PROJECT: “WOMAN: Working On Mastering Adult Nonviolence”


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Project details

According to the European Commission ́s 2018 Report on ̈Equality between women and men in the European Union ̈, although more than 9 in 10 Europeans think that promoting gender equality and nonviolence is important to ensure a fair and democratic society, its promotion, protection and, last but not least, implementation still requires a constant change of mind-sets, lifelong education and solidarity. Given the unstable social, political and economic situation not only in Italy but also in the other partner countries and the rest of Europe, we decided to form a Strategic Partnership as we believe that it is of utmost importance to address abuse and gender inequalities.

The Partnership will be formed by the following countries and entities:
-Italy: Petit Pas, association of social promotion,
-Netherlands: Stichting voor Aktieve Geweldloosheid ́s (Foundation for Active Nonviolence) Towards a Nonviolent World Department,
-Poland: Fundacja Zielony Słoń (GEF), Foundation working with fewer opportunities communities,
-United Kingdom: Creativity Works Preston, entity providing an alternative learning and employment centre,
-Spain: Permacultura Cantabria, non governmental organisation working on social development.
As for the learning activities planned for the WOMAN: Working On Mastering Adult Nonviolence project and their main objectives, through three study visits, in Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom, and a course in Spain we will better understand the reality of adult gender abuse victims which will further allow us to raise awareness of this problem among our adult service users.
By visiting participating organisations ́ local communities and other institutions they cooperate with we will be able to directly get to know their best practices in fight for a more just, discrimination and violence free society and round tables will let us benchmark our methods of working with adult learners against newly experienced ideas and initiatives.
We will exchange specific tools to contribute to a nonviolent and more equal society for the benefit of our adult service users such as SVAG ́s methods to work on identifying and breaking the cycle of oppression, GEF ́s manual to address the issue of cyber abuse and discrimination, CWP ́s method of identification of micromachist behaviours, Permacultura ́s emotional management tools and Petit Pas ́ experience on working on empowering women and gender and power abuse in the labour market.
The newly gained skills and insights will be further passed on to other adults and adults trainers during internal workshops organised by the course attendees and subsequently used in defining and implementing future European projects.
On the other hand, gender is not the only factor in women’s lives as there are many more aggravating issues that undermine their well-being and social inclusion which is why education and training that explore diversity issues such as ethnicity or disabilities, in addition to gender, are also needed.
Moreover, in many cases gender violence victims are economically dependent on their offenders which is why shame and emotional dependence add on to the problem. For this reason, the course in Spain will be focused on measures addressing adult nonviolence through emotional management tools and we will also visit institutions that work with women with disabilities or from cultural minorities, get to know their best practices and deepen our expertise on working with collectives, especially women, with fewer opportunities.
As for the project’s impact:
Adult trainers directly participating in the Project will broaden their capacities and gain new abilities for their daily work which in turn will create a direct effect on the gender abuse vulnerable collectives they work with advancing the benefits of the educational activities provided by their entities.
Adult learners who participate in the course in Spain will acquire best practices relevant when facing abuse and discrimination in different contexts becoming more active as European citizens. Also, the multicultural environment and direct diversity experience will raise both groups’ consciousness level and improve their linguistic, task-management and communication skills.
Our Strategic Partnership members will deepen the expertise regarding gender discrimination and violence improving the scope of their activities and their staff’s qualifications. They will also broaden their international networks and connections for the future initiatives.
Last but not least, directly and indirectly through a wide dissemination campaign and adult trainers’ work more gender related violence and discrimination victims are expected to be reached and empowered. Also, European citizens in general will be better informed and equipped to provoke a social shift so that women are no longer underprivileged and gender-based violence and harassment is less widespread across our societies.


-To comprehend better the systematic abuse and difficulties suffered by women (especially migrants and women who come from fewer opportunities backgrounds such as ethnic minorities or refugees)
– To understand the best practices carried out by Petit Pas to empower women belonging to
vulnerable groups (especially migrants and women who come from fewer opportunities backgrounds such as ethnic minorities or refugees)
-To visit relevant local entities who work with women belonging to disadvantaged groups
-To get to know the gender and power abuse situation in the labour market, an environment
especially prone to such problems nowadays, and obtain insights into the discrimination suffered by women due to their cultural differences and difficulties in the labour market
-To comprehend the best practices carried out by SVAG and their tools for identifying and breaking the Cycle of Oppression



Day 1
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:00 ̈Meet and greet ̈ activities, introduction to the visit ́s topic and its programme presentation organised by Petit Pas
11:30-13:00 ̈Different forms and spectrum of violence ̈ lecture and creating human statues activity

by SVAG finished with the discussion groups on the gender violence among participants based on the learning session inputs
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 SVAG ́s presentation ̈Different forms of responding to conflict ̈. Roleplaying and ̈Two Hands of Nonviolence ̈ experience
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 SVAG ́s methodology: Privilege Walk as mapping the domination and roles in a group. Cycle of Oppression identification and breaking and identity dialogues
18:30-19:00 Daily evaluation meeting
20:30-22:00 Dinner

Day 2
8:30 Breakfast
11:30-13:00 Introduction to the Petit Pas main activities related to empowerment of women from fewer opportunities backgrounds, especially migrants and refugees most exposed to abuse of power
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Presentation on the Italian initiatives to counteract gender and power abuse with a special emphasis on most vulnerable social groups such minorities and a visit to Casa Mandela social integration and empowerment centre
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Exchange of good practices and a round table: ̈How to facilitate abused women
empowerment and better social inclusion ̈ with the invitation of adult workers and women from
Pagina Bianca Association working with underprivileged adult learners
18:30-19:00 Daily evaluation meeting
20:30-22:00 Dinner

Day 3
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:00 Petit Pas presentation on power and gender abuse in the labour market: a general social situation and statistics versus their own experience and expertise
11:30-13:00 Visit to the Auser Trani organisation working on social inclusion, women and elderly empowerment, meeting with its learners and adult workers, Q&A session
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 SVAG ́s learning session: the Milgram Experiment: nonviolent power in action, From Domination to Cooperation Role Play
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 SVAG ́s Interrupting Harassment and Intimidation and Social Change Roles &
Nonviolent Action methods: collaborative discussion and working session panel
18:30-19:00 Final evaluation meeting and closure
20:30-22:00 Dinner


Petit Pas
Project Coordinator (PC): Fabiola Porcelli
Dissemination Coordinator (DC): Savino Ricchiuto

(PC): Nina Koevoets
(DC): Wim Robben

(PC): Steve Egan
(DC): Helen O ́Donnell

Permacultura Cantabria
(PC): Oscar Argumosa
(DC): Carmen Solla

(PC): Adam Rębacz
(DC): Paulina Drzał

-To comprehend the systemic abuse suffered by women, focusing especially on women with fewer opportunities given the underdeveloped Lubelskie region
-To visit local entities relevant to the counteracting violence against women and gender equality
-To understand the best practices used by Green Elephant Foundation for fighting gender related abuse in cyber environment based on their cyber antidiscrimination pack


Day 1
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00 Presentation of Green Elephant Foundation and team building activity to introduce participants and create connections
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Actions, best practices and projects on gender violence and abuse implemented in Poland with a special mention of Lubelskie region
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 16:30 Visit to Stowarzyszenie Synergia working with nonviolent methods of capacity and relationships building and other NGOs involved in the fights against violence, including domestic violence and migrants: good practices exchange and questions and answers session with the adult trainers and violence specialists based on their Let ́s talk about Equality initiative
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00- 18:30 Debate on the gender equality status in Poland involving a speaker from Social
Sciences Faculty from Lublin University
18:30-19:00 Daily evaluation meeting
20:30 -22:00 Dinner
Day 2
8:30 Breakfast
9:30 – 11:00
11:00 -11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Meeting with Stowarzyszenie Aktywne Pogranicze, an association in remote rural area in eastern Lubelskie region fighting xenophobia and radicalism
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00 – 16:30 Meeting with Stowarzyszenie Homo Faber, an association that works in Lublin for human rights and equal opportunities providing free educational courses for migrants and refugees
16:30 -17:00 Coffee Break
17:00- 18:30 Round table with other local institutions’ representatives titled “Equality challenges in Poland and beyond: embracing diversity”, question and answers session
18:30-19:00 Daily evaluation meeting
20:30 -22:00 Dinner
Day 3
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:00 Presentation and workshop on cyber violence and how to counteract it on behalf of Green Elephant Foundation based on their Anti Discrimination pack
11:30-13:00 Ideas, experience and best practices exchange among Project Partners related to cyber violence against women
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 ̈Nonviolence attitudes in daily life ̈ lecture and interactive working session
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Cultural visit
18:30-19:00 Final evaluation meeting
20:30-22:00 Dinner


Petit Pas
Project Coordinator (PC): Fabiola Porcelli
Dissemination Coordinator (DC): Savino Ricchiuto

(PC): Nina Koevoets
(DC): Wim Robben

(PC): Steve Egan
(DC): Helen O ́Donnell

Permacultura Cantabria
(PC): Oscar Argumosa
(DC): Carmen Solla

(PC): Adam Rębacz
(DC): Paulina Drzał


-To comprehend the systemic abuse suffered by adults from LGBT communities
-To visit local entities relevant to the counteracting violence and gender equality
-To understand the best practices used by the CWP for fighting gender related abuse

-To get the tools for identification of micromachist behaviours towards women and adults of non-binary gender

-To get to know the consequences of micromachist practices
-To get to know CWP’s media channels and dissemination tools and work together towards the creation of dissemination products


Day 1
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:00 Welcome meeting and introduction to the visit ́s topic and its programme presentation
11:30-13:00 Introduction to Creativity Works Preston main activities related to gender equality and their experience from the training on work regarding gender taught by Proud Trust with the lecture from its representative
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Exchange of good practices “The identification of micromachist behaviours towards women and adults of non-binary gender “ and working session “Measures to identify and prevent micromachist behaviour and the presentation on gender related initiatives at the local and United Kingdom level”
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Introduction to CWP’s media channel and its use in dissemination, visit to the learning centre and questions and answers session with the staff in charge of the media department
18:30-19:00 Daily evaluation meeting
20:30-22:00 Dinner
Day 2
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:00 Training session on social pedagogy and its impact on everyday sexism by the University of Central Lancashire
11:30-13:00 Training session ̈Awareness and understanding when working with trans, non-binary and gender-variant adults ̈ Part 1
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Training session ̈Awareness and understanding when working with trans, non-binary and gender-variant adults ̈ Part 2 and the preparation of the dissemination materials
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 Working session: The consequences of micromachist practices and further preparation of the dissemination materials
18:30-19:00 Daily evaluation meeting
20:30-22:00 Dinner
Day 3
8:30 Breakfast
9:30-11:00 Visit to Preston Domestic Violence Services and meeting with its specialists on work with gender violence victims and adult trainers
11:30-13:00 Visit to The Sahara Women’s Group program and meeting with its social activists
13:00-15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30 Round Table with the representatives of the Sahara Women ́s Group and the UCLAN Social Pedagogy / Social Work Faculty: exchange of best practices to promote gender equality
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:30 The broadcasting of the previously prepared dissemination material in CWP ́s The BigLittle Channel
18:30-19:00 Final evaluation meeting and closure
20:30-22:00 Dinner


Petit Pas
Project Coordinator (PC): Fabiola Porcelli
Dissemination Coordinator (DC): Savino Ricchiuto

(PC): Nina Koevoets
(DC): Wim Robben

(PC): Steve Egan
(DC): Helen O ́Donnell

Permacultura Cantabria
(PC): Oscar Argumosa
(DC): Carmen Solla

(PC): Adam Rębacz
(DC): Paulina Drzał

-Objective: transfer tools and the best practices to counteract gender violence and abuse towards women acquired in participatory visits. Additionally, the participants will gain the knowledge about emotional management to make facing and overcoming situations of any
kind of violence easier. Also, visiting other relevant organisations form Cantabria will permit the participants to comprehend methodology, tools and best practices that they use on a local level.




Petit Pas
Project Coordinator (PC): Fabiola Porcelli
Dissemination Coordinator (DC): Savino Ricchiuto

(PC): Nina Koevoets
(DC): Wim Robben

(PC): Steve Egan
(DC): Helen O ́Donnell

Permacultura Cantabria
(PC): Oscar Argumosa
(DC): Carmen Solla

(PC): Adam Rębacz
(DC): Paulina Drzał

1. To exchange best practices to counteract gender violence and abuse among adult women: Each entity has their unique set of tools and knowledge developed for gender abuse counteracting and targeting the environment of their country; we are looking to create a space for exchanging ways to understand and resolve abuse related conflicts. We seek a deeper understanding of gender violence victims and their situation on all levels, as this knowledge is essential for creating new ways and procedures for supporting them. We also want to share our original system developed for counteracting gender related abuse as we believe it will be beneficial for those interested in the subject.

2. To obtain new tools and methodologies to counteract gender violence: Our Partnership will acquire the tools and methods to work on identifying and breaking the cycle of oppression offered by SVAG, the information to address the issue of cyber abuse and discrimination from the manual developed by GEF, the method of identification of micromachist behaviours towards women and adults of non-binary gender based on CWP experience and their dissemination channel, the emotional management tools course offered by Permacultura Cantabria to adult learners and workers and scopes of abuse in minority groups, and our Petit Pas ́ best practices and tools on working on empowering women and gender and power abuse in the labour market.

3. To increase the awareness level regarding the abuse of power experienced by adult women: we want to raise awareness level among adults of gender violence feminine victims such as the Romani women, disabled, LGTBQ, immigrants, refugees, elderly, etc.

4. To strengthen alliances at the regional, national and European level with entities that fight to counteract gender violence and abuse.

Those who have been selected will participate in different project phases as follows:

– Project management (logistical preparation, schedule, budget, quality control)
This is to be prepared by trained staff supervised by the chosen project coordinator. Should this be performed only by the coordinator, it is highly advisable to assign an alternate staff member who will be familiarised with the task, in case the coordinator cannot complete it for any reason.

– Participation in transnational meetings
There are 2 transnational meetings planned and they will be attended by the project coordinator and the person responsible for the dissemination of each entity.

– Participation in transnational activities.
To optimise the participation in learning activities, an initial meeting will be held with the selected participants to inform them about the project and specific learning objectives established for each activity. The participants will be able to prepare the materials to be shared with the participants of the
other entities during the activity (presentation of good practices, tools to share, round tables, etc.).

– Participation in the development of a new project to counteract violence against women:
It is important that the participants would put the newly acquired knowledge and competencies in practice as soon as possible. That is why they will be asked for their participation in writing in the development and creation of future projects during the course in Spain.

– Dissemination through our websites, social networks and Erasmus + platforms.
This task will be assigned to the person responsible for dissemination in each entity. All the activities described in the «Dissemination» section will be carried out.

– Internal dissemination
The participants will organise a workshop before finalising the project to present the results to the rest of the staff and other adult workers with whom each entity collaborates.

1. Preparatory phase
All the partners will be notified when the project is approved. This will set the preparatory phase in motion. We will begin with preparing an internal agreement to be signed by all the partners; This document will contain a detailed plan of work along with obligations, responsibilities, tasks of each
part of the agreement as well as deadlines, evaluation measures for each outcome and other relevant documentation.
Then the dissemination campaign and other activities planned for this phase of project will start (for more information please consult Project Management and Dissemination section).
After ensuring the proper project visibility we will run the participants selection process, fully described in the Participants section.
The project assumes a series of transnational activities; Tasks to be conducted during each transnational activity are to be undertaken by the entity and project coordinator of the country where the visit will take place, and consist of the following:

Flight and/or other means of transport ticket booking will be the responsibility of each organisation project coordinator

2. Linguistic preparation
Each participant will be asked for presenting Europass Language Passport; The purpose of this is to ensure a sufficient English level for an effective execution of the course and for us to recognise each participant’s individual needs. Should any of them need an assistance with issuing the Europass
Language Passport, they are going to be helped by each organisation project coordinator. If needed, additional English classes will be conducted by each entity to ensure a proper communication level among participants and trainers before, during and after the course.

3.Pedagogical preparation
An Information Pack will be prepared, containing material such as the course structure and venue, timetable, basic transport and safety tips and so on. This is to be received and thoroughly assimilated by each participant. At least one information meeting will be organised by each entity project
coordinator to explain all the project details, answer the participants questions and resolve doubts, should any arise.

When hosting an activity, each organisation will have the following obligations:
Providing accommodation and course venue for the participants; both should be equipped with tools necessary for effective execution of the course as well as prepared for reception of participants with special needs, including mobility needs.
Kitchen service; there will be three meals provided: breakfast, lunch and dinner. All should be adequate to the participants special needs, which are to be collected and stored by the hosting organisation.
Security and safety measures; to be established by the hosting entity. However, each entity will follow general basic health safety tips, such as no perception altering substances allowed, designing an open smoking area, providing first aid kit and first aid trained staff on site as well as 24 hours
available transportation for the duration of the course, explaining potentially dangerous on site elements if applicable and providing the participants with a clear evacuation plan in case of emergency. The hosting organisation will also be responsible for collecting and storing emergency
contact numbers of each participant.
General support if needed; as explained earlier, all the participants will be provided with a Information Pack, which will contain all the basic data on regarding the course. Also, there will be a contact person assigned to respond any question regarding travel, accommodation, transportation or health
and safety issues that the participants may have.

The hosting organisation in each transnational activity are:
1st Transnational Meeting (Kick Off): Permacultura Cantabria (Spain)
2nd Transnational Meeting (Final Evaluation): Green Elephant Foundation (Poland)
1st Participatory Visit: Petit Pas (Italy)
2nd Participatory Visit: GEF (Poland)
3rd Participatory Visit: CWP (United Kingdom)
Course for mastering adult nonviolence through emotional management tools: Permacultura Cantabria (Spain)

In order to be able to achieve the objectives of the project we will implement a participative and flexible methodology; this will ensure an active participation of all the entities involved and make the group work easier. This methodology contains of the following phases:

During this phase sending entities will choose the participants; this implies all the action necessary for the travel and stay management.
1st Transnational Meeting (Kick Off): Permacultura Cantabria (Spain)
2nd Transnational Meeting (Final Evaluation): Green Elephant Foundation (Poland)
1st Participatory Visit: Petit Pas and SVAG (Italy)
2nd Participatory Visit: GEF (Poland)
3rd Participatory Visit: Creativity Works Preston (United Kingdom)
Course for mastering the adult nonviolence through emotional management, fight against violence and abuse on women: Permacultura Cantabria (Spain)

Preparing and signing of the contracts
Participant selection
Call preparation and dissemination
Participant support during the call
Results notification
Transnational visits preparation
Booking tickets, insurance and European Health Card
Linguistic and pedagogical preparation; issuing the European Language Passport
Preparatory meetings
Support for participants
Participants accommodation management
Kitchen service
Security and protection measures
Preparation of the participants
Transportation management
The key to this project success is the experience and strengths that the Strategic Partnership members bring to the table. Our actions and successful initiatives during the recent years have taught us valuable lessons that contribute positively to the project.


1st Participatory Visit: Petit Pas and SVAG (Italy) and transfer of best practices, SVAG ́s methods of identifying and breaking the Cycle of Oppression and Petit Pas ́ methods of women empowerment and bridging the gender gap at labour market.
2nd Participatory Visit: GEF (Poland) and transfer of best practices and tools on working with cyber abuse and women discrimination.
3rd Participatory Visit: Creativity Works Preston (United Kingdom) and transfer of best practices and tools for identification of micromachist behaviours and dissemination.
Course for mastering the adult nonviolence through emotional management: fight against violence and abuse on women: Permacultura Cantabria (Spain)

Transportation management
Course Evaluation
Issuance of certificates: Permacultura Cantabria

The participants who attend the course in Spain will carry out internal workshops to transfer the acquired knowledge and tools. For the realisation of the workshops they will contact and invite adults from their communities and organisations. It is expected that adult women from disadvantaged social
groups who have been victims of abuse of power will participate.
Selection of participants
Internal workshop
Support and mentoring

In order to reach the desired impact of the project at the local, regional, national, European and international level, we will carry out a dissemination campaign divided into 3 stages (see the section «Dissemination»):
Dissemination of the project before the course in Spain:
Creation and dissemination of intellectual products
Round Tables
Meetings with important actors
Dissemination of best practices
Dissemination of the project during the course:
Creation and dissemination of intellectual dissemination products
Dissemination of outstanding experiences and knowledge
Dissemination of the project after the course:
Creation and dissemination of intellectual dissemination products
Meetings with important actors and managers
Dissemination of internal workshops

Each entity will be in charge of managing their own tasks and budgets. All strategies, efforts, equipment necessary to meet deadlines in time, form and quality will be established. Petit Pas will manage the project as a whole, supervising the activities of all the partners. That means, we will carry out evaluations of the work plan, performance, quality, results, etc. We will have an initial transnational meeting and another one near the end of the project for the final evaluation. An additional meeting will be held at the end of the course in Spain to carry out an intermediate evaluation of the project.
– Project and budget management
– Evaluations
– Preparation reports
– QA
– Transnational Meeting in Spain
– Transnational Meeting in Poland
– Intermediate meeting
Each activity will be permanently monitored to ensure that they are completed on time.

Team work implies the appearance of conflictive situations; in terms of conflict, it is always better to prevent than to resolve. As conflicts are inevitable, we want to be as prepared as possible: by analysing possible centres of focus, clarifying responsibilities, terms and resources of all parties, as well as adjusting the expectations of each one of them.
During the first transnational session the coordinators will meet face to face, which will enable them to better understand the context of each entity as well as strengths and weaknesses observations. This could help prevent and resolve possible future conflicts. During the evaluations, the indicators
related to the satisfaction of the participant with the collaborative work and with other participants will be measured.
During the preparation phase various possible problems have been detected by the Project Coordinators, the following being the most important ones; then, potential solutions have been brainstormed:
– A participant fails to attend meetings, does not sign the commitment to participate, does not perform their tasks on time or violates their obligations – that participant will be given a written notification of his departure from the project; a substitute will be sought as soon as possible.
– A participant fails to obtain the European Health Card before the exchange activity begins – the project coordinator of each entity will personally supervise that this occurs on time.
– A participant exhibits a bad behavior during his stay abroad (such as lack of respect towards another person or danger to himself or to his companions) – the Project Coordinator of the host entity will notify the sending entity; in addition, the management or contact person of the host organisation may decide to expel the participant from the activity.
– A partner stops cooperating or abandons the project – the problem will be notified immediately to the National Agency by email, and if there is no response within a week, you will be notified by phone to get information on how to proceed. The internal agreement between the partners also establishes that if an associated entity leaves the project, it must return used funds.
– A participant is late in fulfilling the agreed tasks – the Project Coordinator of said organisation will be asked to give reasons for the delay (the same will be done if the person who is delayed is the contact person). If there is no response within a week, a warning email will be sent, communicating that the fact will be disclosed to the National Agency where the project was presented and in the country to which the participant belongs.
– A Project Coordinator delays the payments to the rest of the entities – when not justified, the partners will notify the National Agency where the project was presented in case of delay of more than one month.
– A Project Coordinator from one of the entities involved does not send the invoices to us, Petit Pas, at the end of the project – if not justified, we will delay the last payment to the organisation until the invoices are received.
If a conflict occurs internally (within one organisation), it is to be managed by the Project Coordinator from that organisation. This Project Coordinator will notify Petit Pas in order to solve it together.
Should a conflict of other nature that listed above occur, it will be managed by the collective of Project Coordinators during a meeting structured as follows:
-conflict identification
-possible solutions debate
-solution agreement.
If the parties will not reach an agreement by themselves, a vote will be established among the best available options, choosing the one with the most votes. In the case of a tie vote, the vote of Petit Pas will be counted twice.
All parties will be notified of this conflict resolution measure; this will be reiterated at the initial meeting to help them understand better the procedure in case of conflict; during that meeting, we will establish the number of people who will be able to vote in such cases.

It is expected for the project to have the following impact on the following groups:


– Adult trainers
The anticipated impact on adult trainers directly participating in the course is to improve their methodologies, broaden horizons, gain new abilities and tools in order to better approach their daily tasks regarding violence against women counteracting. This in turn will have a direct effect on the gender abuse vulnerable groups they work with, improving the quality of educational activities provided by the involved entity. The nature of the course will bring certain benefits regarding adult trainers’ confidence and their capacity to work in an international environment; multicultural experience will raise their consciousness level regarding gender related abuse problem as well as their linguistic skills.

– Adult learners
It is expected that adult participants who attend the course in Spain will acquire and use tools, knowledge and best practices that will allow them to face and overcome the situations of abuse towards members of their communities, especially adult women. It is expected for all the participants
to become more active as European citizens at local, national and international level, using the working network created during the project and to become more interested in developing new project ideas and therefore shaping their own future. Equipped with new tools and methodologies useful for recognizing and fighting abusive situations, they are expected to look for new solutions for this problem.

Strategic Partnership
It is expected for the Strategic Partnership members to cover their and their staff necessities regarding counteracting gender related violence and abuse and to be able to implement the best practices and tools gained in their daily work, significantly raising the level of their services.
Upon the course completion the participating organisations should be able to act as multipliers, sharing and distributing the methodology, knowledge and abilities gained with other organisations which they share goals with.
Common project work is expected to serve to strengthen not only our Strategic Partnership. The project will not only allow us to get the tools and best practices from our members, but also from other organisations who supported the project in one way or another, having the opportunity to
establish new partnerships with them.

It is of expectation that other organisations, adult workers and adults to raise their consciousness level regarding the situations that could happen to their disadvantaged feminine community members or to themselves and to be able to act accordingly, using tools and best practices which has been
presented during the course. Additionally, more gender related violence abuse victims are expected to be reached and therefore empowered so they could act upon improving their situation.

Local level
Adult workers and local adult community members will see themselves the most benefited by the results of the project. Adult workers will develop a new daily routines which will include newly gained tools and knowledge for gender related abuse identification and counteracting, emotional management and raising awareness about this problem among their adult community members. Those new tools will make establishing new adult trainers- adult learners relations easier and more effective as well as renewing already existing ones, facilitating their work towards facing and overcoming violence and abuse situations.
The participants coming from possibly vulnerable backgrounds will understand better what gender abuse really is, and therefore will be able to identify it in its early symptoms and react accordingly. This will empower them and give them voice to talk about their situation.
The international atmosphere of mutual understanding, respect and tolerance will inspire the participating organisations for improving ambience back at home.

National, regional and European level
The project is beneficial for the Erasmus+ community; it reinforces initiatives such as the one that led to this project development; it creates additional interest for international actions to be developed by bringing together various nationalities and showing they are able to work together to address such an important issue as violence against women.
As all the content along with the project results and findings will be uploaded online to relevant Erasmus+ platforms, it will have a positive impact on those who decide to further develop this knowledge and build upon it.

International level
The project will have a certain impact on the international level as well; it will mainly be achieved by employing social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube) for project dissemination and visibility; it is expected for the information of value that will be the content created during the course to reach
NGOs, governmental organisations, action groups and other communities outside the European Union, empower and encourage them to looking for new, innovative solutions to address the violence against women problem. All the information and content created during the project duration will be
easily transferable to different backgrounds and cultural contexts.

Development of activities

Participant entities