Emotions Iceland






Agreement number: 2017-1-IS01-KA204-026527


Project details

The main aim of this strategic partnership is the writing, publication, translation and exhaustive dissemination of the The Emotional Management Guide for Adult Training. This guide will be a useful tool, so that adult trainers can improve the competences needed in the emotional work towards their learners, giving pedagogical guidelines on active listening, emotional discharge and other strategies to work with adult groups about the oppressions and mistreatment they receive and that are perpetuated by them. A teaching unit will be also writing collaboratively to offer specific activities to organisations wishing to work with groups about this topic.

Through the dissemination of the project´s results (the guide in Icelandic and Spanish, the teaching unit in Turkish and the summary video of the conferences where the results will be presented) we would like to improve the quality of adult training, through capacity building on emotional management.


Goals of the project:

  1. Bestow the basic emotional management tools for non-formal education on adult trainers.

The booklet will explain the key tools for the emotional management, such as deep listening, how to attend the emotional discharges, maintaining or closing these processes properly. It also helps us to understand the importance of emotional management, in our lives in general, and in our work practice and trainings in particular. It explains the link between the adult mind behavior, the hormonal roles and the suggested practices, as well as the link between the internalized social oppression, the emotional discharges and the tools to facilitate them.

  1. To raise awareness, among those relevant agents in the educational decision-making, of the relevance of emotional issues, in order to achieve a quality education.

Participating organisations will invite 30 relevant agents related to non-formal and formal education, to the multiplier events that will be held, in their country. Participants will also disseminate the results of the project, in the social networks, in general, and in those of the non-formal educational field, in particular.


  1. Introducing innovative improvements related to emotional management in work practices with adults, with the consequent direct impact in the learning quality of adults, their inclusive education and their future employability.

To provide more attractive trainings and daily work, where the true needs of adults will be listened to, will benefit both educators and learners, but especially the disadvantaged groups with learning difficulties.

  1. Broadening knowledge about emotional management of the participating organisations, by means of online and on-site networking.

Emotional Management is a rather new domain, where there are many aspects to be explored. For this reason, the organisations involved in the project considers that the best way to do it, is working together with other organisations, sharing ideas and learning from each other, since we have different social backgrounds. We hope that all together will enrich the booklet and the teaching unit with our contributions and that we all collaborate, actively, in its dissemination, so as to reach different forums and countries.

  1. Laying the foundations for other long-term collective projects in the emotional field.

The ideas generated by this project will also be useful in the enabling of future collaboration in the framework of the different key actions of the “Erasmus+ Programme”. After the participation in many projects, and due, partly, to the experience of other partner organisations, our European actions keep gaining quality and creativity. Knowing, for example, the educational and training systems of other countries, will result in more ambitious projects, in a transnational level.

The expected outcomes during the project are:

An Emotional Management Guide for Adult training will have been written collaboratively. The booklet will be translated from English (the working language) into Icelandic and Spanish.

– The booklet will have been published and broadcasted in three on-site conferences, expecting to be attended by 90 key agents of the educative decision-making process. After the conferences, there will be a teamwork which will debate and agree upon the key aspects that will lead to take into account the emotional management, in the non-formal education practice. These key aspects include the need to improve the transnational cooperation between public education and training authorities; the need for available budgets and open educational resources (OER); or the integration between investigation, practice and policies.

A summary video of these conferences will be created.


-Three months prior to the ending of the project, each organisation, will have, at least, two on-site meetings with the most relevant entities among those which attended the conference held in their country, in order to monitor the commitments agreed in the teamwork with them, after the conference.

A teaching unit, with specific activities will be published in Turkish and English. The activities can be adapted and reproduced by any entity according to its target group and its social context.

-The booklet, the teaching unit, and the summary video of the conferences will be disseminated online in the social networks sites (Twitter and Facebook) of the participating organisations. The information will be published in the native language of the three countries involved, and also in English to reach an international audience. In Facebook, Permacultura Cantabria (www.facebook.com/PermaculturaCantabria) has more than 4000 followers, our organisation´s Facebook site (https://www.facebook.com/hringsja/) has 2290 followers, and Mozaik’s Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/mozaik.ikgd?fref=ts (397 followers). Permacultura Cantabria’s twitter page (https://twitter.com/PermaculturaCan) has more than 600 followers. Thus, we hope at least 3.000 European citizens will read about the Guide, and that most of them will be educators and trainers or other relevant agents, in the field of non-formal education, as policy or decision makers.

The video will be uploaded onto YouTube, then we will post the link to our websites (http://www.hringsja.is/, www.permaculturacantabria.com and http://www.mozaik.org.tr/), as well as on our Facebook and Twitter profiles. We expect to have around 900 views in total.

-The staff of the participating organisations will have strengthened their competences on emotional management, new technologies and linguistics. At least, three people from each entity (representatives, researcher/technicians and adult’s trainers) are expected to participate in the project. As a result of a collaborative work, at least nine participants will experience an improvement, in several competences such as language and pedagogical skills or remote working, as well as an improvement of their knowledge about emotional management.

-However, the aim is that all the results of the project will benefit every educator or trainer of the participating organisations. To achieve this goal, before the end of the project, each of the representatives will lead a workshop of, at least, two days of duration. In this workshop the representatives will explain the contents of the guide and the teaching unit to the rest of the staff and watch together the summary video of one of the conferences.

Three in-person evaluations will be made, in order to adjust the working plan and draw conclusions and knowledge for future projects.


After the project, it is also expected that:

-The guide, the teaching unit and the summary videos will be used in the daily work and continuous training plan of the organisations involved, so their trainers and workers may acquire the necessary skills and knowledge about emotional management to work with adults.

-Participating organisations can keep on disseminating the results of the project.

-Participating organisations will keep in contact with each other and with other attendees of the conferences, so as to work emotional issues in the education framework.

-Participating organisations could keep on working, jointly, in new projects related to emotional management, such as the creation of EuroMotional, a transnational network of entities interested in the emotional education. This network could, likewise, lead to other future projects.


Division of work:

The writing of the teaching unit will be collaborative, so the text will be written in English. The index of the publication and the basic content of the chapters was agreed upon during the preparation phase. The participating organisations could suggest modifications of the proposed chapters, as well as add other chapters, if needed, once the writing has started. All the information will be put together through online platforms, such as dropbox or google drive. The communication between the participating organisations will be fluid and periodic. At least, one follow-up teleconference, among the three representatives of the participating entities, will be set up every two weeks. In addition, a periodic evaluation will be carried out to monitor the evolution of the indicators proposed for each task (writing, layout, translation, publication and dissemination).

Once the teaching unit has been fully written, the representative of Mozaik (Ömer Düzgün) will carry out a final revision of its contents. Parallel with the review, they will implement the activities to test and improve them before the layout. After verifying that the content is right, Permacultura Cantabria will be in charge of the layout of the booklet. Mozaik will translate the booklet into Turkish. The translated text will also be sent to Permacultura Cantabria, so they will prepare the layout.


Permacultura Cantabria

*Carmen Solla will be in charge of the budget, schedule and quality control during the project, as well as the dissemination plan.

*Oscar Argumosa will lead the booklet writing, editing and presenting. He will be in charge of compiling and checking writing proposals from the rest of participants, to create a definitive text. He will also carry out the bibliographic searches. He will attend the previous meeting and will prepare the conference in his country. He will also present the booklet, in the three scheduled conferences.

*Maria Mendez. Social worker and sociologist. She will contribute to the writing of the guide and the preparation of the activities and logistics, in Spain.

* José Ignacio López Bengochea will design the layout of the guide and the teaching unit.

– Silvia abascal: a graduate in English Philology,  will be in charge of being in contact with the other partners and translations.

* We will create the summary video of the conferences (no specific budget available).



* Helga Eysteinsdóttir (representative) will be responsible for all communications between the entities and the European Commission.

* Helga Eysteinsdóttir will be responsible for the writing of the introductory chapter of the guide published in our language. This chapter will explain the Erasmus project in which the publication is written, the context of emotional management in our region (in social, educational and adult field), as well as the main problems that adult trainers face in their daily work. For this purpose, we will use different techniques as bibliography researching, interviewing educators from other entities, etc.For intellectual output: adult trainer



* Ömer Düzgün will be the representative (management and coordination).

* Olcay Belli will be the second person and responsible for the writing of the teaching unit. To do this, he will use the theoretical knowledge of the guide and the practical knowledge of their staff. They will gather and check the contributions of the other partners to create the final text of the unit.

* Musa Akın. He will also provide with his contributions and knowledge to the teaching unit.

Dissemination plan.

*Each entity will hold a multiplier event (conference+teamwork) in their country.

*Each entity will publish and diseminate the guide, the teaching unit, and the summary video with English subtitles.

*Each organisation, will have, at least, two on-site meetings with the most relevant entities among those which attended the conference held in their country.

*Each of the representatives will lead a 2-days internal workshop for their staff.

Transnational project meetings

* The beneficiaries must ensure that insurance coverage is provided to participants involved in mobility activities abroad.

*The Project starts on 1 October 2017 and finishes on 1 October 2019 (24 months).

* By 1 November 2018 the coordinator must complete an interim report on the implementation of the Project covering the reporting period from the beginning of the implementation of the Project to 1 October 2018.

* Where the interim report shows that less than 70% of the previous pre-financing payment paid has been used to cover costs of the Project, the coordinator must submit a further interim report once at least 70 % of the amount of first pre-financing payment has been used.

*Within 60 days after the end date of the Project, the coordinator must complete a final report on the implementation of the Project, and, when applicable, upload all project results in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

*The coordinator must use the Mobility Tool+ to record all information in relation to the activities undertaken under the Project, and to complete and submit the Interim and Final reports.

*All requests for payments and reports must be submitted in English.

a) Project management and implementation

– Triggering event: the event that conditions the entitlement to the grant is that the beneficiary implements the activities and produces the outputs

– Supporting documents: proof of activities undertaken and outputs produced will be provided in the form of a description of these activities and outputs in the final report. In addition, outputs produced will be uploaded by the coordinator in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.

– Reporting: on behalf of the Project as a whole, the coordinator must report on the final distribution of funds and on undertaken activities and results.

b) Transnational project meetings

(c) Supporting documents:


– For travel taking place between the sending organisation and the receiving organisation: proof of attendance of the activity in the form of a declaration signed by the receiving organisation (attendance certificate in annexes).

-Proof of attendance of the transnational project meeting in the form of a participants list signed by the participants and the receiving organisation (in annexes)

– Detailed agenda and any documents used or distributed at the transnational project meeting.

c) Intellectual outputs

Beneficiaries must not subcontract any activities funded from the budget category Intellectual outputs.


(c) Supporting documents:


-Proof of the intellectual output produced, which will be uploaded in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform


-Proof of the nature of the relationship between the person and the beneficiary concerned (such as type of employment contract, voluntary work, SME ownership, etc.), as registered in the official records of the beneficiary. In all cases, the beneficiaries must be able to demonstrate the formal link with the person concerned, whether he/she is involved in the Project on a professional or voluntary basis. Persons working for a beneficiary on the basis of service contract (e.g. translators, web designer etc.) are not considered as staff of the organisation concerned.



-A time sheet per person (in annexes), identifying the name of the person, the category of staff (see the tables below), the dates and the total number of days of work of the person for the production of the intellectual output.


The outputs production will be carried out by the following staff in each participating organisation:



– The technician’s main task is the translation of the guide (IO1)

– The main role of the adult trainer is the contribution to the guide (IO1), but also to the teaching unit.

Permacultura Cantabria:

– The researcher (70 hours) will be in charge of the bibliography searching, the writing, coordination and translation from English into Spanish of the guide (O1).

– The main role of the adult trainer (10 hours) is the contribution to the guide (IO1), but also to the teaching unit.

– The technician’s main task is the edition (layout) of the guide (IO1). We wrote “translation” in the application by mistake.


– The technician’s main task is the translation of the teaching unit (IO2)

– The main role of the adult trainer is the writing and coordination of the teaching unit (IO2), but also contribution to the guide.



(d) Reporting:

On behalf of the Project as a whole, the coordinator must report on the activities undertaken and results produced. The coordinator must include information on the start and end date and on the number of days of work per category of staff for each of the beneficiaries cooperating directly on the development of intellectual outputs.

d. Multiplier events

(c) Supporting documents:

– Proof of attendance of the multiplier event in the form of a participants list signed by the participants specifying the name, date and place of the multiplier event, and for each participant: name and signature of the person, name and address of the sending organisation of the person (if applicable);

– Detailed agenda and any documents used or distributed at the multiplier event.

(d) Reporting:

– On behalf of the Project as a whole, the coordinator must report on the description of the multiplier event, the intellectual outputs covered, the leading and participating organisations, the venue of the meeting and the numbers of local and international participants

– In the case that the beneficiaries do not develop the intellectual outputs applied for and approved by the NA, the related Multiplier events will not be considered eligible for grant support either.

In the preparation phase, we agreed solutions for potential problems:

-One of the organisations is not able to engage relevant stakeholders for the conference held in its country. The other partners will try to help the representative, to search for key entities and decision-makers via the Internet and social networks. If the organisation is not successful, they could invite trainers and other multipliers in adult training, until achieving 30 attendees.

-Relevant attendees that come to the conference can not stay for the subsequent teamwork. The representative will evaluate whether inviting other stakeholders to the activity is appropriate.

-One of the partners stops cooperating or leaves the project. In this case, the problem will be immediately notified to the national agency by email, and if there is no response within a week, it will be notified by telephone to obtain information about how to proceed. The internal agreement between partners also establish that if a partner organisation leaves the project, they should pay back the used funds.

-Some of the participants are late in carrying out the agreed tasks. The representative of such organisation will be contacted to know the reasons for the delay or if the participant needs help (the same will be done if the person who is late is the representative). If there is no response during one week, a notice will be sent by email, warning that, in another week, the fact will be communicated to the national agency where the project was presented and in the country to which the representative belongs.

-The applicant delays payments to the rest of the entities. When an unjustified cause occurs, the partners will notify to the national agency where the project was submitted, in case of more than one month delay.

-The representatives do not send the invoices to the applicant, at the end of the project. If the cause is not justified, the applicant will delay the last payment to the organisation until receiving the invoices.


If the conflict prevention was not enough, and the parties did not reach an agreement for themselves, a vote between the best available options would be established, choosing the one with majority of votes. In the event of a tied vote, the vote of the coordinating organisation, would be double-counted.


All the parties would be aware of this resolution conflict measure and it will be reiterated in the previous meeting, so as to dispose them to a better understanding of this procedure and each other, during the project. During that meeting, it will also be agreed the number of people being able to vote, in case of conflicts (apart from the three representatives, other people with specific responsibilities in the project could also be added for the voting).


Poor, partial or late implementation


Poor implementation of the Project may be established by the NA on the basis of:

– The final report submitted by the coordinator;

– The products and outputs produced by the project;


A grant reduction based on poor, partial or late implementation may be applied to the total final amount of eligible expenses and may be of:

– 25% if the final report scores at least 40 points and below 50 points;

– 50% if the final report scores at least 25 points and below 40 points;

– 75% if the final report scores below 25 points.


Termination of the Contract

The Partner notifies the Coordinator immediately in case of appearance of any situation that may affect the performance of the Contract of Partnership.

The Coordinator may cancel the Contract of Partnership on the condition to preserve all rights for damages through a notification to the Partner.

Other reasons for termination are:

  • If the Coordinator decides that this Contract shall be affected negatively because of any negligence and/or late notification of the Partner,
  • In case of occurrence of the conditions specified under the article of failure to deliver the documents in Article 11 of this Contract or violation of any article of the Contract,
  • In case of occurrence of any of the conditions that shall require termination of the Contract which is set out in Article 2 of the Grant Contract in Annex 1, this contract will be terminated.

The booklet will be between 120 and 150 pages long, and it will cover, at least, the following chapters:

  1. Introduction. (4 pages) It will include information about the main goal and context in which the booklet is framed.
  2. Our minds. (8 pages) It will explain how experiences are stored in our minds and what happens when we are not able to process what is occurring in our lives. It will give useful keys and tools to help process that information.
  3. Feelings. (6 pages) It will explain the different types of feelings. It will delve into those feelings that are chronic and become distressful for human beings.
  4. Emotions. (6 pages) It will delve into the four main forms of emotional discharge (crying, yawning, laughing and trembling).
  5. Hormonal balance and Emotional Management. (6 pages) Emotional discharges (crying, yawning, laughter and trembling) interfere deeply in the alterations of the hormonal balance. Being aware of this influence is very important to understand our neural and emotional processes.
  6. Distressing feelings. (12 pages) It explains how unprocessed information after a distressing situation can deeply affect us.



  1. Social Oppression. (12 pages) To conduct a correct intervention, it is necessary to have a vision of the most extended social oppressions and their direct consequences in the targeted groups. This chapter discuss racism, sexism, adultism, classism, mental health oppression, and the exclusion of people with physical disabilities.
  2. Emotional Balance. (12 pag) It goes deep into other aspects of human well-being that directly affect emotional balance, such as diet, rest, exercise, good relationships, etc.
  3. Tools and good practices. (24 pages) There are many different tools available to carry out good emotional management. In this chapter, at least eight strategies on how to work in groups will be analysed.
  4. Develop the ability of listening and participating. (24 pages) This chapter will guide those who want to work on emotional management with adults. It will coach their skills regarding active listening, participative sessions and support groups.
  5. Difficulties and challenges. (12 pages) There are a lot of resistance and difficulties when implementing strategies for emotional management. It is important that this manual counts on with some of the most common difficulties and the best ways to, successfully, overcome them.

The final product of the output will be a digital booklet in Icelandic and Spanish.

This will be the first guide about emotional management, designed to face social oppressions and provide tools (like active listening, emotional discharge and other strategies to work with adult groups), for adult trainers wishing to help people to improve their learning and to feel better. The guide has a multidisciplinary approach since it integrates scientific, educational and social perspectives. That is why, researchers, trainers and educators from three different countries will participate in its production. The strategies to include the emotional issues in the educational policy and practice, will be also compiled in the booklet.

The guide will develop the emotional management competences and skills of adult educators and trainers, improving the quality of their activities and trainings, from the point of view of inclusion, violence prevention, academic and work success, as well as the personal and social integrity of adult learners.

The teaching unit will be between 20 and 30 pages long, and it will cover, at least, the following chapters:

  1. Prologue. (1 page) It will explain the context of the project in which the unit is framed.
  2. Workshop’s structure (3 pages). It will advise how to use the unit whether the organisations want to conduct all the activities proposed with the same group or they prefer to conduct some activities with different adult groups. It will also describe the objective of the workshop, the target group, the timetable, methodology and evaluation.
  3. Sessions (12 pages). There will be at least three sessions or activities proposed. The specific goals, duration, materials needed to run the activity, description and evaluation planned will be detailed for each activity.
  4. Annex (3 pages). It will include the assessment questionnaires for participant and adult trainer involved.

Although there is some literature and techniques to work on emotions in the formal education field, it is difficult to find non-formal material on this topic. During the diagnostic phase, we did not find any didactic unit focused on emotional management for adult trainers, and even though it existed, it would be difficult to find the same approach on the emotional management that we have in this guide (as explained in the previous section, where it is described).

The didactic unit is a subsidiary document to the guide, since it will provide concrete examples of activities, that can help adult trainers putting into practice the knowledge and tools offered by the guide. Both intellectual outputs  are aimed to improve the quality of their activities and trainings, from the point of view of inclusion, violence prevention, academic and work success, as well as the personal and social integrity of adult learners.

Regarding transferability, experienced adult trainers could easily adapt the activities to their own geographic context, specific adult groups (for example disabled people, immigrants, refugees, etc), etc.




Division of work:

The writing of the teaching unit will be collaborative, so the text will be written in English. The index of the publication and the basic content of the chapters was agreed upon during the preparation phase. The participating organisations could suggest modifications of the proposed chapters, as well as add other chapters, if needed, once the writing has started. All the information will be put together through online platforms, such as dropbox or google drive. The communication between the participating organisations will be fluid and periodic. At least, one follow-up teleconference, among the three representatives of the participating entities, will be set up every two weeks. In addition, a periodic evaluation will be carried out to monitor the evolution of the indicators proposed for each task (writing, layout, translation, publication and dissemination).

Once the teaching unit has been fully written, the representative of Mozaik (Ömer Düzgün) will carry out a final revision of its contents. Parallel with the review, they will implement the activities to test and improve them before the layout. After verifying that the content is right, Permacultura Cantabria will be in charge of the layout of the booklet. Mozaik will translate the booklet into Turkish. The translated text will also be sent to Permacultura Cantabria, so they will prepare the layout.

E1. Turkey

The presentation day will have the same structure and duration in the three countries. So they will include a conference, followed by a question time or debate that will last four hours, in the morning, and a teamwork that will last three hours, in the afternoon.
The program will be similar to the following one:

1. Presentation in the language of the audience. The representative of MOZAIK will, briefly, explain the context of the project in which the booklet is framed. Duration: 15 min.
2. The representative of Permacultura Cantabria will present the booklet in English and will encourage the participating entities, to continue collaborating on the proposed topics through future projects. Duration: 1 h.
3. Break. Duration: 30 minutes.
4. There will be a question time or debate session in which the participants will present themselves before speaking, so that the rest of the audience can contextualise their intervention. Duration: 2h.
5. The representative of the MOZAIK will present the teaching unit, thank the participants in their native language for their assistance and will provide the contact details of the participating organisations to continue collaborating. Duration: 15 min.
6. Lunch break. Duration: 1h y 15min.
7. Teamwork. The participants will be split into 3 heterogeneous teams that will work on the themes proposed by the participating organisations. Each group will be dynamised by a member of the MOZAIK. The teaching unit will be one of the documents to support the work of the groups. At the end of the activity, a spokesperson of each team will present their conclusions to the rest of the participants. Duration: 3 hours.

Each organisation will be responsible for organising the logistics in their own country and inviting 30 relevant stakeholders in formal and non-formal educational decision-making processes and in the regional and national press media. The conferences will also be recorded for subsequent dissemination, in social networks.

In order to open up the non-formal work with adults to a cross sectorial cooperation, agents from public institutions, private educational entities and NGOs will be invited. During conferences, the need to improve the transnational cooperation between authorities will be emphasised, in the educational and training context, as well as the need for available budgets and open educational resources (OER) or the integration between investigation, practice and policies. It could all be elaborated in depth, after the conferences, in the teamwork created for that purpose.

When choosing the place where these events will be held, special attention will be paid to accessibility, in order to facilitate the assistance for people with mobility restrictions. If there were people with special needs among the attendees, the necessary requirements would be provided (sign language translator, etc.). Likewise, the edited summary of the conferences will be uploaded to youtube, including subtitles in English, to facilitate the understanding to deaf people and reach the international audience.


E2. Spain

Same as the first day, it starts with a conference, followed by a question time or debate that will last four hours, in the morning, and a teamwork that will last three hours, in the afternoon.
The program will be similar to the following one:

1. Presentation in the language of the audience. The representative of Permacultura Cantabria will, briefly, explain the context of the project in which the booklet is framed. Duration: 15 min.
2. The representative of Permacultura Cantabria will present the booklet in Spanish and will encourage the participating entities, to continue collaborating on the proposed topics through future projects. Duration: 1 h.
3. Break. Duration: 30 minutes.
4. There will be a question time or debate session in which the participants will present themselves before speaking, so that the rest of the audience can contextualise their intervention. Duration: 2h.
5. The representative of Permacultura Cantabria will present the teaching unit, thank the participants in their native language for their assistance and will provide the contact details of the participating organisations to continue collaborating. Duration: 15 min.
6. Lunch break. Duration: 1h y 15min.
7. Teamwork. The participants will be split into 3 heterogeneous teams that will work on the themes proposed by the participating organisations. Each group will be dynamised by a member of the Permacultura Cantabria. The teaching unit will be one of the documents to support the work of the groups. At the end of the activity, a spokesperson of each team will present their conclusions to the rest of the participants. Duration: 3 hours.

Each organisation will be responsible for organising the logistics in their own country and inviting 30 relevant stakeholders in formal and non-formal educational decision-making processes and in the regional and national press media. The conferences will also be recorded for subsequent dissemination, in social networks.

In order to open up the non-formal work with adults to a cross sectorial cooperation, agents from public institutions, private educational entities and NGOs will be invited. During conferences, the need to improve the transnational cooperation between authorities will be emphasised, in the educational and training context, as well as the need for available budgets and open educational resources (OER) or the integration between investigation, practice and policies. It could all be elaborated in depth, after the conferences, in the teamwork created for that purpose.

When choosing the place where these events will be held, special attention will be paid to accessibility, in order to facilitate the assistance for people with mobility restrictions. If there were people with special needs among the attendees, the necessary requirements would be provided (sign language translator, etc.). Likewise, the edited summary of the conferences will be uploaded to youtube, including subtitles in English, to facilitate the understanding to deaf people and reach the international audience.


E3. Iceland

Same as the first and second day, it starts with a conference, followed by a question time or debate that will last four hours, in the morning, and a teamwork that will last three hours, in the afternoon.
The program will be similar to the following one:

1. Presentation in the language of the audience. The representative of Hringsjá will, briefly, explain the context of the project in which the booklet is framed. Duration: 15 min.
2. The representative of Permacultura Cantabria will present the booklet in English, and will encourage the participating entities, to continue collaborating on the proposed topics through future projects. Duration: 1 h.
3. Break. Duration: 30 minutes.
4. There will be a question time or debate session in which the participants will present themselves before speaking, so that the rest of the audience can contextualise their intervention. Duration: 2h.
5. The representative of Hringsjá will present the teaching unit, thank the participants in their native language for their assistance and will provide the contact details of the participating organisations to continue collaborating. Duration: 15 min.
6. Lunch break. Duration: 1h y 15min.
7. Teamwork. The participants will be split into 3 heterogeneous teams that will work on the themes proposed by the participating organisations. Each group will be dynamised by a member of Hringsjá. The teaching unit will be one of the documents to support the work of the groups. At the end of the activity, a spokesperson of each team will present their conclusions to the rest of the participants. Duration: 3 hours.

Each organisation will be responsible for organising the logistics in their own country and inviting 30 relevant stakeholders in formal and non-formal educational decision-making processes and in the regional and national press media. The conferences will also be recorded for subsequent dissemination, in social networks.

In order to open up the non-formal work with adults to a cross sectorial cooperation, agents from public institutions, private educational entities and NGOs will be invited. During conferences, the need to improve the transnational cooperation between authorities will be emphasised, in the educational and training context, as well as the need for available budgets and open educational resources (OER) or the integration between investigation, practice and policies. It could all be elaborated in depth, after the conferences, in the teamwork created for that purpose.

When choosing the place where these events will be held, special attention will be paid to accessibility, in order to facilitate the assistance for people with mobility restrictions. If there were people with special needs among the attendees, the necessary requirements would be provided (sign language translator, etc.). Likewise, the edited summary of the conferences will be uploaded to youtube, including subtitles in English, to facilitate the understanding to deaf people and reach the international audience.

Development of activities