The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
PROJECT: “CIRCUS – CIRCUlar and Sustainable tools for adults”
Project details
Our industrial economy has hardly moved beyond one fundamental characteristic established in the early days of industrialization: a linear model of resource consumption that follows a take-make-dispose pattern.
Now-a-days people think the faster they replace their gadgets the better – not only their phones, but most items they consume.
Although the EC is allocating efforts in Circular Economy, there is still a high lack of knowledge about how to implement this new model in the organizations or projects. Many people are still defining new projects, bussiness and organizations, considering the linear model.
For this reason, Creativity Works Preston, Permacultura Cantabria and Gmina Starachowice decided to create a strategic partnership and carry out the project “CIRCUlar and Sustainable tools for adults (CIRCUS)”.
We are looking forward to promoting circular economy to adults as it is an innovative topic that needs to be more present in the recent academic literature.
The objectives of our project are:
To exchange knowledge, tools and best practices in our countries and our organizations regarding circular economy
To create an interactive book with new tools and methodologies for the definition and implementation of circular and sustainable projects
To empower adults and adult trainers with new circular economy tools and methodologies for the creation of sustainable projects under circular models
The main activities in our project are:
3 Transnational Meetings:
Kick off meeting in Spain
Intermediate Evaluation in UK
Final Evaluation in Spain
3 Participatory visits: to share tools, knowledge and methodologies in circular economy:
1st Participatory Visit: UK
2nd Participatory Visit: Poland
3rd Participatory Visit: Spain
Creation of an intellectual output: We will develop new circular economy tools for the development of sustainable projects which will be documented in an interactive book.
We will empower adults and adult trainers with new circular economy tools and methodologies for the creation of sustainable projects under circular models through a dissemination campaign. We will transfer them the activities, book and project results so they can benefit from the project.
It is expected that the adult trainers’ and adult participants’ skills, to create sustainable projects under circular economy models are developed. These participants will improve their academic performance, problem-solving and decision-making abilities, leadership and public speaking capacities and, entrepreneurship, circular economy and project management knowledge. This will ease their communication with others and their psychosocial well-being, confidence and empowerment. They will contribute to preserve the planet.
Some of the innumerable benefits circular economy will bring are:
Boost job creation
Foster inclusion
Tackle climate change
Foster entrepreneurship
Boost innovation and competitiveness
Less waste generation
Cheaper production costs
Cheaper products
Responsible consumption, etc.
It is expected this project generates the following outcomes:
-Improve their skills in circular economy entrepreneurship and creating sustainable projects, especially for the integration and inclusion of adult people with fewer opportunities.
-Increase their abilities to innovate and implement social initiatives by by applying the new tools and methodologies.
-Increase the ability to manage integration processes.
-Increase the level of awareness about importance of circular economy for the preservation of our planet.
-Increase their capacity of collective intelligence, participative leadership, group processes and creative process.
-Increase their motivation, self-esteem and self-empowerment
-Reinforce their capacity in defining new Erasmus+ projects in collaboration.
-Contribute to foster inclusion in adult people in their countries as they will get more skills to
entrepreneur or get a job.
-Contribute to help adult people in being part of initiatives/activities/jobs/projects to preserve the Earth.
-Each organization will add Circular Economy as part of their cornerstones
-Deepen their knowledge in sustainability
-Reinforce their knowledge to help adults to entrepreneur
-Become reference organizations in circular economy in their respective countries
-Improve their capacities to promote initiatives and projects for the preservation of our planet
-Improve their capacities to raise awareness about the importance of the Circular Economy
-Establish healthy and long-term relationships among members of different organizations.
-Know the possibilities of collaboration offered by the Erasmus+.
-Share ideas about future sustainable projects to be developed in collaboration with our partners.
-Lifelong Learning: Increase capacities, skills, knowledge and motivation of our staff.
Acquire and implement knowledge regarding the Key Elements in Circular Economy they have not worked yet in.
Incorporate new sustainable technologies in their daily work
Permacultura Cantabria
Acquire new skills for the integration of innovative ICTs to create awareness in dissemination
Acquire and implement knowledge regarding the Key Elements in Circular Economy they have not worked yet in.
GS City Hall
Acquire knowledge in research, and all the phases for writing a book
Acquire capacity in innovation and creation of new tools and methodologies
Acquire and implement knowledge regarding the Key Elements in Circular Economy they have not worked yet in.
1. Adult Education: Improving and extending the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled or low-qualified adults
The members of this strategic partnership will carry out 1 participatory visit in UK, Poland and Spain in which they will be able to transfer best practices carried out by each participating organization regarding entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability. In addition, during these participatory visits, they will be able to visit other relevant organizations’ facilities and hold round tables in order to acquire additional best practices and learn the initiatives, activities, projects, etc. in these topics.
The best practices will be the basis for creating new tools and methodologies that will empower adult people and adult trainers in the development of sustainable projects under circular economy models.
The new tools and methodologies that will be created in this project will develop relevant and high-quality skills and competences on adult trainers and adult people. Circular Economy is a recent and innovative topic that has been included in the European Commission’s economic and environmental policy in the recent years (2015).
The idea of circular economy in project management is increasing in relevance during the lasts and over the coming years. It is innovative as Circular Economy principles and the ways in which it may be incorporated in project management are not already well documented yet in academic literature.
The new methodologies and tools that will be developed in CIRCUS will offer the possibility to put into practice sustainability and circular economy for creating successful projects.
2. Adult Education: Extending and developing the competences of educators and other personnel who support adult learners
The methodologies and tools that will be developed in CIRCUS will be documented in an interactive book.
The interactive book will train adult people and adult trainers in the participatory design of
sustainable projects using Circular Economy. Instead of only designing and implementing a project using the techniques acquired, they will be able to apply them, in the future, with other people from their communities and also collaborate in new initiatives with the organizations involved.
We will facilitate the access to these methodologies and tools in an easy and free way, so that any adult person or adult trainer can be beneficiary of it.
In addition we are looking forward to providing these tools to the adult trainers within and outside our organizations, as they play a multiplier role, transferring them to other adult people.
Our goal is to be able to inspire adult active participation and engagement in the correct design of sustainable projects with a high commitment in the preservation of our planet.
The project participants are separated into 3 main groups:
-Group 1: formed by 2 adult trainer project coordinators (Adult trainer project coordinator and Adult trainer dissemination campaign coordinator) from each organization.
-Group 2: Intellectual output developers. They have been selected before submitting the project as we need their inputs and comments as experts to correctly plan the tasks to be done to create the interactive book. For this, we carried out the selection process and the criteria mentioned above, adding this specific criteria:
-Research capacity, analysis and definition of new teaching methods.
-Commitment and motivation to elaborate intellectual output.
-Experience in the development of interactive books
-Writing capacity
-Ability to innovate
-Ability to travel to the transnational learning activities
-Group 3: The group 3 are adult participants and adult trainers from our organizations from UK, Spain and Poland who will attend the participatory visit in Spain. The selection process will start once the project is approved.
Once the project is approved, we will notify our partners and we will start coordinating the project. We will send an internal agreement to our partners, that will include a working plan, the task distribution, responsibilities of each party, deadlines, indicators for each outcome and all the necessary documentation for reporting.
We will start our monitoring activities and dissemination campaign and will do the activities stated in sections “Project Management” and “Dissemination”.
We will start looking and selecting participants according to the process defined in section
During the project, we will carry out the following transnational activities, in which the entity from the country the activity takes place will be responsible of the preparation activities:
-1st and 3rd Transnational Meeting in Spain: Permacultura Cantabria
-2nd Transnational Meeting and 1st Participatory Visit in UK: CWP
-2nd Participatory Visit in Poland: GS City Hall
-3rd Participatory Visit in Spain: Permacultura Cantabria
Preparation activities for transnational activities:
Each organization will be in charge of the following tasks:
Transportation tickets: Each organization will book all the participants tickets to arrive to the
Insurance: Each organization will issue a travel insurance for each participant and will ask the
participants to issue the European Health Insurance Cards
Linguistic Preparation: As speaking English is one of the requirements the participants must comply, each organization will support them to issue the Europass Language Passport. In this way, we will be able to analyse their English level in order to see if someone needs additional English assistance before the participatory visit in Spain. Each organization will be responsible to provide English Classes or/and tools for those who require to increase their level before their travel. It is mandatory the intellectual output’ developers have a good English level.
Pedagogical Preparation: We will carry out the following activities:
Preparation regarding the project: We will send an info pack that includes a project summary and programme to each organization. A meeting in person will be held, so the adult trainer project coordinator from each organization can explain the participants all the details regarding the project, intellectual output, learning activities, etc.
Preparatory Meetings- The adult trainer project coordinator in each organization will arrange all the necessary meetings with the participants in order to prepare all the tasks of the project.
The entity where the activity is taking place, as the hosting organization, will be responsible of the following tasks:
-Supporting: The hosting organization will provide the participants infopacks (Transportation,
Country’s Information, etc.) as well as the main information of the activity. This person will answer all the participants’ questions and will support them in everything they might need for going to the destination country (UK, Poland, Spain).
-Arrange participants’ accommodation: The hosting organization will look and book the
accommodation. This place must have installations that facilitate the mobility of people with special needs, etc.
-Kitchen Service: The hosting organization will be in charge of organizing breakfast, lunch and dinner according to their needs. Before the participants’ arrival, they will ask their special needs (vegetarian, vegan, etc.) and food allergies.
-Safety and Protection Measures: The hosting organization will establish safety measures in order to avoid any accidents:
Forbid the consumption of substances that alter behaviour or perception
Have an open space for smokers
Have a first aid box and a 24 hours day vehicle in case an emergency transfer is necessary
Have personnel with experience in first aid
Define an evacuation program and provide it to the participants upon their arrival
Show areas or elements that could be dangerous (if any), as well as the exits of the installations
Avoiding high-risk activities or exposure to hazardous locations or environments that may affect participants’ health;
-Ask participants before their arrival to provide information regarding their healthy issues as well as the phone number of a contact person in case of emergency. This information will be given to all the trainers, as well as the hostel staff.
-Transportation Management: Before arriving to the country, the hosting organization will provide the organizations an Infopack that includes the best options to arrive to the country and venue place.
We will carry out the following activities:
To ensure the proper conduct of the project activities, we will be responsible for:
Monitoring that results are met based on the timeline and deadlines established on the working plan.
Organizing and participating in necessary meetings and carrying out all necessary communication between partners
Producing and submitting the relevant documents, material and appropriate reports to the National
-TIME AND BUDGET MANAGEMENT: The necessary management will be made, so that the activities are carried out in the established times and budget. The attached timeline will be used. For more information see the «Time Management and Budget» section.
-QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Strict quality management will be carried out in order to ensure the obtaining of intellectual product (interactive book) under high quality criteria. For more information, please refer to the «Project Quality» question.
At the start of the project, an Agreement will be established. Different procedures and tools will be implemented to perform fast and effective communication in the project. To assure a continuous chain of up-to-date communications between partners on the project’s progress and status, we will design and arrange project coordination meetings / telephone conferences.
Furthermore, the preparation, organization, meeting minutes and follow-up of all scheduled project meetings will be considered part of the management and coordination activities.
For the correct administration of the documentation and having reports with the same structure we will be responsible for:
– maintain a document repository for incremental reporting
– provide templates for the reporting instances to all concerned participants.
– All the information regarding the Time and Budget Management will be uploaded to Google Drive, so that the rest of the partners can add comments or suggest new tasks
CWP with an active participation of the rest of the members. Steven Egan will be responsible for the correct execution of the project. He will be in charge of the budget and time management. He will assure all of the tasks have been being performed properly in order to comply with the deadlines established.
We will carry out a dissemination campaign according to the details mentioned in section
-MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTITIES AND PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT: The people and experts who make up this work team are the essence of the project and their total commitment enables their skills to be used for the benefit of the project. The coordinator of each participating entity will be responsible for managing the correct performance of its team. In addition, CWP, as project leader, will manage and provide support to all project coordinators and dissemination of all participating entities.
-RISK MANAGEMENT: The management of all mechanisms will be implemented to avoid the risks identified in the «risks» question.
We will develop all the necessary materials for the following tasks:
-Linguistic Preparation
-Pedagogical Preparation
-Preparation of Participants
-Best Practices Presentation in the Participatory visits.
-Internal Workshops
The most important indicators are shown below:
Selection of participants
Number of calls made (1 call)
Number of dissemination campaigns of the call (1 per entity)
Number of participants selected (6 per each entity)
Measuring mechanisms
Call document
Publication Report of the call
CVs of the selected candidates
Number of booked transport tickets:
-Participatory Visits: tickets that cover the entire transportation from their country, to each
participatory visit (round trip) for 2 persons per entity.
-Participatory Visit in Spain: tickets covering the entire transfer from their country to Spain (return trip) for 10 persons per entity.
-Transnational Meetings: tickets covering the entire transport from their country to each meeting (return trip) for 2 persons per entity.
Measuring mechanisms
Transportation Tickets.
Participants’ Accommodation
Participatory visits: accommodation of 2 people per entity, per participatory visit
Participatory Visit to Spain: accommodation of 4 people per entity
Transnational Meetings: accommodation of 2 persons per entity, for each meeting
Measuring mechanisms
Hotel reservation
European Health Insurance Cards issued (100% of participants travelling to transnational activities)
% of Europass Language Passports (100% of participants travelling to transnational activities)
Number of pedagogical and linguistic preparations (1 per entity)
% of food special needs and emergency contacts requested (100% of participants)
-Participatory visits in Spain
Number of participatory visits carried out (3:1 in UK, 1 in Poland, 1 in Spain)
% of activities planned in the agenda (100% of the agenda)
Number of participation certificates issued (1 for each participant)
Number of evaluations carried out by the participants in each activity (1 per participant)
Measuring mechanisms:
-Evaluations carried out
-List of attendance
Intellectual Output 1: interactive book
Progression in the writing of the e-book, in relation to the index sections (the progression will be measured as a percentage).
Contribution of each organization to the content of the e-book (% in relation to the final content).
Number of book evaluations conducted during the participatory visit in Spain (1 per participant)
% of content completed and verified (100%)
% of corrections made according to the tests (100%)
Number of the book contents’ translations (2: Polish and Spanish)
Number of layouts made of the book (1 for each language + English)
Measuring mechanisms:
Book versions to assess content development
Comments made by each entity
Evaluations by experts
Final version of the book
Translated versions of the book
Book layout
DISSEMINATION PHASE (See indicators in the «Dissemination» section)
Qualitative Indicators: The project progress in coherence with the planned timeframe and budget and each partner fulfills their responsibilities and tasks accurately and in time to achieve the objectives.
Quantitative indicators:
Number of interim reports: 1
Budget spending VS Budget estimated: less than 8%
Measuring Mechanisms: performance accounting, forecast and early warning and observation, interim and final report.
Since the project will be carried out collaboratively, it is necessary to establish mechanisms for conflict prevention. We are aware that in projects of this magnitude there are risks, however, our philosophy is to prevent conflicts, so that we do not have to resolve them. Therefore, the members of our strategic partnership, have determined the possible conflicts that could arise:
Probability (P)
01 – 20% = Remote
21 – 40% = Unlikely
41 – 60% = Likely
61 – 80% = Highly Likely
81 – 99% = Near Certainty
Qualitative Impact (QI)
1 = Insignificant
2 = Minor
3 = Moderate
4 = Major
5 = Catastrophic
Risk item: Withdrawal of a partner
(P): Remote
Impact: Major
Keep contacts of possible alternative partners that can take up the role;
Notify NA and Initiate change process for replacement as soon as possible.
Risk item: Non-performance of partners
(P): Unlikely
Impact: Minor
Get partner to focus or change people from their team. Follow the process stated in Internal Agreement.
Failing to comply implies that its budget will be shifted from the “defaulting” partner to another partner that possesses the competencies.
We will carry out a good monitoring process to reduce the risk of non-performance. We will look for the support of all the team involved to get the activities done.
Risk item: Delays in critical components of the work
(P): Likely
Impact: Major
Prioritize work and shift resources by reducing effort for non-critical tasks, even if this implies a shift of resources between partners. We will carry out a good monitoring process of each task to avoid delays. We will look for the support of all the team to get the activities done.
Risk item: Partners not complying with planned targets
(P): Likely
Impact: Moderate
Monitoring procedures will detect early any under-achieving partner and the project will encourage open and honest reporting of problems, so that solutions can be found as soon as possible. In case one partner is not complying, we will look for the support of all the team to reach the target.
Risk item: Poor internal communication or awareness of issues.
(P): Likely
Impact: Moderate
This risk has been addressed during the proposal preparatory phase establishing the most appropriate communication channels between all the entities.
Setup project communication plan, and appropriate tools; Get in touch more often and establish more conference meetings through Skype on our calendar.
Reassess and monitor results regularly.
Risk item: Lack of project funding
(P): Likely
Impact: Major
Risk assessment and monitoring during the project will minimize this problem.
Optimize the budget control (cost-effective) in the activities (looking for good prices in travel tickets, etc.).
Risk item: Additional expertise is required during the project lifecycle
(P): Unlikely
Impact: Moderate
This risk has been addressed during the proposal preparatory phase, by ensuring that a high quality, balanced team is in place and that it has the expertise required for the success of the project. The participating entities have an extensive contacts network in case they need occasional help of knowledge transfer. We will also support each other in order to reach all the objectives and comply with the tasks on time.
Risk item: Low visibility of the project activities and results
(P): Likely
Impact: Moderate
Dissemination campaign and its constant monitoring will mitigate such risk, proposing specific activities and messages for target audiences. The partners will make use of their networks to promote the project. In case of low visibility we will look for other multiplier organizations for the project dissemination.
Risk item: adult trainers and adult people are not doing a good performance during the learning activities or developing the intellectual output
(P): Likely
Impact: Major
The project coordinators from each organization will be constantly assessing their performance and the quality of their work.
Risk item: The adult trainers and adult participants who participated in the participatory visit in Spain, are not transferring the knowledge, best practices and skills acquired.
(P): Unlikely
Impact: Major
Permacultura Cantabria will do an evaluation during the participatory visit in Spain and will provide support, mentoring and evaluation during the internal workshops. Permacultura Cantabria and Adult trainer coordinators will supervise and evaluate the team leading the workshops(who attended the participatory visit in Spain) their development while transferring the new methodologies and tools.
The interactive book will be between 70- 80 pages long and it will provide adult trainers and adult people:
-A practical approach to implementing circular economy and sustainable development goals (SDG ́s) in any project or organization.
-A simple way for transforming organizations towards circular economy.
-A roadmap for adult entrepreneurs who wish to create innovative sustainable projects.
It will be comprised of the following units:
UNIT 1: What is circular economy?
UNIT 2: Why is necessary using circular economy?
UNIT 3:Systems Thinking for Circular Economy
UNIT 4:From linear economy to the circular economy models
UNIT 5:The circular economy and the European community
UNIT 6:Permaculture in the adaptation to fight against climate change
UNIT 7:Ethics and philosophies for our future projects
UNIT 8:Schemes and diagrams
UNIT 9:Dynamics of collaborative work for the development of sustainable projects
UNIT 10:ABCD Strategic Planning Method: Implementing Sustainability and Circular Economy
UNIT 11:Learn from others: Success cases
UNIT 12:Sustainability vs Return on Investment. Successful Cases
UNIT 13:Pioneering and leading references
The final product of the output will be an interactive book in English, Polish and Spanish.
The Interactive book will have the potential to change the way to learn and acquire information because of their interactivity and convenience. Although traditional picture books might include words, pictures, and graphics, this interactive book will include multimodal features such as sounds, animations, videos, etc. The benefits for engaging readers and differentiating instruction are immense.
The interactive book is a good solution for catching adult people’s and adult trainers’ attention to read the whole book and motivating them to start a new successful sustainable project.
This will be a very practical tool for adult trainers who want to know creative and innovative methodologies and tools for bringing sustainable project design and entrepreneurship to adult people.
The book will develop professionals’ skills of adult trainers, improving the quality of their activities and trainings, from the point of view of inclusion, as well as the personal, entrepreneurial and social integrity of adult learners.
In addition, this interactive book will have easy and effective explanations so that adult people can also acquire this new knowledge by themselves and can benefit directly from this intellectual output. This will be useful for adult person around the world who is not mentored by an adult trainer or organization.
Regarding transferability, the book is intended for any adult trainer or adult person around the world interested in participatory project design. We expect the Spanish version could benefit, not only Spain but Latin American countries. This knowledge can also be used with other target groups than want to start a project.
Division of work
The book will be created by all the members of our strategic partnership, under the leadership of CWP. The activities to be done are:
The intellectual output developers will carry out an in-depth investigation on the best practices carried regarding circular economy and key elements in circular economy in the participating organizations and in other relevant institutions of these countries. In addition they will carry out a research on primary and secondary resources. This research will be the basis for the definition of the new methodologies and tools.
The writing of the interactive book will be collaborative. The index of the publication and the basic content of the chapters was agreed during the preparation phase. The participating organizations could suggest modifications of the proposed chapters, as well as add other chapters, if needed, once the writing has started. All the information will be put together through online platforms, such as google drive. Once the booklet has been fully written, the adult trainer project coordinator from each organization will carry out a final revision of its contents.
After verifying that the content is right, we will proceed with the interactive layout of the book. The purpose of this activity is to turn the content of the book into an interactive book. We will create interactive features in order that adult trainers and adult participants can acquire the new methodology in an effective, easier and motivational way. The experience of GS City Hall in the development of interactive multimedia will be key in this activity.
During the participative visit to Spain, the book will be evaluated and tested. This evaluation will involve project coordinators, intellectual output developers, adult trainers and adult participants. This task will make possible evaluate the effectiveness of the book and the new tools and methodologies created.
The intellectual output developers will proceed to make the necessary corrections, based on the test carried out in the participatory visit in Spain. The new changes will be validated and authorized by the entities of our partnership.
After having the final version of the book, Permacultura Cantabria and GS City Hall will translate it into its native language, in order to reach a greater number of stakeholders in the target audience in each country
For the proper development of the book, regular Skype meetings will be held, every 15 days, between the project coordinators and the participants responsible for creating the book. The aim of this Skype meeting is to review the progress of the book’s content. It is envisaged that each organization the progress done in the book, before the meeting, in order to review and evaluate the content. During the meeting, the comments of these reviews will be discussed, ensuring their maximum quality.
Similarly, intellectual output developers who will participate in these tasks will communicate more frequently by email, Skype, Whatsapp and leaving comments in the Drive document, to maintain a proper coordination.
It should be noted that strict follow-up and monitoring of both the quality and the progress of the book will be carried out, through various indicators, the most relevant of which are detailed in the «Project Management and Implementation» section.
The working days of each organization is stated in Annex Budget Details
The persons who will create the book are the intellectual output developers. Their profile is stated in the description of each organization.:
Peter Hall
Vedad Rusidovic
Permacultura Cantabria
Carmen Solla
Daniela Mendoza
Aneta Nasternak
Kamil Stanos
E1: Conference in UK
1 day long local conference will be organized in UK by CWP
The main objective of this conference is to disseminate the intellectual output developed throughout the project: interactive book
It will be aimed at involving different people with an interest in the new methodologies and tools developed, entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability in the field of adults, such as adult trainers, adult learners, civic activists from adult organizations, experts, volunteers.
People that have influence on the shape of curriculas in the educational adult organizations, institutions responsible for educational and civic adult policy in UK will be also invited. 40 participants are estimated to attend the event.
The event will have the same structure and duration in the three countries. The conference programme is:
9:00 – 10:30
Overview of the CIRCUS project
Participating entities that are part of our strategic partnership
Collaborating entities in participatory visits and dissemination
Main objectives
Main activities and methodology
CIRCUS Results
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break and networking
11:00 – 13:00
Presentation «Broadening our international view» by Steve Egan, CWP’s project coordinator. During this talk, it will be described the best practices in circular economy and entrepreneurship carried out by: CWP, Permacultura Cantabria, GS City Hall and entities visited during participative visits. Questions and Answers session
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
Presentation of the book
Applied methodology for its creation
Questions and answers session
16:00 – 16:15
Sites for accessing to the intellectual output: Erasmus+ platforms, web pages, etc.
16:15 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 18:00
Workshop «CIRCUlar and Sustainable tools for adults».
During this workshop we will share some of the tools and information that are documented in the book.
We will also make participants aware of the opportunities offered by Erasmus +.
Experts in the field of adults will also be invited.
18:00 Closure
Each organization will be responsible of organising the logistics in their own country and inviting relevant stakeholders in adult field, in non-formal educational decision-making processes and in the regional and national press media.
When choosing the place where these events will be held, special attention will be paid to accessibility, in order to facilitate the assistance for people with mobility restrictions. If there were people with special needs among the attendees, the necessary requirements would be provided (sign language translator, etc.).
E2: Conference in Spain
1 day long local conference will be organized in Spain by Permacultura Cantabria
The main objective of this conference is to disseminate the intellectual output developed throughout the project: interactive book.
It will be aimed at involving different people with an interest in the new methodologies and tools developed, entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability in the field of adults, such as adult trainers, adult learners, civic activists from adult organizations, experts, volunteers. People that have influence on the shape of curriculas in the educational adult organizations, institutions responsible for educational and civic adult policy in Spain will be also invited. 40 participants are estimated to attend the event.
The event will have the same structure and duration in the three countries. The conference
programme is:
9:00 – 10:30
Overview of the CIRCUS project
Participating entities that are part of our strategic partnership
Collaborating entities in participatory visits and dissemination
Main objectives
Main activities and methodology
CIRCUS Results
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break and networking
11:00 – 13:00
Presentation «Broadening our international view» by Oscar Argumosa Permacultura Cantabria’s project coordinator. During this talk, it will be described the best practices in circular economy and entrepreneurship carried out by: CWP, Permacultura Cantabria, GS City Hall and entities visited during participative visits.
Questions and Answers session
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
Presentation of the book
Applied methodology for its creation
Questions and answers session
16:00 – 16:15
Sites for accessing to the intellectual output: Erasmus+ platforms, web pages, etc.
16:15 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 18:00
Workshop «CIRCUlar and Sustainable tools for adults».
During this workshop we will share some of the tools and information that are documented in the book.
We will also make participants aware of the opportunities offered by Erasmus +.
Experts in the field of adults will also be invited.
18:00 Closure
Each organization will be responsible of organising the logistics in their own country and inviting relevant stakeholders in adult field, in non-formal educational decision-making processes and in the regional and national press media.
When choosing the place where these events will be held, special attention will be paid to
accessibility, in order to facilitate the assistance for people with mobility restrictions. If there were people with special needs among the attendees, the necessary requirements would be provided (sign language translator, etc.).
E3: Conference in Poland
1 day long local conference will be organized in Poland by GS City Hall
The main objective of this conference is to disseminate the intellectual output developed throughout the project: interactive book.
It will be aimed at involving different people with an interest in the new methodologies and tools developed, entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability in the field of adults, such as adult trainers, adult learners, civic activists from adult organizations, experts, volunteers. People that have influence on the shape of curriculas in the educational adult organizations, institutions responsible for educational and civic adult policy in Poland will be also invited. 40 participants are estimated to attend the event.
The event will have the same structure and duration in the three countries. The conference
programme is:
9:00 – 10:30
Overview of the CIRCUS project
Participating entities that are part of our strategic partnership
Collaborating entities in participatory visits and dissemination
Main objectives
Main activities and methodology
CIRCUS Results
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break and networking
11:00 – 13:00
Presentation «Broadening our international view» by Alan Mazur, GS City Hall’s project coordinator. During this talk, it will be described the best practices in circular economy and entrepreneurship carried out by: CWP, Permacultura Cantabria, GS City Hall and entities visited during participative visits.
Questions and Answers session
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 16:00
Presentation of the book
Applied methodology for its creation
Questions and answers session
16:00 – 16:15
Sites for accessing to the intellectual output: Erasmus+ platforms, web pages, etc.
16:15 – 16:30 Break
16:30 – 18:00
Workshop «CIRCUlar and Sustainable tools for adults».
During this workshop we will share some of the tools and information that are documented in the book.
We will also make participants aware of the opportunities offered by Erasmus +.
Experts in the field of adults will also be invited.
18:00 Closure
Each organization will be responsible of organising the logistics in their own country and inviting relevant stakeholders in adult field, in non-formal educational decision-making processes and in the regional and national press media.
When choosing the place where these events will be held, special attention will be paid to
accessibility, in order to facilitate the assistance for people with mobility restrictions. If there were people with special needs among the attendees, the necessary requirements would be provided (sign language translator, etc.).
C1: Course in UK
The objective of the activity is to transfer the best practices and techniques regarding the key
elements in circular economy (Rethink the business model and Collaborate to create joint value) and entrepreneurship in the adult field carried out by CWP through a participatory visit.
GS City Hall and Permacultura Cantabria will have a 3-day participatory visit to CWP in UK.
During this visit CWP will involve the participation of different organizations who carry out initiatives in the adult field:
Bootroom Academies Limited
Recycling Lives
Age Concern
Special Note: these persons will be invited to participate, however they will use their own resources and will not be beneficiary of the funds of the project’s budget. They will contribute as experts, but not as participants.
CWP as the hosting organization, will be in charge of the organization of the participatory visit, including all the preparatory activities assigned in the timeline attached.
Day 1
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Welcome of the participants, introducing hosting organization and all participants/ introductory round/
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Presentation of CWP: Main Activities and initiatives
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Presentation of the CWP: Best Practices: Rethink the business model
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Foster creativity with Creativity Works Preston: creativity tools to rethink the business model
18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation
19:30 -21:30 Dinner
22:00 Visit to Avenham Park, walk around the park in take part in traditional Preston activity of Egg Rolling
Day 2
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Study visit in Recycling Lives: Main activities, initiatives and best practices in sustainability
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 CWP Presentation: Create joint value methodologies and strategies.
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Study visit in Age Concern: Create joint value success case
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Round table with LESEP and Bootroom Academies: The skills an entrepreneur should have under circular economy models.
18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation
19:30 -21:30 Dinner
22:00 Walking tour around Preston.
Day 3
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Visit to Preston City council to find out about the ‘Preston Model’ The ‘Preston Model’is succeeding in developing the local economy in Preston and the surrounding areas in Lancashire, through strengthening local supply chains and increasing the number of local jobs.
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Round table with Selnet and Lancshire: the challenges while rethinking business models
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Presentation: Circular Economy at the Larder. The Larder is a social enterprise in Preston who promote food that’s healthy, local, seasonal and waste-free. All profits go to communities in need.
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Final Evaluation and closing
18:30 – 20:30 Dinner
21.00 Visit to Preston Marina-walk around the marina and here the history of how Preston was once a working Port.
– The participants in this participatory visit are the intellectual output developers (profiles stated in section “participating organizations”):
Peter Hall, Vedad Rusidovic
Carmen Solla, Daniela Mendoza
Aneta Nasternak, Kamil Stanos
We are including 2 travel days in each transnational learning activity (except for the hosting organization) so participants can travel a day before the activity and leave a day later.
C2: Course in Polonia
The objective of the Activity is to transfer the best practices and techniques regarding the key
elements in circular economy (Design for the future and Incorporate Digital Technology) and
entrepreneurship in the adult field carried out by GS City Hall through a participatory visit.
During this visit GS City Hall will involve the participation of different organizations who carry out initiatives in the adult field:
• Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce
• “Starachowice” Special Economic Zone
• Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
• Investors’ Assistance Center in Skarżysko
Special Note: these persons will be invited to participate, however they will use their own resources and will not be beneficiary of the funds of the project’s budget. They will contribute as experts, but not as participants.
GS City Hall, as the hosting organization, will be in charge of the organization of the participatory visit, including all the preparatory activities assigned in the timeline attached.
Day 1
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Presentation of GS City Hall: Main activities and initiatives
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Social revitalization project carried out by GS City Hall
13:00 – 15:00 lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Presentation of GS City Hall: Best Practices, tools and methodologies in Design for the future
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Tools and initiatives to support entrepreneurs in Starachowic
18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation
19:30 -21:30 Dinner
22:00 Walking tour around Kielce
Day 2
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Presentation of GS City Hall: Tools and Best Practices in Incorporate Digital Technology
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break and networking
11.30 – 13.00 Study Visit to the Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer in Kielce: Best practices, tools and methodologies in incorporation of Digital Technology.
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Incorporate Digital Technology in projects: the moBILET project and other projects in Starachowic
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 Round table with Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce and
“Starachowice” Special Economic Zone: The digital opportunities in the near future.
18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation
19:30 -21:30 Dinner
22:00 Visit to Saint Cross Monastery
Day 3
8.30 Breakfast
9.30 – 11.00 Presentation of GS City Hall: ICT integration to create dissemination campaigns.
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11.30 – 13.00 Study visit: to ENERGIS building in Kielce (self sufficient building, 0 energy waste): best practices and tools.
13:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15.00 – 16.30 Round table with Investors’ Assistance Center in Skarżysko: Circular and Digital
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00 – 18.30 GS City Hall: Entrepreneurial Initiatives
18:30 – 19:00 Final Evaluation and closing
19:30 -21:30 Dinner
22:00 Cultural Night
– The participants in this participatory visit are the intellectual output developers (profiles stated in section “participating organizations”):
Peter Hall, Vedad Rusidovic
Carmen Solla, Daniela Mendoza
Aneta Nasternak, Kamil Stanos
We are including 2 travel days in each transnational learning activity (except for the hosting
organization) so participants can travel a day before the activity and leave a day later.
C3: Course in Spain
The main objectives of this activity are:
-To transfer the best practices and techniques regarding the key elements in circular economy
(Prioritise Regenerative Resources, Preserve and extend what is already made and Use waste as a resource) and entrepreneurship in the adult field carried out by P. Cantabria and other organizations from Spain.
-To transfer the new methodologies and tools developed to adult trainers and adult participants
-To test the efficiency of this new methodologies and tools, and the interactive book developed.
P. Cantabria, as the hosting organization, will be in charge of the organization of the participatory visit, including all the preparatory activities assigned in the timeline attached.
-Programme (Full version of the programme is stated in Annex Project Details):
9:30 General Overview of the Project, Presentation of the weekly program
12:00 Dynamic activity to present the participants
15:30 What is circular economy? Why is necessary using circular economy?
17:30 Systems Thinking for Circular Economy
P. Cantabria’s best practices in sustainability
19h Evaluation of the activity and the interactive book
9:30 From linear economy to the circular economy models
12:00 The circular economy and the European community
15:30 Visit to PRODER (rural development agency): Local strategic actions and examples of
Sustainable development
17:30 Round table for the exchange of good practices regarding entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability with PRODER’s team and the participants
19h Evaluation of the activity and the interactive book
9:30 Permaculture in the adaptation to fight against climate change
12:00 Ethics and philosophies for our future projects
Permacultura Cantabria’s best practices in Prioritise Regenerative Resources, Preserve and extend what is already made, Use waste as a resource
15:30 Visit to Ecologic Animal Breeding Farm: Presentation of their activities and initiatives
17:30 Round table for the exchange of good practices regarding entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability with the farm’s team and the participants
19h Evaluation of the activity and the interactive book
9:30 Schemes and diagrams
12:00 Sustainability vs Return on Investment. Successful Cases
15:30 Visit “El Hada de la Mies” Jam Traditional Factory: Presentation of their activities and initiatives
17:30 Round table for the exchange of good practices regarding entrepreneurship, circular economy
and sustainability with the factory’s team and the participants
19h Evaluation of the activity and the interactive book
9:30 Dynamics of collaborative work for the development of sustainable projects
12:00 ABCD Strategic Planning Method: Implementing Sustainability and Circular Economy
15:30 Visit to Llamas Farm: Presentation of their activities and initiatives
17:30 Round table for the exchange of good practices regarding entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability with the farm’s team and the participants
19h Evaluation of the activity and the interactive book
9:30 Learn from others: Success cases
Permacultura Cantabria’s best practices in entrepreneurship
12:00 Pioneering and leading references
15:30 Visit to AMICA: Presentation of their activities and initiatives
17:30 Round table for the exchange of good practices regarding entrepreneurship, circular economy and sustainability with the AMICA’s team and the participants
19h Evaluation of the activity and the interactive book
9:30 Debate Interactive book: Relevant comments, results, things to be changed, etc.
12:00 Future collaborations: Part 1 Teamwork to define new initiatives to promote circular economy and entrepreneurship (future KA2 projects)
15:30 Round sharing: Presentation of the initiatives
17:30 CIRCUS Next Steps: Future Activities
19h Final Evaluation: Team work to analyze the most outstanding learnings and reflections
-Participants (profiles in “Participating Organizations):
Adult trainer project coordinator: Steve Egan
Adult trainer dissemination coordinator: Anita McGreevy
IO Developers: Peter Hall/Vedad Rusidovic
3 adult trainers, 3 adult participants of CWP: To be selected according to the selection process
stated in section “Participants
Adult trainer project coordinator: Alan Mazur
Adult trainer dissemination coordinator: Bartlomiej Zapala
IO Developers: Aneta Nasternak/Kamil Stanos
3 adult trainers, 3 adult participants of GS CITY HALL: To be selected according to the selection process stated in section “Participants
P. Cantabria:
Adult trainer project coordinator: Oscar Argumosa
Adult trainer dissemination coordinator: Magdalena Amanowicz
IO Developers/Trainers: Carmen Solla/Daniela Mendoza
1 adult trainer for translation and support: Silvia Abascal
2 adult trainers, 3 adult partipants of P. Cantabria: To be selected according to selection process in section «Participants
On participants:
The participants will have acquired new skills and tools in circular economy and will be able to create and manage sustainable projects, especially for the integration and inclusion of adult people with fewer opportunities. They will have increased their capacity of collective intelligence, participative leadership, group processes and creative process.
They will contribute to preserve the planet.
They will have increased their level of awareness about importance of circular economy for the preservation of our planet and will contribute to start new sustainable projects under this new model.
Participants will have more resources by applying these new tools and methodologies and will have increased their abilities to innovate and implement social initiatives.
They will be able to find a non precarious job.
Participants will be able to manage integration processes.
They will have increased their motivation, self-esteem and self-empowerment.
They will have reinforced their capacity in defining new Erasmus+ projects in collaboration.
The intellectual output developers will acquire more experience in all the fields related to interactive book creation.
Circular Economy will be part of CWP‘s, GS City Hall’s and Permacultura Cantabria’s cornerstones. They will be able to empower adult people and adult trainers with tools and methodologies for the creation of sustainable projects under this new model, becoming reference organizations in this field in their countries.
Will have contributed to foster inclusion in adult people in their countries as they will get more skills to entrepreneur or get a job.
Will have contributed to help adult people in being part of initiatives/activities/jobs/projects to
preserve the Earth.
The organizations will have deepened their knowledge in sustainability and reinforced their knowledge in entrepreneurship, helping more adults to entrepreneur
They will have improved their capacities to promote initiatives and projects for the preservation of our planet.
They will have improved their capacities to raise awareness about the importance of the Circular Economy.
The organizations will have broadened their perspective in collaborating with other European organizations, establishing healthy and long-term relationships among members of different organizations.
The organizations will participate in more European projects as they will have reinforced their
knowledge regarding the possibilities of collaboration offered by the Erasmus +.
The organizations will collaborate in sustainable projects in the near future.
The organizations will have more motivated staff with more capacities, skills, and knowledge in circular economy and entrepreneurship for adults.
They will have implemented knowledge regarding the Key Elements in Circular Economy:
-Design for the future
-Prioritise Regenerative Resources
-Preserve and extend what is already made
-Use waste as a resource
-Incorporate Digital Technology
Will have incorporated new sustainable technologies in their daily work
They will increase the impact in their dissemination campaigns due to the integration of innovative ICTs.
They will have implemented knowledge regarding the Key Elements in Circular Economy:
-Rethink the business model
-Design for the future
-Incorporate Digital Technology
-Collaborate to create joint value
They will be an innovative organization with capacity of creating new tools and methodologies.
They will have acquired knowledge in research, and all the phases for writing a book.
They will have implemented knowledge regarding the Key Elements in Circular Economy:
-Rethink the business model
-Prioritise Regenerative Resources
-Preserve and extend what is already made
-Use waste as a resource
-Collaborate to create joint value
Organizations, adult trainers and adult people will be aware of the importance of the development of new sustainable projects under the circular economy model for the preservation of our planet.
Adult people and adult trainers who acquire the new methodologies and tools through the interactive book, will have been empowered being able to lead local, regional and international sustainable solutions that respond to their needs, and also have a beneficial impact on the economies of their respective countries.
Some of the innumerable benefits circular economy will bring are:
-Boost job creation
-Foster inclusion
-Tackle climate change
-Foster entrepreneurship
-Boost innovation and competitiveness
-Less waste generation
-Cheaper production costs
-Cheaper products
-Responsible consumption, etc.
On the environment:
Local Level:
At a local level, it is expected that the adult trainers’ and adult participants’ skills, to create sustainable projects under circular economy models are developed. These participants will improve their academic performance, problem-solving and decision-making abilities, leadership and public speaking capacities and, entrepreneurship, circular economy and project management knowledge. This will ease their communication with others and their psychosocial well-being, confidence and empowerment.
Regional and National Levels:
In regional and national levels, the intellectual output of the project (interactive book) will, particularly, benefit the adult community of the participating organizations, adult trainers, adult people, entities with whom they interact and other entities who get to know the project through the dissemination campaign.
When these adult trainers and adult people finish reviewing the intellectual output, the improvement of their competences the acquisition of the new tools and the development and implementation of new projects will become clear, in their daily interaction in their society, enhancing their inspiration and their social psychological development.
The participants who attended the participatory visit in Spain will transfer the tools and skills acquired through internal workshops, empowering other adult people to develop sustainable projects under circular economy models. In these workshops participants and adult people will define and implement sustainable projects that will have a positive impact and benefit adults, our society and planet.
In a national level, adult participants, in the context of being in a learning activity abroad, act in
certain ways as ambassadors of their own countries, improving the perception that the other
participants will have about the culture of each country.
The organizations involved will be able to create safe spaces and teach adult people to define and implement sustainable projects, fostering entrepreneurship. All the organizations will include Circular Economy as part of their cornerstones offering more services to help adult people to start their entrepreneurial paths being respectful with the Earth. All the participating organizations will become experts in the 7 keys of Circular Economy, being a reference in their countries. GS City Hall will also play a multiplier role transferring the new tools to several organizations and SMEs they work with.
European and International level:
It is expected that through the transnational activities carried on during the whole project, the
participants acquire an international perspective. This means, that the projects will not only have a local, regional or national focus, but an international vision. It is also expected to enhance an intersectoral cooperation between adult people and other entities around Europe such as NGOs, companies, educational and adult centers, etc. In this way, some of the projects will be able to be submitted, not only in Erasmus + calls but other European Programmes such as Horizon 2020, Life, etc.
On the other hand, our project contributes to the Erasmus + community, as we will share our results within the Erasmus + network, so that other centers and organizations can be inspired by the project. In addition, at a European and international level, the fact that a project like this is carried out, gathering participants from different nationalities and using Erasmus+ programme funds, demonstrates, in our opinion, that there is an interest, at an international level, to develop such activities, reinforcing the European initiatives along this line. We hope that this may encourage European Union institutions to keep on allocating resources to these kinds of activities. Furthermore, the European Commision and our National Agency, will have feedback and other valuable information at hand, to continue promoting and monitoring these kinds of projects, by means of the interim and final report.
At a national, European and international level, through the dissemination of the project results and intellectual outcome (interactive book) in the social networks we expect to inform and persuade other adult and entrepreneurship entities to train their communities on the topics of the project. Since the outputs will be translated into English, they will be available almost worldwide, as it is an increasingly spoken language. They will also be available to Hispanic America countries, as they will be published in Spanish, promoting sustainability in the creation of projects around the world.
As for transferability, the project can be easily transferable, since circular economy can be applied in any sector. In addition, it can be replicated in different countries and with different types of institutions (NGO’s, schools, companies, public institutions, etc).
The entities have divided the dissemination and exploitation of the project into the following stages:
Objective: To disseminate the project objectives and expected outcomes, the participatory visits, results from these learning activities, etc. through all the dissemination media.
We will carry out all the tasks needed in order to develop the following dissemination materials:
Information pills (information messages accompanied by pictures)
Special Facebook site for the project, which will be used in all phases of the project
They will be tailored to different audiences which will include the project summary, objectives,
expected outcomes, Best Practices transferred, Participatory Visits results, etc. Their dissemination will be through the media described in the questions below.
Other activities:
Round tables: We will invite other organizations with similar synergies to be involved in the project (Botroom Academies, Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce, etc ). We will carry out round tables in the 3 participatory visits which they will be able to know the project, as well as contribute with their best practices. (more information regarding these activities are mentioned in section “Learning/Teaching/Training Activities”). We will also look for more organizations and invite them to participate. This activity also includes the dissemination of the future participatory visits and creating an invitation to participate. Special Note: these persons will be invited to participate, however they will use their own resources and will not be beneficiary of the funds of the project’s budget. They will contribute as experts, but not as participants.
Meetings: will have meetings with important stakeholders from the target audiences to talk about the project, the importance of the new tools and methodologies of the project and invite their adult trainers to participate in internal workshops and multiplier events.
Objective: To disseminate the new methodologies and tools and interactive book
We will carry out all the tasks needed in order to develop the following dissemination materials:
Information pills
The material will disseminate the book, referring to the importance of each one, the results, the benefits they bring, etc.
Other activities:
Multiplier events: Each partner will organize 1 conference in their country to disseminate the
interactive book. We will invite important stakeholders and media.
Dissemination of experiences and knowledge highlights: The Adult trainer dissemination campaign coordinators will encourage participants to have an active participation in social media by posting pictures, important things learned, etc. These coordinators will also be constantly posting information in their social networks including, LinkedIn groups.
Objective: To transfer the new methodologies, tools and project outcomes in local, regional, national, European and international levels.
We will carry out all the tasks needed in order to develop the dissemination material:
Success Stories: Participants will share their success stories regarding their experience after using the new tools and methodologies and how the project has changed their own lives.
Information Pills
We will create this material regarding the workshops, project results, etc. and will disseminate it in the media described in the sections below.
Other activities:
Meetings with Stakeholders and Board of Directors: Each organization will contact and hold meetings with important stakeholders from the target audience (i.e.development agencies, local institutions) to ask them to disseminate our project to their contacts; provide us new contacts to visit and disseminate the project; and develop future partnerships.
Internal Workshops: After the multiplier events, each organization will carry out internal workshops to transfer the learning acquired to other adult people and adult trainers from their communities. We will invite other organizations from our countries to participate.
The access to the results of the project, especially to the book will be free and unrestricted. We will facilitate its access in an easy, fast and comfortable way, to prevent the user from leaving the sites where the information is located, before viewing it.
We will disseminate success stories that will serve to capture the attention of other adult trainers and adult people and motivate them to access these new tools.
It should be noted that we will encourage adult trainers who have access to the platform, to publish a link to it, on their social networks, especially LinkedIn.
On the other hand, the knowledge acquired during the project will also be used in the continuous training programs of the entities involved, being used as permanent resources for our adult trainers. In addition, we will keep the book on our websites and on the official FB site of the project being a permanent resource for our staff, adult people, other adult trainers and other communities.
It is also expected that the results of the project are the development of new sustainable projects carried out by:
Project participants
Adult participants and adult trainers who attended the workshop.
Additional people who had access to the interactive book
With the right application of the tools and methodologies that will be developed in CIRCUS, the adult participants will be able to be more independent and also create new projects on their own or with the collaboration of other adult people who are not part of the organization. On the other hand, it is expected that the transfer of this knowledge to adult people will bring up new solutions to contribute to the social inclusion and foster entrepreneurship.
During the implementation of the project, through all the activities that will be carried on, it is
expected that members of the strategic partnership work together also in the identification of new working opportunities. The 3 partners are looking forward to building a strong and solid partnership that makes them able to create new short-term and long-term projects that continue fostering entrepreneurship and the transition to circular economy.
After the project, members of our strategic partnership will continue disseminating the intellectual output to adult and entrepreneurship communities and organizations that play a multiplier role in an international level. In this way, we will be providing them with a valuable instrument for their professional and personal future.
It is expected that the organizations belonging to the target audience of our dissemination campaign (see «Dissemination» section), especially those that supported us during the round tables and dissemination, will continue to share the results of the project, with their national and international networks of contacts.
The three parties will manage the travel tickets of the participants, in an cost-effictive way, trying to look for affordable ticket prices, according to the budget of the project, while not exposing participants to unnecessary discomfort, in terms of travel and long-time means of transport, such as long-time layovers.
The collaborating organizations that will participate in the participatory visits will use their own resources and will not be beneficiaries of the project’s budget
Permacultura Cantabria works in the rural area of the Pasiegos Valleys. This means that adult trainers and adult learners with whom they work live in mountainous areas with a dispersed population. As there are no similar facilities close to their home area, the activities planned for this project (Participatory Visit in Spain) will be carried out in the Ason Valley, approx. 100 km away. The activity lasts 7 days and are designed in a way so that participants can share the experience together and achieve the proposed results. We have taken the above under consideration, including the groups of the participants from Spain in the budget of the activities for this proposal. Otherwise, they would not be able to travel daily to take part in this participatory visit.
We are including 2 travel days in each transnational learning activity (except for the hosting organization) so participants can travel a day before the activity and leave a day later.
In order to manage efficiently the European funds, monthly Skype meetings are set up to manage the project, requiring only 3 transnational meetings.
The working days of each organization for the creation of the intellectual output is detailed in Annex «Budget Details»
Development of activities
3-day participatory visit to CWP in UK
3-day participatory visit to GS City Hall in Poland
Poster – English version
Poster – Spanish version