COHERENT -A Circle Of youth for tHe EuRope wE waNT
Current circumstances are challenging and have shaken up societies, welfare systems, and economies. This is in a line with EU barometer, where 67% youth priority is “protecting environment and climate change”, followed by “improving education” (56%). This premise represents an important factor for future EU development and networking, which need to be structured and extrapolated. Future of Europe emphasizes that youth felt disconnected by civil engagement, and that promotion of knowledge and competences building represents a key essence. Our proposal COHERENT comprehensively covers all the priorities and at the same time and demonstrates that Youth Strategy is functioning and that Youth Goals are achievable.
COHERENT aim is to demonstrate a contribution to the Youth Strategy via empower, engage and connect via the network. The objective is to increase youth participation in civic life related to the youth goals #3, #4, #10, to foster cross-border mobility and increase youth cooperation in projects, including capacity building.
Project activities will be implemented through 7 Work Packages, of which 5 are content oriented, followed
by dissemination and coordination. COHERENT produces several outputs: knowledge hub (3 e-modules), e-textbooks, mobility, open dialogues, policy toolkit, etc. COHERENT makes short and long-term impacts on youth, NGOs, and others, well as socio-economic environments, such as acquire new competences, skills and mind-set regarding sustainable EU, democracy, participation, citizenship, increased target groups interest in participation, increased cooperation.
Project involves 13 partners from 9 EU countries (Slovenia, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Lithuania and Finland) and 1 outside EU (Turkey). They incorporate numerous professionals working with and for youth (e.g. capacity building, inclusive societies, active citizenship, decision-making, disadvantaged youth, green and sustainable Europe, e-learning development, etc.)
COHERENT aim is to demonstrate a contribution to the Youth Strategy via empower, engage and connect via the network. The objective is to increase youth participation in civic life related to the youth goals #3, #4, #10, to foster cross-border mobility and increase youth cooperation in projects. With COHERENT we demonstrate structured and coordinated networking, acquisition of innovative and specialised competences for youth, by empowering them to participate strongly in decision-making process to be heard, and enable them to create much more efficient cooperative solutions and project, to use their full potential for our common future. The goal is to empower youth, make them more informed and aware about opportunities in civic participation, democratic life, sustainability, inclusiveness and prepare them for their life. As we need
to understand this as an investment into human capital.
Specific objectives:
-to map gaps; obstacles in partner countries regarding youth goals
– to develop and design an open knowledge hub with 3 integrate modules, supported by 3 e-textbooks assuring that youth acquire skills, competencies and knowledge
– to collaborate with policy makers/create inclusive participation
– to foster transnational collaboration and networking
– to implement/testing/piloting modules at the short-term exchanges with > 100
youth, > 20 experts
There are 3 transnational partner meetings scheduled in months 2, 11 and 18. Each partner will send representative to all meetings.
- Kick-off meeting in Cantabria, Spain (Month 2): Aims and goals: Introduction to the partnership and the project, Project Management related issues (communication, administration, contractual arrangements, detailed work plan overview), Discussing the outline project activities, discussing the preparation of the Communication plan and strategy, and Quality and evaluation plan.
- PM2 in Turin, Italy (Month 11): Aims and goals: knowledge hub, & E-modules, e-textbook, organization of mobility, planning workshops, planning dialogue sessions, etc.
- Final meeting in Maribor, Slovenia (Month 18): Aims and goals: Dissemination and Sustainability measures, Exploitation, Evaluation of the project, Final reporting.
Project meetings will be open to other stakeholders (decision-makers, youth, youth organizations, media etc.), but when discussing about the project budget or confidential topics – this part of the meeting will be closed for all who are not a part of project consortium. In order to ensure cost effectiveness, a series of events will be held in parallel with project meetings (e.g. final conference) and also electronic forms of communication will be prioritized in case additional project meetings are needed.
We will implement a short-term youth mobility for capacity building, which will be held in Maribor (Slovenia) (Month 16), and are embedded within the project activities (WP3).
Selection procedure:
Selection process (youth) –it will be agreed that each participating organization uses its own selection process, including the following criteria: – youth (15-24), volunteers, who have a tendency to learn about active citizenship, green Europe, democratic values, etc., interview in English (read and write in English). In mobility we will include youth – 3% migrants, 20 % rural areas, and 30 % disadvantaged social background. Youth should have internal motivation to be a part of mobility for gaining new competences, and we will require a short motivation letter. The selection procedure will start 6 months prior to mobility.
Indicative agenda
Day 1: registration, introduction of the Youth Centre Maribor and Mayor of Maribor, introduction of the events agenda, pre-evaluation of youth competences, introductory discussion (where we will invite also decision-makers), approaches to the training and didactical methods used, visit of local youth organizations and networking
Day 2: capacity building in topics related to youth goal #3. This will include many innovative approaches from e-learning (modules developed) to open dialogue sessions, “tea time”, “storytelling”, etc., visit of local museum
Day 3: capacity building in topics related to youth goal #4. This will include many innovative approaches from e-learning (modules developed) to open dialogue sessions with decision-makers, “tea time”, “storytelling”, etc., common dinner, cultural event
Day 4: capacity building in topics related to youth goal #10. This will include many innovative approaches from e-learning (modules developed) to transnational open dialogue sessions, “tea time”, “storytelling”, etc., common dinner in rural area, city/regional tour
Day 5: evaluation of competences, discussion about the improvements options, Q&A, awarding certificates, real-time evaluation of mobility event by participants, closure of mobility.
This workshop will gather approx. 80 participants of all target groups and stakeholders’ types. Multiplier organisations such as national/regional youth associations will play a key role. We will use this workshop as a feed up of our further activities as well as engaging youth and stakeholders. The objectives of this workshop are:
- Present the state-of-the-art and collect feedback
- Consult youth about the priorities in the content of Knowledge hub, e-modules, e-textbooks, capacity building, policy toolkit, etc
- Collect requirements, suggestions for structuring Knowledge hub, designing modules and policy toolkit, mobility
- Agree on the contents and structure, base on actual needs, priorities, work on the value proposition of priorities, themes, topics.
WORK PACKAGE 1 Baseline – State-of-the-art
This first work package generates an understanding of youth civil engagement, active participation, collaboration with decision-makers, youth competences on topics, covered by the COHERENT, e.g. inclusiveness, solidarity, EU values, democratic life, green and sustainable EU, civic engagement, etc. considering a European Union context.
Specific goals of the WP1:
- Mapping the level of knowledge about themes covered in COHERENT by youth in partner countries by using a self-assessment competency on the targeted groups & identification of the common competency gaps on international scale.
- Examining the level of participation, collaboration with decision-makers, civic engagement, in the EU context to identify best practices, synergies, obstacles, gaps and draw a comparison between the involved partner countries.
- Drafting national state-of-the-art reports, merged in 1 joint/common state of the art, on an assessment of current situation, identifying synergies and gaps, best practices, etc
These tasks will be highly relevant since COHERENT (including well-targeted learning activities) will be developed in accordance with key findings of the state-of-the-art analysis (main outcome of this activity).
Task 1.1.: analyses of competencies
Extensive analysis of competences related to topics: inclusiveness, solidarity, EU values, democratic life, green and sustainable EU, civic engagement in 10 partner countries to define the gaps, commonalities. Questionnaires will be distributed among youth, youth workers, etc. A list of competences needed will be produced (in accordance with 8 KEY EU Competences) and used as an input of the development of COHERENT trainings/mobility/online capacity building. In this activity, partners will contact relevant target groups, agreed on meetings, where target groups will fill in the questionnaires.
Task 1.2: Best practices
This task covers an in-depth analysis of relevant youth initiatives, projects, decision-making practices, activities in a collaboration with youth in partner countries and identification of best practices regarding youth active citizenship, e.g. non-formal solidarity activities during the “lock-down”, support by decision-makers, the level of youth involvement, etc.
Task 1.3: state-of-the-art report
This task covers a preparation of the state-of-the-art analysis, as a result of a systemic, theoretical and practical elaboration of present conditions to the topics covered within COHERENT in partner countries. Every country will prepare national state-of-the-art reports, consisting of competences and mapping of best practices. Then, they will be merged in one final report.
Objectives and approach
The knowledge hub (KH) will be innovative as such, gathering selected information for enabling youth active citizenship, demonstrating best practices, methods, and guidelines, collaboration with NGOs and decision-makers, ideas, etc. It will be also used as an inspiration for improved participation, solidarity, engagement, cooperation, coming from existing best cases and success stories (WP1). We will try to organise this collection by “sectors” related to youth goals #3, #4, #10, so interested youth, audience, NGOs, decision-makers, other stakeholders, will have facile access to tailored information. We will integrate 3 e-modules for capacity building and e-textbooks into the KH.
Specific objectives of the WP2:
- To develop knowledge hub (KH)
- To gather best practices, methodologies and methods fostering youth.
- 2.1 Knowledge hub
COHERENT knowledge hub (KH) will have a user-friendly structure and will be included in the web site of the project and will be available through open access. A simple registration will be required for users, and this will allow us to monitor the level of use and the impact of the materials and resources.
The following relevant contents about inclusive society, active citizenship, EU values, democratic life, green and sustainable Europe, ideas on how to become more active, how to engage and cooperate, how to make that youth voice is heard, how to set up common/joint projects, capacity building, etc. We will use scientific and “grey” literature, standards and legislation (European and national), books, best practices gathered, case studies and examples, presentations, videos, software, methods, tools and other relevant resources.
The Knowledge HUB will be developed as a separate section on the project webpage. The following activities will be carried out:
- A.2.1.- define the goal that the KH will support and major challenges, what will change
- A.2.2 identify groups needed to achieve the change;
- Design and develop the KH;
- Implement KH (guide participants, document implementation – feed of the KH);
- Measure and report the results (assessment of the impact of the KH in stakeholders, effectiveness across expected results).
Youth, stakeholders and partners will benefit from an innovative and updated Knowledge HUB that will promote an effective and updated transference of knowledge in the target groups within the project duration and after its conclusion.
WORK PACKAGE 3 Transnational capacity building
Objectives and approach
This work package covers the development of the 3 e-modules as well as 3 e-textbook.
The specific objectives of the WP3 are:
- To develop of the online capacity building, its testing and a final version
- To develop e-module: introduction to inclusive societies and youth – how to get engaged
- To develop e-module: information and constructive dialogue
- To develop e-module: introduction to sustainable and green Europe
- To develop accompanying 3 e-textbook for learners so they can better understand the contents, backgrounds, and to deepen the knowledge, understanding.
- T.3.1 comprehends development (outline, integrated within the project website, it will include teaching materials, developed, methodological guidelines, e-textbook), its testing and a final version.
- T.3.2: introduction to “inclusive societies”.
- T.3.3 development of the online module: information and constructive dialogue.
- T.3.4 development of the online module: green and sustainable Europe.
Development of modules include: content development, methods, training materials, training videos.
- T.3.5 e-textbooks as a learning tool for the e-modules, that learners will be able to gain the knowledge, skills and results in the platform. Each e-textbook will consist of 5 chapters: an introduction and 4 chapters of expertise knowledge of the topics covered.
Within this WP3 we will integrate a short-term youth mobility in Slovenia (Month 16).
WORK PACKAGE 4 Youth engagement
Objectives and approach
This work package focuses on the engagement of youth and other target groups. This WP4 will be led by P2.
All relevant target groups types will be covered: youth (when referring to youth, we include 3% migrants, 20% from rural areas, 30 % disadvantage backgrounds), youth workers/trainers, facilitators, NGOs, youth organizations, decision-makers, civil society, etc.
Task 4.1: Stakeholder engagement strategy and coordination.
The following activities will be carried out:
- A4.1.1: Coordinate stakeholder engagement: consultations, database, define strategy, key messages, interviews with youth and stakeholders, youth funding, expression of interests.
T.4.2. workshop #1 (Lithuania, M4). This workshop will gather approx. 80 participants of all target groups and stakeholders types. Multiplier organisations such as national/regional youth associations will play a key role. We will use this workshop as a feed up of our further activities as well as engaging youth and stakeholders.
- 4.3 national “open dialogue session” with decision-makers and youth.
We will carry out series of national sessions. The objectives are:
- To connect and engage youth in future policy initiative
- To validate the policy tool kit by decision-makers and youth
- Engage youth into mobility and capacity building activities
WORK PACKAGE 5 Policy toolkit
Policy toolkit is designed to help the transition in policy-makers, and ensure the adoption by policy makers of the policy toolkit developed.
A policy toolkit will be produced to deliver guidelines with clear recommendations and actions, directed at European, national and regional policy-makers and youth. It will incorporate a guidelines/recommendations on how to strengthen collaboration between youth and decision makers.
T.5.1 Policy toolkit design
It will aim to be limited to 20 pages to make it as widely read as possible.
- This policy tooklit will be developed such as to provide recommendations on how to design decision-making in a collaboration with youth, how to involve other stakeholders
- A dedicated “policy toolkit group”: will be constituted by project partners and voluntary participants, in particular from youth organizations and authorities.
- A roadmap technique will be used to develop short-term policy recommendations aimed at aligning policies and actions to clear long-term goals.
- This group will meet online over the period of the project. The WP4 workshops #1 and national events will be used to collect stakeholder feedback.
- All partners participate and will adopt policy toolkit in national languages (10 languages) for better future employment
WORK PACKAGE 6 Dissemination and communication
This Work Package addresses pathways to reach the desired impact, and specifically the following individual objectives:
- Build and disseminate project results
- Widely promote the project results to relevant stakeholder communities, build and maintain a web-based portal with solutions and best practices
- Extrapolate and exploit the project results to achieve a desired long-term impacts
Task 6.1: Dissemination & Communication (M1 to M18)
Objective: ensure wide diffusion of project results (state-of-the-art, knowledge hub, e-modules integration, mobility, policy tool kit, etc.). Activities:
- A.6.1.1: Dissemination: aims at consolidating project information and results from WPs 1-5 into comprehensive and easy to read news outputs tailored for COHERENT target groups and stakeholders.
- Participation in conferences, workshops, events.
- Publications and communications in relevant international conferences, press releases.
- Dissemination strategy
- Event and publications management plan
- Analysis and impact assessment.
- A.6.1.2: Public communication: detailed communication strategy and action plan.
- A.6.1.3: Publication of project documents.
- A.6.1.4: Final conference in Slovenia (target 100-150 participants)
WORK PACKAGE 7 Management and coordination
The main objective of WP7 is to carry out an effective technical, scientific, legal, financial and administrative co-ordination, establishing the mechanisms and management procedures to that end. The main outcomes of this WP are the following:
- An appropriate governance structure and communication methods
- Project monitoring & risk management
- Effective guidance
- Project Evaluation and Quality Plan, Data Management Plan
Indicative content of the e-textbook “Introduction to inclusive societies”:
- identifying youth job opportunities for disadvantaged groups,
- promoting fundamental rights,
- improving access to social, cultural and recreational services, transition from institutional to community-based services or providing support for physical, economic and social regeneration of deprived communities in urban and rural areas for youth
- integration of youth from outside the EU, promoting solidarity in local environment as well as solidarity among EU countries.
Indicative content of the e-textbook “Introduction to information and constructive dialogue”:
- concern about fake news and hate speech, particularly within the online world regards to youth, their feelings, self-esteem,
- media literacy, critical thinking
- youth counselling and information services can also provide information on careers guidance, studies and scholarships, jobs and training, general health matters, relationships and sexuality, social security benefits, rights of young people, consumer rights, legal advice, European opportunities for young people and youth activities and exchanges.
- Intercultural dialogue in practice
Indicative content of the e-textbook “green and sustainable Europe”:
- Green Deal and policy directives and youth participation
- How youth could influence on improved sustainable consumption
- Youth green activism and changes made
- Green jobs and volunteering
- Circular economy as a tool towards sustainability
E-modules will comprehend 30h (10 h each module) online session, exercises, case studies,… + 30h individual work of participants. Within this WP we will carefully consider and distribute the learning content, didactic methods, prepare material, and identify the key competences gained.
E-modules will be available in all partner languages + English for a better adaptation as well as integration and increased youth capacity building. A testing of the e-modules will be developed and they will be published online in the Knowledge Hub.