AIncrease skills

AIncrease skills









The situation of youngsters has become more stressful in a world that has experienced a persistent and fast digital transition. With all of its unexpected power, the rise of artificial intelligence has changed the environment in which we live.

However, a tough reality is emerging in this digital revolution: the younger generation is left behind. The shift to digital technology, which was formerly seen as a sign of connectivity and progress, has inadvertently created a scenario of future replacements and unemployment.
The arrival of artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the known and quickly replacing it with the unknown. The shock brought on by this technical revolution was only surpassed by its speed. The rhythms of our daily lives are changing by what was previously seen in science fiction. The unannounced entrance of AI has cast a threatening shadow over the youngsters’ professional lives, even as the business world marvels at the efficiency and ease it delivers. The younger generations will no longer experience the gradual advancement that their ancestors did, which will force them into a time when flexibility is not only a virtue but also a necessity of existence.

The young people suffer the most in this terrible tale of the digital era. ICTs that were intended to empower and unite have unintentionally turned into agents of division. Its rapid development has widened the gap between skilled and non-skilled youngsters. Although younger generations are considered as digital natives, the truth is that most of the apps they use are for entertainment (TikTok, youtube, etc.) and communicating (Instagram, Snapchat, etc.). According to Eurostat, in 2021, 24% of the European Union (EU) youth aged 16 to 29 reported never having completed fundamental computer operations like moving a file, and 30% had never downloaded or installed software or programs. In Portugal, Spain and Hungary, only 52%, 57% and 49% of youngsters possess basic digital skills, accordingly. Hungary stands out as one of the countries with a lower proportion of its population possessing basic and above basic digital skills. (Digital Economy and Society Index, 2022).

The lack of a critical mass of digitally-trained workers hinders the integration of digital technologies into Europe’s organisations. Especially small and medium ones need digital-skilled professionals to become more efficient and competitive. The number of ICT specialists in Portugal, Spain and Hungary is only 4.7%, 4.1% and 3.9% accordingly. The incorporation of ICTs in small and medium entities remain a challenge, for example, in Hungary only 21% of the companies use an enterprise resource planning software to share information electronically (EU average: 38%), and 13% rely on social media (EU average: 29%2) or send e-invoices (EU average: 32%).

With all of its unexpected power, the rise of artificial intelligence has changed the environment in which we live, where youngsters who do not possess the necessary AI skills will be at risk of exclusion. There is a long path ahead, as few youngsters in Europe have advance digital skills.

The project objectives are:

  1. To acquire an in-depth knowledge in AI
  2. To provide youth with a Tool Kit in AI
  3. To boost AI capacities in youth communities
  1. 3 day Participatory Training in Portugal to transfer tools, knowledge and best practices in AI tools for daily life and ethics.
  2. 3 day Participatory Training in Hungary to transfer of tools, knowledge and best practices in AI tools for youth work and awareness campaigns.
  3. Course in Spain where the Tool Kit and book will be evaluated.
  4. Conferences in Portugal, in Hungary and in Spain.
  5. Internal workshops in Portugal, in Hungary and in Spain.
  • Development of the Interactive Book and audiobook that documents the new Tool Kit in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Hungary
  • AINCREASE Tool Kit.
  • Interactive book + audiobook.
  • Main target groups: Youth, youth workers, other staff from our entities, youngsters.
  • Result Languages:  English, Portuguese, Spanish and Hungarian.


  1. Been better equipped to contribute to the ethical use of AI technologies.
  2. Applied the AI tools stated in WP2 and 3.
  3. Will have discovered new areas of passion by incorporating cross-disciplinary AI into their skillset.
  4. Used tools more in line with AI’s advantages than disadvantages.

YOUNGSTERS will have:

  1. Applied their advanced knowledge in ICTs.
  2. Have been able to break down complex challenges into manageable components, analyze data, and devise strategies to tackle them effectively.
  3. Applied AIs in their personal and professional lives.
  4. Feel more confident to play an active role in the digital world.
  5. Been able to take responsible decisions as consumers and citizens.
  6. Been beneficiaries of acquiring the AIncrease ToolKit for free.

YOUTH WORKERS will have:

  1. Applied their advanced knowledge in ICTs.
  2. Boosted AI capacities to their young learners.
  3. Provided new opportunities, especially for youngsters with fewer opportunities.
  4. Created learning spaces for youngsters to become active participants in society.
  5. Updated their CVs with new knowledge and skills.
  6. Participated on a frequent basis in Erasmus+ projects.

PARTNERSHIP will have:

  1. Become NGO’s pioneers and referent entities in boosting youngsters and organisations with AI capacities.
  2. Implemented AI in their working operations.
  3. Supported youngsters at risk of marginalization to improve their professional paths, through AI.
  4. Transferred and supported other entities in the use the AIncrease Tool Kit
  5. Collaborated with new entities in projects around Europe.

AENIE will have:

  1. Become a referent organisation in providing advanced digital tools.
  2. Applied and transferred ethical principles in AI among their staff and learners.

PC will have:

  1. Enhanced learning and engagement in youngsters, through AI.
  2. Applied and transferred AI tools for the personal and professional lives of their learners.

FoK will have:

  1. Created communities for and with youngsters.
  2. Enhanced awareness in youth to use ICTs in a responsible way.




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