-being (Matarasso 1997; CASE 2010; Arts Council England 2014), so it’s easy to say that the societal impact is also an economic impact.
Ex-ante actions
-Focus group in EPALE space “Defining a common dissemination strategy”.
-Grid filled with the essential criteria to be followed to effectively disseminate results beyond our partnership
-Dissemination Plan elaboration on the basis of the grid and with the partners’ contribution
-Dissemination Actions Grid elaboration reporting all the actions foreseen and for each of them the following elements: what, to whom, why, how, when (just titles)
-Dissemination Actions Template elaboration reporting an exhaustive description of the following elements: Time, Activity, Objectives, Partners’ role, Target group(s) (to be used for each action)
Actions implementation (on-going activities)
Project Branding (Logo): the logo will be included in all project promotional material including the factsheet, website, etc.
Factsheet: all partners will be provided with an electronic copy of the project factsheet for distribution (print and/or electronic) to their personal and institution network of contacts.
Partners can translate the leaflet into their own language.
1 Project web site building. The website plays multiple roles:
• A communication resource to promote the project, its objectives and partnership
• A communication resource to update interested parties on progress, results and outcomes
• A repository for public deliverables
• A repository for Knowledge Outputs and Data (via Virtual Access)
2 Facebook public profile
3 YouTube account
2 press releases will be issued to appropriate media outlets (trade press, journals, web portals) to ensure that civil society organisations, policy-making authorities, and the wider community are aware of the project, its objectives and, later in the project, its outcomes
4 results of all laboratories documented by each partner in the digital format «ThingLink» a web
application that allows to create images or interactive maps having a static image as a source. Link to the aplication in the project website and in EPALE
5 Uploading to the project website of all the documents produced during the project lifetime-the Quality Plan made up of Risk Assessment Plan, Governance Plan, Communication/Dissemination Plan and Impact/Sustainability Plan which will include project templates suitable for deliverables, factsheets, presentations, newsletters and press releases formats, conceived and created in order to be used by the project partners for internal and external dissemination of the project. Visitors will have the possibility of reading but not of downloading them.
6 newsletters targeted to members who are interested in the same target groups and sectors of activities than our project
7 The consortium will be connected with ENAR Europe in order to exchange experience and
information with other anti-discrimination and anti-racism organizations across Europe, to collaborate in EU-wide projects, to have stronger visibility for the project and maximize advocacy impact at European level
8 EPALE membership: Communities of Practice, Blog, Events
9 Radioriaceinternational membership Events
10 launch of the project locally
11 n. 7 mobilities final events
12 n. 1 workshop open to the community and a Conference. In the Conference “Arts build inclusive communities” Partners present their best practices and the responsible of Dissemination presents the handbook “Arts build inclusive communities» . The event will provide the opportunity for discussion, exchange of experience and the establishment of new networks and cooperation. It will be disseminated at European level through social media.
14 “Arts build inclusive communities» best practices handbook collecting one experience by each partner at least
A Sustainability Plan will provide a road map to guide us work on sustainability efforts, help identify what resources are necessary to sustain our project, encourage the development of partnerships and support collaboration, and help define progress and the necessary action steps needed to ensure long-term success after the grant ends. To have a clear vision of the future of our project is the starting point for speaking of sustainability. It can’t be put off the closure of the project, but it is part of the ongoing management of the project.
Our project has, among its objectives, the will of achieving a “long lasting impact and influence on the social, educational and institutional community”. This means we want to go on icarrying out our action beyond the end of the grant in order to maximize the effects of the actions implemented thanks to the European grant in terms of concrete and long-lasting benefits on the target groups and on the whole community. So we have clear in mind what to sustain and the strategy to be used to involve partners and make the most of the resources they have to offer.
We want to sustain the LABORATORIES OF ARTS-BASED ACTIVITIES since they respond to the needs identified in the summary of the project and contribute effectively to achieving our goals. It’s also important to assess the performance of the outcomes produced, but, since this will be possible only during the implementation of the project, the data collected will be used to make adjustments.
The strategy to use in order to sustain the efforts needed to keep our project operating and improving after the end of the grant starts during the project life.
Our key stakeholders are:
– Associations, NGO working in the social and cultural fields, Town Councils. We’ll create a
collaborative environment by integrating competences and practices. The project results can return to the project owners in credibility and appreciation by the community so that a virtuous mechanism can be started. Cooperation will lead to new local projects and, in our hoped luckiest hypothesis, to the creation of structured partnerships offering services to migrants such as a helpdesk for any info and paperwork, everyday life needs such as food, bed, clothes, documents, job.
– Adult Formal Education Centres and Schools. We’ll present them projects about different topics responding the students needs and/or in line with the curricula using the Arts-based approach. The skills and competences gained by the participants to the project, the awareness they have contributed to its success can influence schools in continuing the experience.
In both cases resources will come from projects approved.
Other actions are:
– Identifying potential new collaborators
– Making current and potential partners aware of the benefits of the project for community
– Identifying individuals/organizations/ that can be “testimonials” for gaining recognition and possible resources. Local governments and notable stakeholders will be sensitized about the benefits of an European project in their visibility within the community. Inviting them to the launch of the project and to the showcasing of the project results to a large audience, disseminating everything through the project webpage, social media profile, press release, will boost existing relationship or start them.
Giving visibility to their support will determine a kind of advocacy that will ensure their help in
sustaining the project activities beyond the project duration.
– Keeping on staying in YesForum, EPALE, will help in building other collaborations and apply for other funding from national and European projects.
Kick off
Arts Build Inclusive Communities Cyprus
The departure
The journey
The New Country
The Old Country Memories
The Many
The Welcoming Dinner Guest