Counteracting Power Abuse
Counteracting Power Abuse
Project details
The objective of this strategic partnership is, through the exchange of good practices, to fight the alarming situation that the participating countries are facing regarding power abuse.
The main objectives are:
- Transfer the best practices to counteract power abuse on young people.
- Acquire new tools and methodologies to counteract power abuse.
- Increase the level of awareness of real situation that young victims experience in terms of power abuse.
- Strengthen partnerships at the regional, national and European levels with entities that fight for the same cause.
The main activities in the Project include:
Project meetings:
- A transnational meeting will be held in Spain in which project and dissemination coordinators will participate to start the project officially, as well as make the final evaluation of it.
- At the end of the project, an extra meeting will be done to evaluate the project impact and get information for the final report.
Learning activities:
- 6-day course in Spain: Permacultura Cantabria will conduct a course in Ramales de la Victoria (Cantabria) to counteract the abuse of power, where the NGO will share their best practices and emotional management tools so that young people are able to face and overcome situations of power abuse. Additionally, other entities will share their initiatives and activities to fight against power abuse in young people from rural areas and minorities.
4 participants per entity will attend the course.
- 1st Participatory Visit in Italy: Associazione Agrado will transfer their Best Practices and “Diagnosis and Analysis of power abuse” Additionally, we will visit relevant local entities in the field of preventive diagnosis and power abuse in young people. Participating visits will be attended by 2 participants from each organisation.
- 2nd Participatory Visit in Poland: AWA will transfer their Best Practices and work done to counteract the abuse of power in young women. We will visit relevant local entities on gender issues.
- 3rd participatory visit in Hungary: Anthropolis will present us their work done right awareness about abuse situations as well as the best practices to counteract the abuse of power among young people. Participants will learn their Digital Storytelling tool.
Activities without specific budget:
- Each organisation will carry out an internal workshop to transfer the skills and knowledge acquired, as well as to raise the level of awareness among young people about the current situation around power abuse, as well as tools to counteract it.
- The organisations involved will carry out a campaign to disseminate the best practices learned, tools and knowledge acquired to maximize the exploitation of the results.
– Objectives:
1) To learn their “Diagnosis and Analysis of power abuse” Tool. Transactional analysis (TA).
2) To visit relevant local entities in the field of preventive diagnosis and power abuse in young people.
3) To gain deeper knowledge on power abuse suffered by young people belonging to vulnerable groups (ethnic and rural minorities, refugees, elderly…)
– Programing:
Day 1
8.30 Breakfast
9.30-11.00 Participants presentation and team formation
11.30-13.00 Cooperation improvement
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 Inclusion games- Discriminatory prejudices and interrogation
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17.00-18.30 Games – Who stays behind?
20.30-22:00 Dinner
22.00 Night out
Day 2
8.30 Breakfast
9.30-11.00 Transactional analysis – Key Concepts
11.30-13.00 Transactional analysis: EGO states and work in pairs
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 Transactional analysis: 3 transactions
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17.00-18.30 Role playing games
20.30-22:00 Dinner
22.00 Board game night
Day 3
8.30 Breakfast
9.30-11.00 Visit: Misericordia Empoli / OXFAM: immigrants care (round table)
11.30-13.00 LILITH: gender violence (round table)
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15.00-16.30 ARCI Empolese Valdelsa: anti-fascist activities, immigrant services(round table)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17.00-18.30 Visit: Radio Orme
20.30-22:00 Dinner
22.00 Farewell night
– Participants:
Project Coordinator (PC): David Ban
Dissemination Coordinator (DC): Balazs Nagy
(PC): Fodor Mozes
(DC): Nagy Geza Attila
Associazione Agrado
(PC): Laris Guerri
(DC): Marco Politano
(PC): Monika Sobańska
(DC): Agnieszka Pietrzak
Permacultura Cantabria
(PC): Oscar Argumosa
(DC): Carmen Solla
– Objectives:
1) To share best practices regarding gender related abuse
2) To comprehend the systemic abuse suffered by young women, focusing especially on the situation of immigrant women
3) To visit local entities relevant to the counteracting violence against women and gender equality
– Programing:
Day 1
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Presentation of the actions and projects on gender violence and abuse
implemented by WAW 2004-2010 in Poland (Silesia region)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30-13.00 Best practices in the fight against violence towards women in Poland
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Round table with activists, educators, scientists and local legislators on the prevention of violence, discrimination and abuse in the Silesia region
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17.00- 18.30 Exchange and debate
20.30 – 22:00 Dinner
Day 2
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Master Suppression Techniques, meeting with representatives of the Polish Anti-
Discrimination Education Society; Synergy of the results of the project with KA2 Strategic
Association in the Master of Suppression Techniques
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30-13.00 Exchange and debate
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Meeting with local and regional politics to disseminate project results and broaden its impact
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17.00- 18.30 Dissemination meeting with the City Council – presentation of adult initiatives on gender derived violence and abuse
20.30 – 22:00 Dinner
Day 3
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Round table with the activists of the interdisciplinary team for the prevention of
domestic violence in Sosnowiec
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30-13.00 Exchange and debate
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Round table with the activists of the Superior Council; debate on how to
prevent violence towards women
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17.00- 18.30 Exchange, debate and closure
20.30 – 22:00 Dinner
– Same participants (project coordinator and dissemination coordinator)
– Objectives:
-To comprehend better the systematic abuse suffered by young people (especially those who come from difficult backgrounds, such as ethnic minorities, rural areas, refugees)
– To understand the best practices carried out by Anthropolis to counteract the systematic abuse suffered by these groups.
-To visit relevant local entities who work with these groups acknowledging their main work tools
-To obtain dissemination tools useful for increasing power abuse awareness among our community members.
– Programing:
Day 1
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Digital Narration: Introduction
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Digital Narration and its multiple uses
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Exchange and debate: the third sector: Digital narration and power abuse
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Visit: Terres des Hommes
20:30 – 22:00 Cena
Day 2
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00 Digital Narration and power abuse experiences: listening
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Digital Narration and audiovisual creation: power abuse movies
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Visual creation dissemination and vital experiences
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18:30 Visit: NANE (Women For Women Together Against Violence); round table
20:30 – 22:00 Dinner
Day 3
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00 Workshop: Creating our own audiovisual products
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Workshop: Creating our own audiovisual products
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Audiovisual content presentation
16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Debate and closure
20:30 – 22:00 Dinner
– Same participants (project coordinator and dissemination coordinator)
Course title: Counteracting power abuse
– Objectives:
1)To transfer tools for analysis and diagnosis and «Digital Storytelling» as well as the best practices to counteract power abuse acquired in participatory visits.
2)To gain the knowledge about emotional management to make facing and overcoming situations of power abuse (any kind of violence) easier.
3)Visiting other relevant organisations form Cantabria to comprehend methodology, tools and best practices that they use on a local level.
– Programing:
It has been designed based on the vertical and horizontal axes system.
Vertical axes:
-Comprehend: to familiarize ourselves with other participants organisation profiles, action
spectrum and potential
– Share: to understand each others problems and interests to engage in future initiatives as a
Strategic Partnership
– Collaborate: to develop alliances for future project creation, especially those which seek to
continue fighting against power abuse (AK2)
Horizontal Axes:
Workshops and everyday working sessions
-Program presentation, group formation and motivations.
-Youthpass, Key competences and virtual mobility
Presentation and debate
New tools and methodologies for the violence prevention and counteracting.
Counteracting power abuse; comprehending the current situation session:
-Diagnostic and evaluation tool; best practices exchange
-Preventive analysis and diagnosis of vulnerable situations tool
-Exchange of good practices on preventive and diagnostic analysis systems
Raising awareness level regarding power abuse in the society; working on the visibility of the entities:
-Tools for preventing, visualizing and awareness raising tool regarding violence
-«Digital Storytelling» tool
-Creation of short films
Gender equality and young women
-Tools for preventing, visualizing and awareness raising tool regarding violence towards
-Comprehending the situation of systemic abuse against women, especially migrant women
-Visiting the General Council of Equality and Women in Cantabria
-Exchange of good practices on gender equality
Abuse towards people (women) from minority groups:
-Becoming aware of oppression of people (women) who belong to minority groups (ROMA, disabled, LGTBQ, migrant, refugee, rural areas, elderly etc.)
-Visiting the ROMA Secretary Foundation
-Visit to the Social Services Institute in Cantabria (ICASS)
-Exchange of good practices to counteract violence towards minorities
Abuse of power towards the disabled people:
-Visiting the Cantabrian Federation of Physically and Organically Disabled People (COCEMFE)
-Exchange of good practices to counteract violence towards people with disabilities
Emotional management tool for facing and overcoming power abuse situations:
-Introduction to the basic principle of emotional management
-Sharing our experiences related to gender violence and abuse
-The importance of emotional discharge in abusive situations
-Understand social oppression to understand human beings
-The group’s energy and power relations
Teamwork sessions:
-Network creation and future projects
-Strengthening regional and EU alliances with entities working on the same issues
-Comprehending strengths of our organisations to counteract power abuse
-Difficulties and challenges our entities face
-New initiatives to counteract power abuse (future KA2 projects)
-Presentation of KA2 initiatives to counteract power abuse (gender related abuse)
-From the abstract to the concrete: make future commitments and alliances.
-Daily evaluations
-Final evaluation
Intercultural exchange:
Cultural visit to Santander
– Same participants (project coordinator and dissemination coordinator) +Each entity will select 1 Youth Worker and 2 Young Participant.
Permacultura Cantabria
-Oscar Argumosa: Project coordinator, course director
-Carmen Solla: dissemination coordinator
-Virginia Pañeda: contact person and project implementation
-Silvia Abascal: translations
Disadvantage participants: “Pasiegan Valleys” was, traditionally, dedicated to agriculture and livestock. Nowadays, young people from its community have faced or face economic difficulties and, therefore, difficulty accessing training and employment.
-Monika Sobańska: Project coordinator
-Agnieszka Pietrzak: dissemination coordinator
-Halina Sobańska: trainer during the visit to Poland
Disadvantage participants:
AWA is located in one of the regions of Poland where there gender violence and abuse towards women is occurring on a daily basis.
-Viktoria Mihalkó: Project coordinator
-David Ban: dissemination coordinator
-Mihalkó: power abuse expert
-Balázs Nagy: “Digital Storytelling” trainer
Disadvantage participants:
The organisation works with Roma men and women who come from a social environment with unfavorable economic and social conditions.
Fodor Mozes: Project coordinator
Nagy Geza Attila: dissemination coordinator
Hegyi Istvan: trainer in the visit to Romania
Disadvantage participants:
The NGO is formed and represents the population of a Hungarian minority group in Romania. People from the Roma ethnic group, who identify themselves as Hungarians, are part of this group. Deaf people.
Agrado Association
Laris Guerri: Project coordinator
Marco Politano: dissemination coordinator
Chiara Falchi: trainer in the visit to Italy
Disadvantage participants:
They work with people who face or have faced difficult economic obstacles and who have been unemployed for a long time.
-Dissemination before the course
Main goal: to share the information about the project, participatory visits and expected results.
Resources: using informative press and online articles, leaflets, newsletters and websites and blog created for the purpose of the project, which will be used throughout the project duration;
Other activities:
-meetings; face to face meetings with interested organisations and individuals to promote the project, its objectives and expected results;
-we want to invite adult workers from other entities to join our internal workshops
-round tables; during the 3 participatory visits we will organize round tables; they will serve to familiarize ourselves with the work of other organisations that fight for counteracting violence and abuse towards women and their initiatives, to exchange best practices among all participants and extend the project coverage. We will issue an open invitation to participate for any organisation interested in the topic.
content creating (fliers: 1/entity/month, articles: 1/entity/2 months, newsletter: 1/entity/2 months, blog: 1 blog);
Round tables (2 mass disseminations; responsibility of the hosting organisation)
Meetings (1/month/entity)
-Dissemination during the course
Objective: sharing the course in Spain experience, cultural exchange and motivating other people to participate in Erasmus + mobilities
Content creating: we will produce and upload online (Youtube) a short video showing the purpose of the course based on photos and clips recorded by the course participants; they will also produce various short films using the Storytelling technique presented by Anthropolis. Those short films will also be shared in our social media.
Facebook event for the course; this will be set up and shared by the participating organisations, entities involved with Erasmus+ interested in social inclusion and those who work with vulnerable minority groups.
Experience sharing – the participants will be encouraged to share their course experiences actively as they happen on their social networks by publishing pictures, videos and other content; the same will be done by the Coordinators.
content creating (1 video, 5 short videos created using digital storytelling, 1 Facebook page: 2 publications/month)
Experiences and course highlights dissemination: 2 publications/day
-Dissemination after the course
Objective: to share project results and transfer newly gained knowledge and tools locally, nationally and internationally.
Face to face dissemination work: each participating entity will be in charge of preparing presentations for main local organisations who work on the topic; that way the project will gain additional coverage and new alliances will be formed.
Internal workshops: after the course in Spain each organisation will prepare an internal workshop which objective will be transferring the knowledge onto the rest of the staff of the entity, other youth workers (adult trainers), young people (adults) they work with and other members of the local community; each entity will issue an invitation to the workshop and promote it on their social network pages so other organisation interested in this subject could participate.
content creation (success stories: 3/entity; each one will be published 4 times, newsletter: 1/entity/2 months, articles: 1/entity/2 months; newsletter and articles will be mass disseminated)
Tools and knowledge dissemination (4 promoting materials creation/ 8 publications/entity/month)
Meetings with interested organisations (1/entity/month)
Board meetings (1/entity/month)
Internal workshops (1/entity, 1 promotional material and 2 publications/entity/month)
Erasmus Platforms:
Erasmus+ Project Results Platform, EPALE and SALTO (not in 204).
*The Project starts on 1st August 2018 and finishes on 31st Janury 2020 (18 months).
* There will be not interim report.
*Within 60 days after the end date of the Project, the coordinator must complete a final report on the implementation of the Project, and, when applicable, upload all project results in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
*The coordinator must use the Mobility Tool+ to record all information in relation to the activities undertaken under the Project, and to complete and submit the Final report.
*All requests for payments and reports must be submitted in Spanish.
- a) Project management and implementation
– Triggering event: the event that conditions the entitlement to the grant is that the beneficiary implements the activities and produces the outputs
– Supporting documents: proof of activities undertaken and outputs produced will be provided in the form of a description of these activities and outputs in the final report. In addition, outputs produced will be uploaded by the coordinator in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.
– Reporting: on behalf of the Project as a whole, the coordinator must report on the final distribution of funds and on undertaken activities and results.
- b) Transnational project meetings
(c) Supporting documents:
– For travel taking place between the sending organisation and the receiving organisation: proof of attendance of the activity in the form of a declaration signed by the receiving organisation (attendance certificate in annexes).
-Proof of attendance of the transnational project meeting in the form of a participants list signed by the participants and the receiving organisation (in annexes)
– Detailed agenda and any documents used or distributed at the transnational project meeting.
- c) Learning, teaching and training activities
(c) Supporting documents:
– Travel
*For travel taking place between the sending organisation and the receiving organisation: proof of attendance of the activity in the form of a declaration signed by the receiving organisation specifying the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity, as well as its starting and end date,;
* In case of travel from a place different than that where the sending organisation is located and/or travel to a place different than that where the receiving organisation is located which leads to a change of distance band, the actual travel itinerary shall be supported with travel tickets or other invoices specifying the place of departure and the place of arrival.
(ii) Individual support – Proof of attendance of the activity in the form of a declaration signed by the receiving organisation specifying the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity, as well as its start and end date.
In the preparation phase, we agreed solutions for potential problems:
– A participant fails to attend meetings, does not sign the commitment to participate, does not perform their tasks on time or violates their obligations – that participant will be given a written notification of his departure from the project; a substitute will be sought as soon as possible.
– A participant fails to obtain the European Health Card before the exchange activity begins – the project coordinator of each entity will personally supervise that this occurs on time.
– A participant exhibits a bad behavior during his stay abroad (such as lack of respect towards another person or danger to himself or to his companions) – the Project Coordinator of the host entity will notify the sending entity; in addition, the management or contact person of the host organisation may decide to expel the participant from the activity.
– A partner stops cooperating or abandons the project – the problem will be notified immediately to the National Agency by email, and if there is no response within a week, you will be notified by phone to get information on how to proceed. The internal agreement between the partners also establishes that if an associated entity leaves the project, it must return used funds.
– A participant is late in fulfilling the agreed tasks – the Project Coordinator of said organisation will be asked to give reasons for the delay (the same will be done if the person who is delayed is the contact person). If there is no response within a week, a warning email will be sent, communicating that the fact will be disclosed to the National Agency where the project was presented and in the country to which the participant belongs.
– A Project Coordinator delays the payments to the rest of the entities – when not justified, the partners will notify the National Agency where the project was presented in case of delay of more than one month.
– A Project Coordinator from one of the entities involved does not send the invoices to the Anthropolis organisation at the end of the project – if not justified, the coordinator will delay the last payment to the organisation until the invoices are received.
If a conflict occurs internally (within one organisation), it is to be managed by the Project Coordinator from that organisation. This Project Coordinator will notify the applicant organisation in order to solve it together.
Should a conflict of other nature that listed above occur, it will be managed by the collective of Project Coordinators during a meeting structured as follows:
-conflict identification
-possible solutions debate
-solution agreement.
If the parties will not reach an agreement by themselves, a vote will be established among the best available options, choosing the one with the most votes. In the case of a tie vote, the vote of the applicant organisation will be counted twice.
All parties will be notified of this conflict resolution measure; this will be reiterated at the initial meeting to help them understand better the procedure in case of conflict; during that meeting, we will establish the number of people who will be able to vote in such cases.
Poor, partial or late implementation
Poor implementation of the Project may be established by the NA on the basis of:
– The final report submitted by the coordinator;
– The products and outputs produced by the project;
A grant reduction based on poor, partial or late implementation may be applied to the total final amount of eligible expenses and may be of:
– 25% if the final report scores at least 40 points and below 50 points;
– 50% if the final report scores at least 25 points and below 40 points;
– 75% if the final report scores below 25 points.
Termination of the Contract
The Partner notifies the Coordinator immediately in case of appearance of any situation that may affect the performance of the Contract of Partnership.
The Coordinator may cancel the Contract of Partnership on the condition to preserve all rights for damages through a notification to the Partner.
Other reasons for termination are:
- If the Coordinator decides that this Contract shall be affected negatively because of any negligence and/or late notification of the Partner,
- In case of occurrence of the conditions specified under the article of failure to deliver the documents in Article 11 of this Contract or violation of any article of the Contract,
- In case of occurrence of any of the conditions that shall require termination of the Contract which is set out in Article 2 of the Grant Contract in Annex 1, this contract will be terminated.