Development of STEAM-Oriented kits for better transition to Eco-Smart Schools

In 2020, Europe faces environmental challenges of unprecedented scale and urgency. Although EU environment and climate policies have delivered benefits over recent decades, Europe faces persistent problems in areas such as, resource use, high level of energy consumption, climate change impacts and environmental risks to health and well-being.Energy use of the schools reaches a high level in particular spending more than $ 8 billion in energy throughout the country. In 28 EU and ECC countries, households have shown little awareness on the so-called waste electrical, as each person produces 20 kgs of e-waste per year, and only 35% of it is recycled. As EU Commissioner Mr Vella stated, reaching EU objective of 85% is impossible unless consumers’ action is taken seriously into consideration with widespread educational plans to enhance circular economy and efficient use of resources and tackling climate change. Recognizing these challenges, the EU has committed to a range of long-term sustainability goals with the overall aim of ‘living well, within the limits of our planet’. The EU Com. has recently presented the European Green Deal, which is an ambitious package of measures that should enable Europeans to benefit from sustainable green transition and also represents the new EU growth strategy including promoting resource and energy efficiency,providing access to basic services and a better quality of life for all.In addition to EU Com., UNESCO also has published that, creating a more sustainable world and to engage with sustainability-related issues, individuals must become sustainable change-makers (4th global report, UNESCO). For that to happen, we must start developing a set of competences fully engage with social dimensions in environmental protection,climate change and responsible consumption.Therefore, learning practices and curricula in schools have a great importance for the students and their teacher as well . But; when these curricula is examined, it is seen that there is neither course content nor learning materials (including extracurricular) for students in high Schools understanding energy efficiency(not theoretical but real cases) and
actions outside the boundaries of the curriculum. EU reports often emphasize the importance of school education in creating a clean and sustainable environment.It is inevitable to transform into schools that produce their own energy, recycle in the clean and sustainable environment axis, control their waste and perform energy-saving actions. But; as mentioned above, high schools are inadequate to provide this transformation due to lack of curriculum, their inability to balance theory and practice, and having a curriculum with limited hands-on exercises and skills about the environment. High schools need to identify urgent action plans and need to ensure this transformation through curricula appropriate to these action plans. Thus; high school students gain the qualifications required by the EU Energy policy plans.

In order to gain required qualifications and developing hands-on exercise and learning materials, students and Teachers basically need critical thinking, creativity, inquiry-based thinking, computational thinking within ‘real life’ STEAM contexts. High school students learn the theoretical topics non-domain-specific context in schools as a result they cannot participate in practices that bring STEAM disciplines together. This situation causes school,teachers,students to be inadequate in fulfill needs and EU targets. Therefore as stated in ET 2020 working groups and EU Education policies; the integrated approach of STEAM will help these skills more concrete and connected to the real-world.The project will, therefore, produce a series of STEAM-based domain-specific learning materials and kits produced in maker-spaces within the context of Eco-Smart schools. The kits and resources will include experimental learning within the maker-space labs and will based on the pedagogical principle of project-based learning.
STEAM-based learning has shown that teacher and students have opportunities to learn by focussing ECO-SMART school problems that have real-world applications. Having the opportunity to students to hands-on solutions will enrich and upskill their higher-order thinking skills into action.

Thanks to the consortium and Eco-Smart project, maker space workshops to be generated by high school students and especially STEAM teachers, they will be able to analyze their existing problems and develop kits to produce solutions in an environmental manner.With this project we aim to engage students/teacher and parents about the environmental facts and boost their productivity to take action for clean and sustainable schools.

Eco-Smart project aims to:

-Realizing 40% energy efficiency potential in schools/institutions.

-Invigorates teachers in the teaching of environmental topics and methodologies

-10% calculating and reduction of carbon footprint in school

During and after the introductory meetings, STEAM teachers, academicians, relevant teaching professionals, administrative staff of partners, third parties will be informed about the objectives of the project by each partner organization. Project stakeholders will get in contact with the Project Management Board and they will be kept up-to-date with on-going implementations in each partner country through various means of communication such as emailing, partner institutions’ regular meetings, online discussion panels, educational fairs, conventions, seminars and various events organized to give information about the activities of the partner organizations, virtual platforms, and the project website. During the multiplier events, academicians, researchers, educators will take part in the hands-on activities and online discussions in each country. Also, partner OMEM has the ability to reach an effect along with 257 public schools. As described in the Learning Training Teaching section there will be a C1 activity with the participation of 2 STEAM teachers and one accompanying person in each country. The selection of the STEAM discipline teacher is an open call with an interest in environmental issues. There will be 21 participants getting real hands-on experience in maker space labs.

ECO-SMART will create social responsibility cooperation and ecological community and will bring together teachers, researchers, and innovation hub representatives with a common interest in STEAM and environmental learning and toolkit for ECO-SMART toolkit for schools. Participant involvement is well-designed into each project activity across all project stages, from design to execution to evaluation. Specifically, we will directly involve participants in all partner countries in the project during all maker paces activities(material development), piloting and dissemination phases of the 5 designated Intellectual Outputs.

Further specific participant involvement includes: – schools and wider education-policy stakeholders in the project will participate in our multiplier events and IO»s Furthermore, each partner will attract representatives of the region’s ecological-friendly organizations.Other involvement contains: – teaching staff(especially STEAM teachers) from school institutions will participate in the pilot testing of the IOs; – their students will reexperience the ECO-SMART products and the case pool studies will be developed within the IO»s resources through pilot testing of the overall IOs; – 257 public school administrators and stakeholders will join in our MULTIPLIER EVENTS – 5000+ individuals from the target groups will download and explore materials online through our dissemination strategies.For each stage of participants’ involvement, the project STEAM teachers will relearn and reframe their practical knowledge in maker spaces and most importantly they will readapt their experience how to create materials and tools for ECO-SMART purposes. Environmental organizations involvement is also crucial to foe a better understanding of Green-deal and understanding of ecological awareness.

1-Kick-Off Meeting, France,(led by Lycée les Pannevelles) (10-2020)

2 persons attending from each partner+2 working days+ 2 travel days
Agenda of The Meeting: The first meeting will issue all the formal elements to put in force the project (calendar planning, official dissemination material, IO discussion and definition of responsibilities, expected results and minimum objectives, communication network and quality and risk.

2-Second Meeting, Turkey 02-2021(Led by OMEM)

2 persons attending from each partner+2 working days+ 2 travel days
Agenda: Reviewing IO1 and finalizing IO1+ Starting IO2 and preparing draft templates of IO2(session by the leading of OMEM)

3-Third Meeting, Denmark- 06-2021 (led by Fablab )

2 persons attending from each partner+2 working days+ 2 travel days
Agenda: Reviewing IO2( By the leading of Fablab)+ sharing templates of IO3 and understanding of IO3(led by ERTEV) Financial matters(Lycée les Pannevelles), dissemination checklist and keeping tracks(ERTEV), impact monitoring(by the leading of IMC), Quarterly Online Internal Evaluation Surveys feedbacks

4-Fourth Meeting, Spain, 11-2021 (led by ACYMPC )

2 persons attending from each partner+2 working days+ 2 travel days
Agenda: Reviewing IO3(led by UU)+development of IO4(by the leading of Lycée les Pannevelles), have a session for the preparations of LLT event, impact monitoring(by the leading of IMC), Quarterly Online Internal Evaluation Surveys feedbacks

5-Fifth Meeting, Finland 05-2022 (led by Olemisen)

2 persons attending from each partner+2 working days+ 2 travel days
Agenda: Feedback about IO3 and checking the quality of IO4.progress reviewing of the IO5.(by the leading of Overages).Preparations for the final report, checking salary slips, timesheets, dissemination reports, impact monitoring(by the leading of IMC), Quarterly Online Internal Evaluation Surveys feedbacks and gathering all survey results and summarising it(by the leading of IMC).

Since the STEAM discipline teachers are the main target groups and participants of the C1 activity an open call will be applied to STEAM discipline teachers participate.Olemisen, Fablab, Innovation Frontiers, and PERMACULTURA CANTABRIA will reach their associated schools to be informed to apply from their schools.Also all partners will publish this open call via their webpages and social media pages as well. The selection criteria will be set by Project Internal Committee such as experience on teaching,post-graduate availability etc.

Through this training activity, we aim to enable acquiring the necessary skills, hands-on experience, and facilitate the process of developing Eco-Smart school kits/materials in the maker-space lab of ERTEV. 2 STEAM discipline teachers and 1 accompanying(Coordinator P1 will participate 3 STEAM teachers) person from each country will participate in this activity and it will take 5 days +2 days travel.

Modules of the activity:

Day 1: Arrival of Participants

Day 2:Module 1: Maker Movement
This module is the intro module of the training activity which is designed to shift the mindset of teachers to the Maker Mindset. By means of this module, participants will be provided with various learning spaces in which they will be able to interiorize the attitude of a Maker.

Day 3 Module 2: Basic Electronics
This module introduces the basics of electronics and enhances teachers learning experience by explaining concepts such as circuits, analog and digital, schematics, voltage, safety concerns, and more. The module will give teachers an introduction to the basics of electronics and electricity. In this module, teachers will learn the fundamental concepts of voltage, current, resistance, and power. Teachers will also be introduced to circuit board building methods and breadboard. The Module also covers the differences between the ideal, theoretical power sources that is often considered when designing circuits and the physical limitations of the real-world power sources that is actually used to build them. Teachers will also get into on how to use the go-to tool for debugging electronics, the digital multimeter, so they can measure the actual voltage and current in their circuits.

Day 4:Module 3: Arduino Step by Step
In this Module, the teacher will have a good understanding of the capabilities of the Arduino and will be familiar with the capacities of several of its cousins. Teachers will be comfortable with the basic prototyping tools and their usage, the basics of the Arduino programming environment, language and programming. They will be able to use a variety of components. From simple buttons and LEDs to visible color and ultraviolet light, and other environmental sensors. Apart from knowing how to use the components that will be demonstrated in this module, they will also learn how to read
datasheets, how to use libraries on their own, and how to learn the skills they need to create the gadgets they want, on their own.

Day 5:Module 4: 3D Design and Printing
CAD is software that helps a wide range of users create 3D objects on-screen — buildings, vehicles, gadgets, prototypes and more. Through this module, teachers will learn to create custom 3D models in accordance with their schools need, merge basic shapes to create more complex shapes, create «hole» objects for merging with solid objects to create unique shapes and designs, download 3D models for printing with a 3D printer, how to prototype gadgets, how to blender 3D Models and how to print them.

Coordinator Lycée les Pannevelles will ensure effective project management among partners and associated partners. For successful project management and implementation, each work package is based on the principles of cooperation, shared responsibilities, co-creation, and quality in all its aspects and phases. The work is divided into Work Packages (WP) that consist of a set of tasks (A). The name of the partner after each task identifies task leadership.

WP1 Project Management and Implementation(led by Lycée les Pannevelles)
*risk management plan (starting before approval of the project)

A1: Grant Agreement-Contracts: After getting approved, Grant agreement will be signed by Lycée les Pannevelles and National Agency. Right after the agreement process, Lycée les Pannevelles will deliver sub-contract to all partners. Subcontract appoint the legal binding points and revised budget items, installment dates and so on. Also, it will indicate regulations and enforcements legally among partners.

A2: Project Handbook: Handbook will include; An updated contact person email-skype-mobile numbers list, distribution of tasks list, financial rules(based on Erasmus+ and grant agreement), members, functions, and enforcement of Internal management committee(IMC), dissemination, sustainability plan, monitoring and evaluating indicators, everybody has full knowledge of all the aspects of the project.

A3: Subordinate tools for management: Asana ( will be used as a tool to assign tasks, TPM times, IO due dates, responsible person, etc. Dropbox will be used as cloud storage to upload and save every item of the project as both digital and scanned versions. Doodle will be used as a meeting organizer either face to face or virtual. To set and agree with all time-specific manners. Project website: Web site will be developed with all partner languages which the last a minimum of five years.

A4: Interim and Final Reports-Mobility Tool: Interim and final reports will be handled in the exact time based on the agreement. The mobility tool will be the main platform to process the required data into it. (TPM, LTT, IO’s based on grant agreement)

WP2 TRANSITIONAL MEETINGS– all partners 5 meetings are planned in order to execute a management and implementation process. Aim: development of Intellectual outputs, peer reviews, and feedbacks, agreement of arrangements, checking deadlines, fieldwork, taking meeting minutes and reporting problems or issues, and evaluating the progress, Internal management committee(IMC) reviews.

M1 Kick-off, France
M2 Second Meeting, Turkey
M3 Third Meeting, Denmark
M4 Fourth Meeting, Spain
M5 Final Meeting, Finland

WP3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND IMPACT EVALUATION(led by Internal management committee- IMC)
Setting Up=Internal management committee- IMC.All partner including Lycée les Pannevelles will appoint one member with the leading of P5(PDE). An assignment will take place in the preparation part of the project.

A5- Quarterly Online Internal Evaluation Surveys – to be filled in periodically(once in four months) by Partners and assessed by IMC

A6– Development of an Impact Evaluation Strategy including;
procedures for ensuring quality in IO’s and its progress, and the means to monitor, evaluate and propose corrective measures to optimize quality along with the project;

A7-Drawing up ‘Monitoring Cycle Matrix’, Qualitative and Quantitative Indicators (pls see related part).

A8- Financial progress report, once in a 6 month

A9-Quarterly Monitoring/Recommendation Reports

WP4: Learning-Training-Teaching Events(LLT event)

C1: ERTEV will organize a Learning-Training-Teaching Activity ERTEV. Prior to starting IO4

WP5: Dissemination and Exploitation (led by ERTEV)

A10- Creation of Brandbook(Dissemination Strategy)
*dissemination reporting templates and schedule

A11- Visual, promotional materials, banner, roll up, powtoon animations, e-newsletter, press(for details pls see follow up part)

A12- Dissemination of the results on the Erasmus+ Results Platform(23rd and 24th months of the project)

WP6: Sustainability (led by OMEM)

A13-Creating a sustainability plan in the preparation part. By the leading of OMEM, all partners will input their own contributions.

IO1: There will be two parts of the Eco-smart action plan, Specifically, the action plan will comprise of two major matrix.

1. Things to do for school buildings (Eco-Smart school reference action plan) .
2. Part to be done for students and school staff.

With IO1 in school / institution buildings; Preparation of building projects and energy identity document on issues related to the energy use of the building such as architectural design, mechanical installation, electrical installation, building controls and supervision activities, meeting the energy need from the cogeneration system and renewable energy sources, creating and keeping the building inventory across the city, keeping the energy remote It is aimed to carry out training, awareness and implementation activities in order to follow up and automation, to develop energy culture and efficiency awareness in schools.

IO2: In this intellectual output,a Step by Step theoretical Material will be developed in order to transform schools into an Eco-Smart school under the guidance of STEAM teachers based on the competence framework determined in O1.
In this stage, it is aimed at students and STEAM teachers to gain knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values about Eco-Smart literacy. Theoretical Material based on the framework and has topics such as:

-Environmental literacy
-Eco-Smart school definition and its scope
-To gain environment-friendly behavior
-Energy-saving and clean energy generation-Renewable energy sources
-Waste Management in Schools

IO3: As stated in general, more than 40 percent of fossil-based energy in the world is used in heating, cooling, lighting and other building systems. This situation causes exhaustion of energy resources and environmental pollution. For this reason, increasing energy performance in new or existing buildings is one of the most emphasized issues today. The buildings need a certain amount of energy consumption annually as a function of the climate zone, function, and crust they are in. In order to increase the energy performance of the buildings, it is necessary to determine how much energy a building will consume on an annual basis in peak condition. If the calculated performance is insufficient, it should be possible to calculate how this can be improved. In this context, building energy simulation is one of the most important tools to predict energy consumption of buildings. These programs provide realistic calculations and easy access to the correct result. With this simulation, in line with the plan and framework set out in previous IOs, a software-based simulation environment will be
developed that can be used prior to the Eco-Smart transformation of schools.
In this simulation environment, interfaces that serve the following purposes will be included:

• To ensure the school’s heat-saving
• To ensure the school’s water-saving
To ensure the school’s electiricity saving
• Recycling and storage of waste in school
• School’s use of renewable energy sources
• To provide a sustainable environment for the school


SECTION 1 – GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: The global dimension can inform the whole school ethos, leading to a school that is inclusive, just and democratic and promotes social and environmental responsibility, respect and co-operation.

*ACTIVITY 1: Where Am I?
*ACTIVITY 2: If the world had only 100 People!
*ACTIVITY 3: The Biscuit Game
*ACTIVITY 4: The world came to my place today
*Activity 5 : Logo Lookout

SECTION 2 – WATER :aim is to do in-school studies to save water

* Activity 1 : Drink Up!
* Activity 2: Think Global, Act Local

SECTION 3- CLIMATE CHANGE :Aim: An activity to help understand the difference between weather and climate

*Activity 1 : Weather or climate
*Activity 2 : Hog and Seek
*Activity 3 : Carbon Footprint… What size is yours?
* pupil Worksheet /classroom survey

SECTION 4- Waste: Why is food waste such an important issue?

*Activity 1 : Food Waste Case Study
*ACTIVITY 2: Waste Resource Efficiency Same difference?

IO5: The ‘My Eco-School and Sustainable Development’ e-learning platform addresses teachers and educational staff who want to develop in the field of environmental education,management and sustainable development. It is an online education platform for primary and secondary school teachers, management staff and educational staff. Thanks to this platform, schools will access all kinds of information to become an ecsmart school. There will be examples of activities to be implemented in ecosmart schools for teachers, how to make project idea outputs and audio visual materials.
On the one hand, teachers will focus on ways to incorporate sustainable goals into the school curriculum and how the materials will adapt to the teaching contexts. Management staff will use a sustainable school’s dashboard to get ideas for future actions / projects to evaluate their institutions and make their schools more environmentally friendly. Participants will also get an idea of how to take part at local and international level to promote sustainable development goals.


Kick off agenda


  • panevelles
  • perma
  • ertev
  • fablab
  • olemisen
  • osmangazi
  • ike